Chapter Fifty-seven

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"At what age did you had sex?." Luke asked me.

"When we met, you told me that I was the second one." He told me and he knew he fucked up.

"When you met?." Rocky asked us.

"Uhm, Luke, at my 18 years old." I said and he smiled.

"You are 18, right?." Luke asked me and I nodded.

"Ow! So cute, little and innocent." He told me.

"You are only three years older, it's not like you are a grown man." I told him and he laughed.

My brothers, Luke and I stayed talking all the night.

They were drinking but they didn't let me drink because with one beer I am drunk.

We didn't noticed and it was late. 2:00am.

"You are staying, right? It's late and you drink." I said. Since I got into the car crash, I get really sensitive and paranoid when someone I care about is driving super late and drinking!

"No, it's fine. I'm going home." Luke told me and I froze.

"I mean it, stay here. It's late and you drank beer." I said and he got up and went to the door so I started crying. Only a few tears, I wasn't dying.

"Luke please, stay with me." I said and he saw me crying and sighed.

"Okay, I'll stay here." Luke said.

"Thank you." I told him.

The boys went to sleep and Luke and I went to my room.

Hey Ash
Luke is staying for the night
Just fyi
Good night💓💓

Thanks for telling me!
Good night to both of you

We went to bed and we were almost falling asleep, at least I was but Luke talked to me.

"Why did you cried? Why do you want me to stay here?." Luke asked out of nowhere.

"I can't let you go and drive when you just drank beer, plus, it's late! A guy drunk could hit your car and you'll be in a car crash and I don't want that." I told Luke and he nodded.

"Oh I get it. It's because of your car crash." He told me and I nodded.

"Yeah, it is." I said.

"Well, let's go to sleep now because it's almost 2:30am." He told me and we fall asleep so quickly.

When I woke up, Luke was in my bed on his phone.

"Good morning." He told me and I smiled at him. To sleepy to talk.

"Your brothers are downstairs making waffles and they did waffles to us. Let's go." He told me and I got up but I felt dizzy. I think that it's because I got up fast.

I instantly threw myself to bed so Luke was confused.

"What happened? You okay?." He asked me.

"Yeah, I felt a little dizzy but I am okay." I said and he waited for me and we went downstairs.

"Morning! Made you waffles!." Ry told me excited.

"Thank you, Ry." I told him smiling.

We all had breakfast together and I felt really good.

"Now that we are all in here eating, I have some news." Ry told everyone.

"What's up?." Ross asked.

"I'm dating a girl, her name is Rebecca." Ry told us and the guys started to cheer him.

I just hope he is good for my brother.

A couple minutes later, Ry's phone was ringing and I was closer to it.

"Please answer and put it in speaker." Ry told me and I did it.

"Hello." I said.

"Who the fuck are you? Fucking bitch." The girl from the phone told me and I just stood up there.

Ry ran to me to grab the phone and talked to his girl.

"I'm sorry but I don't like her." I said to my brothers and Luke.

"You don't even know her! Give her some time." Ross told me and I shrugged.

Now I was mad. So the rest of the breakfast I wasn't that happy.

"I'm sorry for that, Rosie." Ry told me getting back to his seat.

I smiled at him, obviously a fake smile and I finished so I washed my plate and wait for Luke at my room.

A couple minutes later, Luke came to me.

"Hey... Ryland feels bad for the whole thing." Luke told me cuddling me.

"Okay." I told Luke.

Hours later, Luke invited me to his house because he wanted to take a shower.

When I was going out, Luke was already at the car and a girl came to me, I'm guessing Rebecca.

"Who are you? Why are you going out of this house?." She asked me and Luke was hearing and seeing everything.

"The question here is, who are you?." I asked and she sighed.

"Ryland's girlfriend, why sweetheart?." She told me and I laughed at her.

"Your nasty ass is not getting close to Ryland, do you hear me? Don't ever come here again." She told me.

"Fuck you." I told her and went with Luke.

"What's wrong with her?." Luke asked me in the car.

"She is crazy." I replied and we got to his house.

While he was in the shower, I stayed talking with the boys.

It's getting late
Come here
Plus, you need to meet a girl


"Luke, I gotta go. Bye baby and bye guys!." I told everyone and I went to my house.

I was excited to see Rebecca's face when she sees me in MY house.

I barely got in and she went running with me.

"Stay out of this house you bitch!." She said grabbing me by my hair so I yelled because it hurted.

The boys came to see and they stopped her.

"Ryland. Don't be near this fucking bitch! I'm sure she's the one who cleans your house and she wants to have sex with you! Don't talk to her! Fire her!." Rebecca told Ryland but everyone was listening.

"What the-?." Ry told Rebecca and he looked at me.

"Does your head hurt? Are you okay?." Ry asked me and I nodded.

"I'm fine, she couldn't do anything." I said looking at her and she punched me really hard on my face.

Oh God.

Stay safe!:)

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