Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hey, Brandon! Stop!." I yelled trying to grab his arms.

Ross grabbed Jason and stepped him back.

"What's wrong with you?." Riker yelled at Brandon and he looked at me.

"Did he did something to you?." Brandon asked me.

"He just called me princess and he grabbed me by the hips." I told Brandon.

"You are fucking disgusting." Brandon yelled and he just smiled.

"You have to go now, I can sue you." Jason told him.

"I can sue you too, dickhead." Brandon said.

"Please take it easy, don't be like that." I told Brandon because I thought that he was going to kill him.

"I don't understand." Ross said.

"You told me that you talk to them." Brandon said to me.

"I did but I didn't said names." I told him.

"Well, that fucking bastard tried to rape Rosie." Brandon said and all my brothers were really mad, I thought that they will hit him.

"Go now and don't come here ever again." I said and he went away.

"You'll pay for this." He told to Alisson.

"Bitch I know you have something to do with this so go away now." I told Alisson.

"Stupid little bitch." Alisson said and went away.

"I saw your text and I came here as fast as I could." Brandon told me.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"Why didn't you told us?." Rocky askes mw.

"Im sorry, you were to busy calling me slut." I said.

"Shit." Rocky said and I went to my room.

I was nervous because Jason knows where I live, because my brothers know what he tried to do and I am so sad about what happened.

Someone knocked and it was Brandon.

"Hey." I told him with no expression.

"I told them everything, your plan with Bradley, the time Jason drugged you and what happened last time." Brandon told me.

"How did they react?." I asked him.

"They feel horrible because they called you all those names and they weren't with you when you needed it." He told me and I nodded.

"I think I'm going now." Brandon told me.

"No, please stay." I told him.

"It's not a good idea to be in a room alone." Brandon told me.

"I know it's not but my brothers are downstairs so we won't do anything." I told Brandon and when he was walking to the bed, Rydel barged into the room.

"Oh my God, Rosie! I'm so sorry that I wasn't here!." She told me and Brandon went away, damn it.

"It's okay." I told Rydel.

"It's not! Your brothers were telling all those ridiculous things that are not true!." Rydel said giving me a hug.

"It's okay but I really need Brandon, he was the one to save me from Jason so I feel really good with him." I told her.

"But we are your siblings, you'll be okay." Rydel told me.

"My siblings that one of them were I don't know where with her boyfriend and the other ones calling me a slut. I need Brandon." I said and I went to the living room where he was.

"Can we go to your house? I really don't want to be here." I said and he nodded.

"Okay, let's go." Brandon said and we went to his house.

"I mean, what they did to you wasn't okay but they are your siblings, they love you and you love them. You need to speak with them but if you want to sleep here you are welcome here." Brandon told me at his house.

"I'm telling them that I'm sleeping here and yes, I'll talk to them later." I said and he nodded.

I'm staying with Brandon

Come home, Rosie

Good night

It was late and we wanted to go to sleep so we went to his room and I kissed him.

"No Rosie, you can't kiss me at the bed and expect that I'm not doing anything." He told me.

"I'm not expecting that, that's why I kissed you." I told Brandon and he looked at me.

"I can't do this, it will make worse our friendship and the situation of Jason." He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"I need to forget about Jason, Brandon." I told him and he kissed me.

We ended up having sex as usual and in the morning when I woke up he was on his phone.

"Hey, good morning." Brandon told me.

"Good morning." I told him.

"I heard that you got a few messages." He told me and I grabbed my phone.

We need to talk
Come home

I didn't answered.

"I'm going home, I need to talk with my brothers." I said getting ready.

"Sure, good luck." Brandon told me.

"Thanks." I smiled and went to my house.

"I'm here!." I yelled when I got home and they all came running from their rooms.

"I'm going to say how it happened, just listen to me and the questions will be at the end." I said and they sat in the couch.

I told them everything, they didn't asked me anything. It was easy to comprehend.

"We are so sorry that we weren't there for you." Ross told me.

"It's okay, I mean, it's not your fault that Alisson said that and thanks to her you think that way too." I said smiling.

"You know you are not a slut, we know and you know. You deserve all the love in the world." Ryland told me.

"Whenever you need me, I'll be here. I promise." Rydel told me.

"I don't want you to treat me gently because that happened to me, just be normal." I said and Ross nodded and stand up.

"I called Alisson, I'm breaking up with her." Ross said.

"Do it nicely, you don't know that she is crazy." I said and he nodded.

We were hiding hearing the break up and Alisson took it pretty good.

"Fine, either way I love Bradley." She said and went away.

"Are you okay?." I asked Ross.

"Yeah, thanks." Ross smiled at me.

I'm glad that Brandon beat Jason's ass! He deserves that and more.
Hope u like it! Comment what u want and vote pls!

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