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   Jasons P.O.V

I had just pulled Danielle's car into my drive way and was sitting thinking about how the night went when there was a knock at the window. I looked up to see it was strangely enough, Kai. I got out and leaned against the back door looking at him with my arms crossed.

"What the hell do you want Rains. If I was you I would just leave town while I still could." He was tense, and looked pissed as hell. Good, because with what D had told me about what he did to her I was too. For some reason I felt the need to protect her. 

"Stay the hell away from Danielle. I wont tell you again. She doesnt need to be corrupted by thugs like you." I leaned my head back and literally busted out laughing. 

"Nah bro. YOU stay away from her. She told me all you put her through, and you still think I am the threat? I would never hurt her like you did, I am completely aware of what kind of girl she is. She doesnt need drug into gangs, fighting, drugs, and drama. I am gonna make sure she stays protected. Starting with you, dont you ever go near D ever again." He shot me a glare. 

"I did what I had to do to protect her, not all of us have family to keep us out of the streets. I got in bad with shit and I had to get out and keep her away from it. I know what the fuck I did to her, but I cant take it back all I can do is make up for it." He crossed his own arms and took a deep breath. "Whether you believe me or not is no concern to me, all I care about is her. Now do her a favor and stay away." With that he turned away and got in his jeep. But I was gonna be damned if he got the last word.

"We will see who she wants around native!" I was pissed he got the better of me this time. I hated his guts, he just got back and I already was signing him off. I had heard word about him on the streets, but I never ever really known him- till now. 

I walked inside and headed upstairs to bed as I shook my head at the scene before. Who the hell was he to come around and lay claims to her? Wait, claims? I honestly shouldnt care about what goes on with that girl, but... I did. I honestly didnt know why I did but I did. She seemed different... and something about her made me want to be closer to her, protect her. Falling asleep, she was the last thing on my mind.

------THE NEXT MORNING------

"Jason I am really fucking tired of this, get the fuck up or I'm pouring water on you.", it was my loving brother, Tyrone. I rolled over and threw the closest thing to me at him.

"I'm fucking up!" I rolled back over and closed my eyes falling back asleep when I got a text. Groaning, I looked at who could possibly be texting, thinking it was one of the guys. 

D: J, I need you here.. please hurry to the school asap.

I sat up fast and frowned at the phone then called her, fuck texting. She answered on the third ring. "J, did you get my text?"

"Yeah, it's why I'm calling, whats wrong?" I started getting dressed pulling on dark denim jeans and a plain black shirt that clung to my muscles. 

"Its Kaithan, he's here, I seem him by the door of the school.. I know it seems silly but I think he might be waiting for me, to talk to me or something." I thought back to our conversation from the night before and then remembered that she had been wasted. 

"D boo... Why the hell are you even up, HOW did you get up for school? I would think you would have been hung over." She laughed a bit on the phone, she seemed annoyed but still a laugh. 

"I am, thats the problem. I was late getting up, I forgot my medicine and now my anxiety is kicking in. I have a headache from hell, so please J." I cracked a smile at her begging me to come. I told her that she would end up hanging with a thug but decided not to push it, I'd bring it up later though.

"I'm on my way now boo." I hung up from her and grabbed my black hat off my table and went outside to her....oh shit. I had forgotten I still had her damn car. That means she must have rode the bus or something. I got in and rushed to the school. Once I pulled into the parking lot I was met by a anxiety filled, hung over, pissed looking Danielle. 

"Why thank you for finally showing up with MY car. I would have thought you would have let me know when you were bringing it to me. I got a ride with Chels so dont even worry about it." She put her hands on her hips and glared at me. She had her hair in a sloppy bun, she was wearing plain skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with some kind of writing on it, and a purple jacket. she looked comfortable yet...cute. 

"Sorry I really am D I just.. I didnt go to bed till late and... Look at least I came! I didnt even plan to come today!" I threw my hands up and sighed. She seemed to sofen a bit at that and bit her lip speaking quietly.

"Well... Thank you.." She started walking slowly, a cue that she wanted me to tag along. I walked in step with her and bumped her shoulder winning an award winning smile from her. 

"So if he messed with you I can kick his ass right?" Her smile faded and I sigh understanding. "Fine fine I wont, I will just use my words then." Kai was still there, arguing with on of my guys actually, when we walked up to the doors. 

"Like I fucking said you're a fucking street rat!", Kai screamed. Daunte was standing toe to toe with Kai, his fists clenched. I ran up between them and pushed Daunte out of the way.

"Leave him the fuck alone your issue is with me Kai, not my guys." I stood in between Daunte and Kai with my arms crossed. Kai had noticed Danielle walked up with me and glared. 

"I told you to leave her alone." He took a step toward her and I mimicked his move standing now between him and her, blocking his path. 

"I dont think so native trash, like I told you last night, we would see who she wants around. Danielle texted me and told me to come because she didnt want to deal with your pathetic ass." A flash of hurt came acrossed his face as he looked at her past me and she looked away trying to explain

"I didnt say it like that I just-" She stopped when she saw the glare he was giving her.

"Your just going to be another worthless slut to him, I hope you know that Dani. You dont mean anything to him and you're too stupid to realize it." I seen her flinch and tears prick her eyes as I looked at her. She literally shrunk back, she looked more like a fagile child. Turning back I took a step toward him.

"Listen here you worthless native piece of shit, I do care about her. If I viewed her like a slut I would have fucked her when I had the chance, or at least tried. But I didnt. I let her cry, rant and rave over YOU. You think I like seeing her like that? You think I like her having to have a anxiety attack and be scared to come to school alone because of you? No. You fucked another girl the day before you left, but you couldnt even tell Danielle you were leaving yourself. So if I was you, I wouldn't be hounding her and treating her like shit when your the one that fucked up, not her." I looked around at everyone who had been watching me and I seen a few of the guys give me a knowing look, one of the girls that hung with my friend Daunte, Shonelle, looked between me and D. I finally looked at Kai who seemed pissed as hell by what I said. 

"You really don't know me, you dont even know Dani, and you sure as hell don't know our history well enough. Just know you dont want to be caught in the middle if I was you. She still loves me, I know she does. I still love her too. A love we had just doesnt go away Penita. So back the fuck off." He turned as soon as he said that and then turned back, speaking directly to Danielle. "Dani.. I am and always have been in love with you. I wanted to explain everything to you... I still do if you want to talk." He walked into the school leaving everyone looking at a Danielle who seemed to look like she was going to fall apart. 

"D... Do you-" She closed her eyes and started shaking as I turned and Shonelle cut me off. 

"Uh, Jason I'll walk her to class we have the same first period. Don't worry about a thing." She gave a quick hug and kiss to Daunte. "I love you babe." then she turned to Danielle. "Wanna come with me? Looks like you could use some girl time." Danielle looked up at her and slowly nodded and then let Shonelle lead her away. As soon as they were out of sight Daunte looked at me.

"I think you might be falling for her man." It hit me suddenly. I had never thought it, or understood it. But hell I was in trouble. And I didn't know what the hell to do with how I was beginning to feel about her. I sure as hell needed to figure a lot of shit out. I looked over at Daunte as I rubbed my face sighing.

"I do too."

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