Chapter Fifty-four

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I got there and I saw the broken door and I started to panic.

Luke was in the balcony smoking, I saw an empty pack on his bed and he was smoking.

I opened the door of the balcony and he looked at me and hugged me.

"Can you throw away your cigarette?." I asked him and he threw it away and hugged me again, I hugged him too and I started to cry.

"Everything will be okay, Rosie. I think Jason already learned the lesson." He said and I nodded. I don't think so but I don't want to fight right now.

"Let me see your knuckles." I told him and he showed them to me.

"Luke! Does it hurt?." I asked and he smiled at me.

"A little but it's nothing." He told me and we went to his bed and he tried to hide the pack of cigarettes.

"I already saw them, Luke. Please don't smoke." I told him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I was stressed and you didn't answered my calls and messages." He told me.

"I'm sorry, I was at the police station and then I wanted to be alone and cry by myself." I told him and he nodded.

"I know but I just thought the worse and I started to smoke." Luke told me and I nodded.

"Sorry, Luke." I said and he smiled.

"Don't be sorry... Rosie, is there any way that you can think of something else? What can we do?." Luke asked me.

"Sex." I told him and he was confused.

"Wait what?." He asked me smiling.

"I don't want to think of Jason with me at bed, I want to think of you with me at bed so let's do it." I said and he nodded.

"Alright then." He said.

"Wait, what about Ashton?." I asked and he yelled from the hall.

"Ashton! Can you please go away?! We are going to get a little busy up here! Wha- Oh shit! Fuck." I heard Luke said and he got in the room smiling and his face was red.

"What happened?." I asked him.

"Ross and Riker are here and they heard me." He said and I smiled but got embarrassed too.

I went downstairs and they saw us really bad.

"Luke, what the fuck were you saying?." Ross told him and I smiled.

"Forget it, Ross. Don't say anything to him." I told him and he sighed.

"What are you doing here?." I asked to both of them.

"Just talking to Ashton about the things that happened." Riker told me.

"Everything's okay. I already told the police." I said and they all nodded.

"We are going to put cameras and an alarm in the house." Ashton said and I smiled.

"Great idea." I told him and he smiled at me.

"We'll also put the alarm in the house." Ross told me and I nodded.

"Thank you." I told them smiling.

Luke hugged me from behind and Riker and Ross looked at us but Luke didn't let me go.

"So, why were you telling Ashton to go away?." Riker asked us.

"We... We were kidding." I said smiking and they rolled their eyes.

"We are going in 10 minutes. Go for your things upstairs and then we are going." They told me and I nodded and went upstairs with Luke.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom and do a make out session there?." Luke asked me smirking.

"We have 10 minutes." I said.

"That's the point." Luke told me and we got into the bathroom.

We kissed and he was shirtless and I was shirtless too, I was in my bra. We were kissing and we were too excited because it's been a long time, at least for me. He gave me hickeys and I gave him hickeys.

"Rosie!." I heard that Ross yelled.

"Yeah! Coming!." I yelled back.

"Time is over." I told Luke and I saw myself in the mirror to see where the hickeys were and crap, they were visible.

Ross yelled my name again so we went running downstairs and they all kept looking at us.

"What?." I asked.

"Luke, put on your damn shirt." Ash said and I looked at him and he was putting his shirt on but his hickeys were there.

"And uhm, you forgot to clean your whole fucking face." Riker told us.

"Let's go now." Ross told me.

"Bye babe." I told him and I kissed him and we went away.

In the car they were talking about me and Luke.

"And you didn't care and you did it with us in the same house!." Ross told me.

"We didn't do anyhting! Just kisses and that's all!." I said and when we got home, I forgot to put my hair in my neck again so when Rocky opened the door for us, he saw to my neck directly.

"What are you looking at?." Riker asked Rocky.

"Nothing." I said putting my hair in my neck again.

"You have like 4! And that's the only ones I can see!." Rocky told me and I sighed.

"Damn, you guys need to chill." Ryland told me. I was so embarrassed.

"Yeah, Rosie. He is bigger than you, he is more experienced in those things, don't let him do things you don't want to." Ross told me.

"How can I explain that I did wanted that?." I said and they all stayed quiet.

"Yeah, but I already said that we didn't do anything! Just kisses and hickeys! That's all!." I said and they nodded.

I'm not sure they believed me but they should because it's the truth.

I understand that they are looking out for me and I really appreciate that but come on, I'm 18 and I'm a teenager, I do stupid things!

"In like 30 minutes they are coming to put the alarm at the house." Ross told me and I nodded.

I am happy that Jason knows that if he gets close to me, he'll be in jail. So he won't do that, I guess.

Some guys came from the alarm and they went away like an hour later.

"We love you, you know that right?." Rocky asked me out of nowhere.

"Yeah and I love you too." I said and they nodded.

We can be mad at each other for days, weeks or months but we love each other. They are my ride or die.

Stay safe! :)

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