Chapter Two: Unlikely Coincidence

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-jason's pov- (doing this every other chapter I think.)

"Jason, get your fucking ass up", and with that I was kicked out of bed. Again.

"Im getting up Tyrone im getting up!", grumbling about how this blows balls and how school sucks the life out of people I got up and headed to the bathroom when I heard a voice from downstairs.

"Actually stay in school the whole day this time. No leaving after first period and coming here to get high and start drinking, your still in school little brother and in with the Crips or not your going to damn school.", and with that the voice went silent. I sighed with frustration and slammed the bathroom door behind me.

~30 minutes later~

"Im leaving for school, im meeting the guys up at the school Tyrone, I'll be home after school."

"Just a minute Jason. Speaking of the guys... I know you've been starting to go more hardcore lately in the past year since mom died and I just.. you need to get your shit together man. Mom wouldn't have wanted to see you this way. You know she always wanted you o-"

"They are like family to me, they know me. They are my brothers , which is good because at least I have brothers that look out for me unlike you", and with the I left him looking at me with shock and I took off headed to school.

Thanks to Tyrone I had to ride the bus today since he had me so pissed I forgot my car keys and I refused to have another talk with him till I got out, hell even then I'll probably not come home tonight. As I got on the bus and looked around a couple of my guys was sitting in the very back being loud as hell even in the early morning. I smiled to myself as I headed for the back and sat down.

"Damn dude why you here? Tyrone become a dick again.", I scoffed and shook my head.

"Nope, being soft as usual. Giving me a speech again like he normally does. I dont give a fuck im 18 I'll do what I want. So what he had to bail me out. I was there when he almost died fron getting his ass kicked. Im not going to be like him.", once I said the last word it grew quiet. I watched out the window as the bus filled more up. Then suddenly something happened that made a smirk come to my face.

The little miss princess was getting on the bus today, and unlucky for her, the only seat left was next to me. She noticed it too and she just stared at me, probably debating on whether or not to get on. She slowly walked back to me and as she walked whistles was let out. Then one of my guys smacked her ass and I swear to god she looked like she was gonna loose it right then and there. But she bit her bottom lip hard and slammed into the seat with me looking forward with her hands on the seat in front of us.

"Hey there sexy", I whispered huskily in her ear", which wasn't a lie, she looked damn good - even for a prep. She had her hair down showing off her natural curls of her light brown hair. She had on a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt on and black jeans. She didnt look preppy today, she looked hot.

"Dont call me that, and stop looking at me like that!", she snapped causing me to come to my senses.

"Awe, what's the matter baby, dont like the attention? You shouldn't dress so hot.", I smirked as I seen her face grow tight and her grip the seat even more. She ducked her head down and I touched her thigh. Bad move.

"Don't touch me!", she yelled. She didnt sound angry, she sounded panicked. I looked up at the people now staring and waved them on to turn around and moved my hand quickly.

"Damn girl what the hell is wrong with you, why are you acting like a crazy bitch for? I'm not going to hurt you." She flinched at every word and I noticed she wouldn't look at me. I shrugged my shoulders and moved away from her looking back out the window. She was weird. Really weird.

Once the bus stopped she got up fast as hell and a couple of the guys was laughing and talking.

" I swear man she would be so good in bed, tight too.", Tyler licked his lips as he watched her walk.

"I bet she hasn't even slept with a nigga, and bet she'd love it." Derek chimed in.

"Or she's really good at head, imagine those perky lips arou-"

"Shut the fuck up", I caught everyone off guard, including myself. Why did I say that? I shook my head. "She's preppy you obviously dont know enough. Preps suck in bed, I would know." And with that I got them laughing as we got off the bus.

As we walked up one of the girls that I use to fuck walked by and noticed me back tracking. She was in with us too, which honestly I hate myself for even going there with her. Now I'm stuck with her because of the gang.

"Hey boo, how you been", Kristin cooed as she swayed her hips against mine.

"Go away Kristin" , I said frankly annoyed. I was far from interested in her anymore, she was a cheap thot and most of the girls at this school were. Preps, thugs, and all of the above.

"Oh you know you want this.. remember how we use to fuck?", I shoved her roughly out of my way and rolled my eyes. Kristin had done been with every one in the gang. Literally. I honestly wasn't about to go down the path with her anymore, I wasn't in the mood.

As she finally got the hint right now, I took off into the school as I pulled out my schedule.

1st period - Medical Terminology

2nd period - English 12

3rd period- Trigonometry

4th period- Credit recovery


5th period- Spanish

6th period- Economics

7th period - Home room

8th period- Literature

I skimmed my schedule quickly and decided to just head to my locker. Once I got up the stairs and opened my locker I felt a presence by me but ignored it. The girl smelled nice standing so close to me getting into her locker. Once I put my stuff stuff away, grabbed my book, and closed my locker door. I came to a wonderful surprise, Little miss Dani had the locker next to mine. I found this oddly funny. She looked up and instantly went pale.

"Calm down, calm down I'm not going to say anything stupid." , I tried to smoke andflash her a friendly smile. But she looked at me in disgust.

"As if I trust that coming from you. Your a thug. And I've learned not to trust thugs. And with good reason too." She turned and put her hand on her hip looking at me fully. It was then that I noticed the cut on her lip and eye. They were small and barley noticeable.

"What happened? ", I whispered quietly reaching for her face. To which she pulled away quickly and blushed.

"Nothing", she said briskly then scurried off to class. I watched her walk away and shook my head. That girl was seriously weird as hell.

I smiled as I headed to class. First the bus, now our lockers. This was great. She was so easy to mess with. She stood up to me, which not many girls did. These things kept becoming more and more frequent, our run ins. Who knew a thug and a prep would have them so frequently?

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