Chapter 1: How am I going to survive?

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     Get good grades, get to college and become a writer. Those have always been my hopes and dreams. They have been my goal since I even hit high school. Ive been doing great at it too, and here I am beginning my senior year.

  "I've almost made it." I whisper to my reflection in the mirror as I pin back a few strands of hair with my bobby pins.

  "Danielle hurry or your going to be late for school!" My mom was just as excited to kick me out of the house as I was leaving.

Heading down the stairs I grabbed my jacket quickly and headed out the door telling my mom bye and getting stopped by my dad.

  "Not going to say anything to me?", He grabbed me roughly by the arm and held me tightly so I couldnt get away. I could still smell the alcohol on his breath from the night before and I cringed away mumbling something about how I was going to be late and scurried off.

Once I got into the car I took a few anxious breaths and closed my eyes calming myself down. Yes, my dad was a really bad drunk, and very abusive. But I couldnt think about that right now because if I didnt get to the school and meet up with Chelsea she would kill me.

Pulling into the the parking lot I rushed up to the door running into someone. I went to apologize once I looked up and stopped. Ohh... no. He was wearing a black and gray New York hat, tattoos on his arms revealed from his pulled up sleeves of his black hoodie as he turned around. His black skin was light, and his light brown eyes looked down at me. I couldnt help but notice the blue bandanna in his back pocket and mentally kicked myself in the gut.

"Hey lil mama you okay?" I nodded and went to side step him when he countered my move and stood in front of me a smile playing on his lips. "What's wrong why dont you come hang with us? We dont bite...unless you want us to of course." He winked at me and I looked at him completely taken aback and then gathered all my strength and stood straighter.

" I dont hang out with thugs like you that are in gangs." I snapped and then walked away. But not before hearing him laugh to himself and make his last comment.

"Oh how I like watching you walk away." I grit my teeth and willed myself to keep walking as I moved my bag to cover my ass as I walked. I heard him and his buddies laugh as I did this and it pissed me off more. This was NOT how I was supposed to start my first day. Shaking my head I continued till I got downstairs to the cafeteria and found Chelsea reading a book and picking at a muffin all alone. I grinned and ran over to her tackling her to the floor and ignoring all the weird looks we got.

"Hey beautiful!!!!" Seeing her always made my day better so I was soaking it up best I could to make my day rid of what happened earlier. 

"Could you get any weirder", she grumbled while holding back a smile as she fixed her dress and adjusted her heels. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her fixing my own clothes. I had decided to wear a light brown simple soft sweater, black leggings, dark brown boots and a dark brown scarf. 

"So what's up with you and Billy?", I asked trying to catch her attention from her book. Which it worked because she emmidiately put her book down and started a rant.

"Oh my god! I forgot to tell you! We went out the other night and stopped at Starbucks and he actually remembered my favorite from there! He's so great." That was literally all I heard because after that I had noticed the guy from earlier and his crew with him coming down the stairs and I groaned.

"Just great", I mumbled to myself.

"Whats wrong?", Chelsea flipped back her blonde hair and looked at me.

"Huh?" I turned my attention back to her and she snorted rolling her eyes.

"You said just great? Why?"

"Oh... well because see that guy over there standing in the far left? I ran into him this morning.." I trailed off as she searched the cafe and I waited for her answer as her eyes stopped.

"Oh Eric!  He's such a hottie why dont you go talk to him?" I facepalmed,  yes literally.  Then I looked up and frustration took over.

"The VERY BACK RIGHT CORNER CHELSEA!", I yelled.. really loud.  everyone looked over at us, including mr thug boy and his buddies. She caught on and realization must have sunk in because her eyes widened and she looked back at me fast.

"Jason Penita?!?!? You ran into him! He's a thug,  a thug with a record!!!" She whisper/yelled at me causing me to looked at her and smirk.

"I find it funny that you know him and the fact that he's got a record.  I mean where do you honestly find out half the stuff you do?", to which she just shrugged and smiled opening her mouth to say something but clamping it shut and widening her eyes as a shadow came over me.

"Uhm... Dani..", she cut herself of and I laughed.

"What's your prob-

"Why hello Dani. How about you become my ride or die?" I heard laughter from the familiar group and I saw the same blue bandanna from earlier.

"Oh no thats rude.. you cant call me by name when I dont know yours.." I stood up looking at him as I smiled super sweetly with my hands on my hips.

"Ah, boo the names Jason.", he smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist to which I shoved him back roughly causing Chelsea to gasp and take everyone by surprise by my sudden outburst.

"Well let me tell you something Jason", I hissed through gritted teeth.  "Stay the hell away from me, I made it clear once, I'll say it again. I dont mess with thugs. Clear?"

At first he looked pissed as hell as he looked at me and then moved back more allowing me to walk off along with Chelsea following me. He let me get to the stairs before he called after me.

"I still love the way that ass looks as you walk away!", he called and then winked as I glared at him. "Oh and princess?  You made it clear you dont hang with thugs. Right now. But you will. Just wait." And with that he took a seat at the table me and Chelsea was just at moment before.


"Dont" , I cut her off and walked up stairs getting as much distance as possible from Jason Penita.  Just when I thought this year was going to be great... he ruined it. This is going to be a long year, and how am I going to survive it?

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