Mars Delight .. Venus Delicacy Part XVIIII

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we arrived at the Flying J Travel Plaza/Truckstop

sat in a vacant booth at the greasy spoon restaurant

Fiarria bitched up a storm about losing her fancy sandal

a redheaded waitress with a wart on her crooked nose

killed the flying gnats .. then asked for our orders

Harley Bill ordered beer for him and Fiarria

I ordered coffee for myself .. tea for Szzay

we needed something to help the anti-alien pills go down

she gave us two anti-alien pills apiece .. four for herself

Fiarria stopped bitching .. a trucker limped by .. kicked her

Harley Bill smiled and slammed the trucker against the wall

the trucker crumpled to the floor .. crawled to the corner

all of the other customers quickly got up and left

after swallowing the anti-alien pills .. Szzay and I stood up

told Harley Bill we had to go hide the cannabis sativa

agreed to meet later at the hole in the wall motel

heading for the door .. Fiarria was heard fuming again

outside I turned to Szzay .. said christ .. shook my head

I kick started my hog .. patted Szzay's metal leg

she grinned kind of goofy as we made it to Interstate 10

thank goodness *A* Mountain wasn't very far away

we took the secret trail to the underground cave

running over tumbleweeds that were blowing everywhere

made it to the hidden mouth of the cave

behind ancient boulders .. inside I hid twenty two bricks

one brick was returning with us to the rundown motel

all of us needed a good high to steady our nerves

a brick of the cannabis sativa would be perfect

the cool underground stream beckoned

Szzay and I quickly undressed and got in

ah .. the cool, clear water felt great

fired up a big doobie full of seedless buds

began blowing shotguns for Szzay

she in turn .. blew some for me

we lay back .. comfortably numb for a couple of hours

sun started to set

we slowly came out of our foggy trance

awkwardly climbed out of the cool stream

got dressed .. looked all around for aliens

headed back to meet Harley Bill and Fiarria

when we returned .. Fiarria was nowhere to be found

Harley Bill had gotten a room and was sound asleep

Szzay and I searched all over the truckstop to no avail

tired from weaving our way between the lot lizards

and limping truckers .. we decided to get a room

Copyright @ June 2011

StandingBear                                   Part XVIIII

Mars Delight .. Venus DelicacyWhere stories live. Discover now