Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXIIII

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*Jane* screamed through the alien's sound system

all the five headed aliens were wiggling like crazy

as they neared the Atlantic Ocean

they had to drop off the two bad guys and Jane

another alien mission near completion

not too far from Washington, DC

the three were dropped off via a zip line

Jane was programmed with her instructions

the two bad guys had their instructions as well

they scanned at a convenience store to make their purchases

Jane scanned her right hand .. the two bad guys heads were scanned

since silicone chips with three sixes were inserted into all three of them

the new world order system was in the early stages

yet already twenty three senators and twenty one governors

had been programmed .. everything was a go

Jane headed straight for the Hilton Inn

the two bad guys headed for the Red Roof Inn

the system was well in place .. working nicely, bug free

only a few more senators votes were needed

to pass an important bill pertaining to the upcoming upc mandatory law

the new world order was quickly shaping up

a programmed former president recently purchased a large water aquafier

bio foods had een created .. with mind control serums

the same mind control serums being phased into other foods

drinking water would soon contain mind control serums also

all the political leaders in the world are in it together

as well as leaders of long established religions

a new bill would soon be introduced to congress

stipulating Sunday would become the mandatory religion day

anyone in disagreement would be killed on sight

underground shelters had already been built and paid for

by the elite .. religious leaders .. political leaders .. etc...

the normal man couldn't purchase underground shelter supplies

the government had put a stop to this .. only sell to the government

all the nation's emergency food had ben relocated to top secret sites

Jane received a special invitation to the Governor's Ball for that evening

after she'd checked in at the Hilton .. with her siren beauty

she'd lure a senator away from the ball

unsuspecting .. the senator would be deviously programmed

more votes were needed .. in a hurry

the two bad guys were programmed

to hold another senator's family hostage

until the senator would undoubtedly fly home

to attempt to resolve the emergency issue

he would also be programmed


back in the shower at the hole-in-the-wall motel

Jzzay struck upon an utterly wild idea

dripping wet .. he exited the shower

ran to the truckstop travel plaza to buy some colored stickers

upon returning .. he rushed Harley Bill, Teazzy, and Szzay out of the shower

he dried the shower floor and walls as fast as he could

applied the various shaped color stickers everywhere

set up a board with each different colored sticker

a tequila bottle in the center of the board to spin

Jzzay hollered .. everyone back in the shower .. let's play shower *Twister*

it wasn't long until all four of them were twisted into knots

Harley Bill slipped and fell . hitting his head hard on the stone shower floor

when Harley Bill was carried to bed he was overheard mumbling .. Fiarria ..

Teazzy stayed close by to comfort him and make sure his injury wasn't too bad

Szzay turned Hendrix up .. he was singing .. *there's a red house over yonder*

Copyright @ November 2011

StandingBear                             Part XXIIII

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now