Chapter Thirty-three

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When I shared that video I got a lot of positive messages, including Brad and Brandon.

Brad came to the house when Luke was here.

"Do you want me to pass by later?." Brad asked when he saw Luke.

"It's okay, come in." Luke said from the couch and he smiled.

It looked like Brad and Luke are now like best friends, they were talking all the time.

But I am glad that they are friends.

Later Brad talked to me non-stop, I really love his friendship, we kissed a couple of times and I don't think that Luke knows that but I'll tell him.

A couple hours later Brad went away.

"He is super cool, I like him." Luke told me smiling.

"We kissed a couple of times and we make out." I said to Luke and his smile faded.

"What? When?." Luke asked looking at my eyes.

"Long time ago, we kissed when I was at school and we made out with the thing of Ross and Alisson." I said and he sighed.

"Okay, I thought that you cheated on me with Bradley." He said.

"Oh no, I've been cheated so I'm never putting someone through the pain that I went when he did that." I said and he nodded.

"Who cheated? And are your feelings for Bradley are gone?." He asked.

"Brandon and yeah, when I started dating Brandon I was over Brad. We weren't a couple, we just... kissed." I said and he nodded again.

"Okay, so I guess it's okay. Thanks for being honest with me and I didn't know that Brandon cheated on you!." He said and I laughed.

"Well, let me tell you the story." I said and he was paying a lot of attention.

"That's awful, don't you dare to think that I will ever cheat on you." Luke told me.

"I know that you love me but that's all I know, I can't know if in the future you'll be 'drunk' and you will kiss a girl." I said and he sighed.

"You are crazy. I mean yeah, I used to be a player but I stopped that when I met you and I started falling. I'm not the type who cheats." Luke said and I kissed him.

Someone knocked the door and I thought that it was Brandon so I went to the door. Alisson. She never gives up.

"It's been months! You are obsessed with this family, go away!." I said and I knew that she will try to hit me but she couldn't because I move away.

"Your brother called me." Alisson said. Luke was right behind me.

"No he didn't, he forgot about you." I said. She is crazy.

"Actually, I did." Ross said at the stairs.

"What?." I asked him and she went with him.

"Bro, what the." Luke said behind me and they went to his room I guess.

"Do you want to go to my house?." Luke asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I can't be here." I said mad. All the car ride I was saying to Luke about how much I hate Alisson.

"I mean, she knew about what Jason did to me!." I said and Luke looked at my eyes and grabbed my hand.

"It's okay, you are here with me and later you will talk to Ross." Luke told mr and I nodded.

We stayed in his house with the boys talking and laughing and all that stuff.

Pls come here

"I guess that I'm going now, Ross texted me." I said smiling.

"I'll drive you." Luke said and I nodded.

He dropped me at my house.

"If you need anything just call me and I'll help you and remember, don't yell, take it easy." He told me and I kissed him. He is perfect.

"Bye, love you, text me when you get home." I said.

"Love you." Luke told me and I went to the house.

"I'm here!." I said when I closed the door and Ross immediately came to me.

"Don't get mad." He told me.

"Just tell me why." I said as I sat down in the couch.

"I wanted to know if she knew something about what Jason did to you and she did knew. I just needed to know that. Then we argue a lot and there were a couple kisses but I told her to leave because of what she did." Ross said.

"I told you that she knew, why you didn't believe me?." I asked him.

"At first it wasn't if I believe you or not, I was mad. Later, I couldn't think that she hit you or that she knew about that thing, with me she was so cute so I asked her because I couldn't sleep without knowing." Ross told me.

"It's okay, I believe you." I said and he smiled.

"I'm sorry that you had to looked at her in the house again." He told me.

"Don't worry, I get it." I told him and he hugged me.

"How is Luke treating you?." He asked changing the subject.

"I'm falling really hard. He is perfect. I love him so much." I told Ross.

"Look at you, in love of my friend. He will still be my friend if he hurts you but I promise that I'll hit him. If he makes you cry, I'll punch him." Ross told me.

"Your hands are not touching his perfect face." I told him and he laughed.

The next day I wanted to go to Luke's so I went in the morning, Ashton opened the door and when I got to Luke's room it smelled a lot like a cigarette? I guess.

I looked for him and he was on his balcony smoking. What the hell? Why I didn't know this?

"What's this?." I asked him and he turned off his cigarette.

"Hey, I didn't know that you were here." He said surprised.

"Since when do you smoke?." I asked him and he sighed.

"Like a month or maybe two." I literally want to hit him but I'm trying to be calm.

"How many do you smoke per day?." I asked him and he sighed again.

"The whole pack or something like that." He said and I stood there in shock.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?." I asked yelling. I couldn't stay calmed.

"You are overreacting." Luke said to me and I was about to cry.

"I'm not Luke! You are dumb! What the hell! And I didn't even know!." I said and he looked at my eyes.

"I didn't think it was a big deal." Luke said.

Oh God. I'm about to punch him.

Please stay safe!!
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