Losing: myself, my best friend, and my sanity

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Reader note: I'm really sorry. Things have been really messed up lately is why I haven't been loading and I've been working hard on my classes smh. But here we are (:

-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-Danielles P.O.V.-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-

I tried to stop my tremers and relax but that just wasn't happening. I looked down at my hands and noticed the blood on them. I started rubbing my hands on my pants and became hysterical rubbing my hands raw to get it off.

"Dani stop!" I looked up at Shonelle who was sitting next to me in the waiting room. I burst back into tears and she pulled me to her hugging me. "Its okay, its going to be okay I promise." I pulled away and grit my teeth. I hated being told that, there was no way to know for sure. I stood up robotically and headed for the bathroom. Once I checked to be sure that I was alone I  curled up into the biggest stall and cried as hard as I could. My chest felt like I was being suffocated and my breaths were becoming more shallow. It should have been me that got stabbed, not her. I couldn't lose my best friend not through everything. I looked at my wrist with the many scars I had. I then pulled out my razor that I always kept and closed my eyes as I slit my wrist. Not too deep, but deep enough to feel the bite of the metal and the rush of my blood. I watched my wrist until the bleeding stopped and felt an odd peace for a split second, then it was over. I was back to my wrecked up world and I was still losing my best friend. I closed my eyes and let more tears come before I finally got up and washed the blood and pulled down my sleeve. I went to sit in my chair when I saw familiar dark hair and a leather jacket. Kaithan was talking to Shonelle with his back to me. I couldn't hear the conversation but by the gestures it was an argument.

"If your talking about me at least fill me in." I smiled weakly at both of their startled faces.

"No Dani we wasn't talking about you. At least not really. But its getting late, we won't find out anything tonight. How about we go home." Shonelle went to reach out to me and I jerked away looking up to Kaithan whom wouldn't even look my way. I glared back at her and shook my head.

"I'm not going anywhere till I know she's okay. If I'm here all night and morning then that's what's going to happen. Its already almost 3 so why not stay the rest of the time. What if she gets stabilized and wakes up and we aren't here? We have to be here!" My voice started raising and Kaithan walked to me pulling me against his chest. I buried my face there and started crying again finding comfort yet again in him where I shouldn't be.

"You need to tell her Shonelle." I looked back up to see he was giving her a hard look.

"Tell me what.." I could barely get my voice to stop breaking. Shonelle wouldn't meet my gaze as she spoke.

"They got her stabilized, she's okay. But the problem is she's not waking up. She's in a coma D.." My whole world shattered in that spit moment of time. My life was over. All those years of friendship was gone.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-ONE HOUR LATER-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

"D...You should try to eat something. You have just stayed glued to the couch." Shonelle looked over at me solemnly and then looked up to Kaithan.

"Dani...." He sat down next to me and I  looked at him with so much emotion welling inside me. He cleared his throat and tried again. "I have to get going.. You okay to stay here?" I looked away to hold back tears. Of course he had to go back home to Emily. He belonged to her not me.. I failed and let a few tears fall to which he seen. He pulled me close to him and I pushed him back.

"Just go.. I shouldn't have let you close. You have Emily waiting on you.." I looked down and he lifted my chin.

"Dani.. Look at me.. Emily doesn't live with me, the topic hasn't even come up. And if you don't feel comfortable here you can come with me, only if you want to though. Okay?" I nodded and Shonelle stepped in shaking her head as she pulled me into the kitchen.

"You leaving with him is NOT a good idea. You should just stay here with me. What if Jason find out or tries to come see you and your not here and I have to tell him? He's gonna flip. And plus your hurting right now, you need to be with friends.. Not him." She jabbed her finger in his direction through the wall and I rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms.

"Jason is a saint now? Bull shit. Kaithan is my friend. My best one at that. He besides Chelsea knows me better than anyone. He's a lot of things but I mean honestly I can fucking handle myself. If Jason comes, tell him the truth." And with her looking at me shocked I walked out with Kaithan. Once in the car he looked over at me and brushed his finger tips against my cheek.

"I miss doing that.." He smiled bitterly and started driving toward his house. I looked at him confused and then shook my head listening to music till we got to his house. I nuged him as I was singing and he smiled at me nuging me back. We played this game all the way to his house and I laughed poking his nose then dashing out of the car. I looked over my shoulder thinking I got away safely but then crashed into something hard. Looking up I blushed and backed up. I looked down and mumbled an I'm sorry as he started laughing.

"Watch where your going, now come eat so you can sleep." I nodded and went in. He made me some stir fry and a cup of ice water. I chewed my lip trying not to grin. He knew me so well.. I ate feeling how hungry I was and suddenly exhausted from staying up all night. I looked at my phone to see it was 6 am and yawned putting my dishes away and laying on the couch. It felt amazing to be able to sleep now.. To get away from this world even for a little while.. I barely noticed that he had came back with a blanket and covered me up then proceeded to sit at my feet and stay with me. I tried to stay up long enough to talk to him, even for a bit but the sleep pulled me under. I would have to asked him in the morning..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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