Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XXI

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lights flashing .. ambulance pulled away

Jzzay, Szzay, and Fiarria stood in the dimly lit breezeway

they'd tended to her wounds .. covered her in bandages

Harley Bill roared to a stop .. handed Fiarria her tiny, gold purse

over drinks .. cannabis sativa suggestions came up

to bake some Mary Jane brownies for everyone

the marijuana is high grade thc

buds are all covered with a sticky resin

a two or three day high .. just what the doctor ordered

three quarters of the marijuana brick was used

Szzay and Fiarria removed all the sticks, stems, and seeds

Jzzay and Harley Bill went to the truckstop restaurant's back door

the red headed waitress with the wart on her nose .. smiled

squeezed Harley Bill's ass .. asked him what he needed

with a red face .. HarleyBill related he needed some brownie mix

two boxes of supreme brownie mix later

kissed him on his lips without warning

they arrived back to the room where the girls were waiting

Jzzay joked with HarleyBill about *Big Red*

from behind his back .. he pulled out the brownie mix

Fiarria immediately smooched all over his unshaved face

Jzzay noticed Szzay's eyes were jumping oddly

like an old television set .. on the blink

he realized her anti-alien pills were wearing off again

inside Szzay's unique space purse

Jzzay located her obtuse pill tube

shook out a couple of anti-alien pills

he quickly gave her the anti-alien pills and some water

a few minutes later .. her disturbed eyes seemed to finally calm down

later that day the girls baked marijuana brownies

that smell was everywhere in the air

covering the motel/truckstop area

everyone kept looking all around

trucker's were limping .. crooked

when the brownies were finally done

all four of them had four brownies apiece

three full ounces of high grade marijuana

was inside each one's brownies

a delicious southern pecan coffee topped it off

thirty minutes later .. they were all pleasantly stoned

Harley Bill and Fiarria had gotten up

and were cutting a rug

Jzzay and Szzay joined in

XM Sirius radio was featuring Z Z Top

8sharp dressed man* played in the background

the girls decided to go on a beer run

Harley Bill and Jzzay stood watch in the dark breezeway

they saw the two guys from earlier

and began choking on their beers

after snatching the girls .. the two guys pushed them into a car

flew across the parking lot to the far back .. abandoned area

5 headed aliens were there waiting

Jzzay and HarleyBill caught up with them but they quickly got away

a ufo rushed in taking the two guys, aliens, and Fiarria .. Szzay escaped

Copyright @ August 2011

StandingBear                                                            Part XXI

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now