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~'~'~'~'~'~J's P.O.V.~'~'~'~'~

I started grabbing my books for my last period when he caught my eye talking to a short dirty dish blonde. She seemed to be laying on the heavy flirting and he was just casual leaning against the wall. I thought back to seeing him with Danielle and grit my teeth slamming the locker with all the force I could muster up. I really wasn't going to let that giro get to me anymore. Fuck it, Kai can have her and deal with her I don't even care anymore. Just as I got in the room I seen Shonelle with Daunte smiling wide. Those two were so in love it almost made me sick, and jealous. I wanted that with someone. More than anything. But it was whatever, I had more important shit to focus on. Like the gang. Tony had called me earlier that day and mentioned me needing to do a deal or something for him tonight and I thought of Danielle. I had been looking for her to tell her I was thinking about leaving the gang, but then I saw her and... I lost it. I had opened my book and started looking through it when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I seen that it was Danielle's friend, Chelsea. I sighed and started to turn back around but she grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I was wanting to ask you what happend between you and Dani. She went home and I think she was crying." I grit my teeth at the sound of her name and shrugged speaking aggrivatedly.

"I caught her almost fucking Kai. If I hadn't of said something they would have been at it again. So I basically told her to go get fucked and she could have him." Her eyes bugged out by what I said, it took her a moment to speak.

"She.. She wouldn't have fucked Kai, she was going to tell him that there was nothing between them. That is why she left with him. To talk Jason, you must have misunderstood or came in at the wrong time and it looked bad. There has to be an explanation." Her matter of fact tone sent me over the edge.

"I fucking know what I saw! I seen Danielle with Kai and ya know what? Fuck it if she wants to let her heart get smashed by him fine he can smash her and then pass her on. But, I refuse to be the one to watch him do it." I had stood up by now and was yelling at the top of my lungs at Chelsea. She shrunk back and I grabbed my stuff taking a look at the teacher daring him to say something to me before walking out. I walked down the hall trying to ignore every single person and just get the hell out of here before I exploded on someone. I couldn't afford to fuck up again, this was my last chance.

I seen Daunte and he looked at me confused before picking up his pace so he could catch up to me.

"Yo, whats wrong, you look like any minute your going to snap someone's neck." I shrugged and he groaned in frusteration. "Jason dammit don't do that. I'm your best friend, we're like brothers remember?" When I nodded he punched me sofly on the arm. "Then tell me what has you looking so pissed." I rubbed my palms into my eyes and sighed.

"I walked into Kai and D heavy making out and rubbing up against each other. She skipped class just to fucking be with him. After I defended her and told him to stay away from her because she didn't want him around her. And for what? Just so she can go behind everyone's back and fuck with him? All he is gonna do is smash and pass. Once hes through with her she is then going to come running to me and want support. I'm not going to stand around and let her do this. I won't be around to watch her get hurt." At that moment we had walked around a corner just talking when Daunte pointed and shrugged.

"I guess you may not have to wait long for him to hurt her. You see Kai with that girl?" I nooded as I seen Kai down the hall with his arms around the same girl I had seen earlier, he was kissing on her neck and she had her head leaned down slightly moaning. Some fucking school this was, Where is a staff member when you need one? I went to turn around when I thought of D. God damn it she was going to be hurt. I turned around and headed straight for kai with Daunte behind me as I stopped the girl noticed us first and pushed Kai away nervously blushing furiously. I pointed at the girl and then pointed down the hall motioning for her to leave. Once she was gone I turned to Kai.

"Ah, so got you a new slut you all over? What happened to trying to show Danielle that you was different? This sure as hell dont look like you've changed." Kai rolled his eyes and tried to walk past me but Daunted stood in his way. He glared and crossed his arms.

"Get the hell out of my way. Stay the fuck out of my business, and leave me alone. Last I checked you gave Dani to understand that she could go get fucked for all you care. So stop fucking worrying about it." Before I could come back from what he said he slammed into me trying to get in between both of us so he could walk through, which caused me to stumble back. He got five steps away before I retaliated and decked him in the jaw.

"Dont you ever fucking bring her up to me and talk to carelessly as if your a fucking saint. You were sucking on some other little tramp and you fleet defensive when I say something? Think again you little pansy ass bitch. Your just a little boy that wants it all. You have such a damn good girl standing in front of you and she wants you so fucking desperately but your so stuck up your own fucking ass you cant see anything FUCKING shit!!!" I was seething with every word. Next thing I knew we were in each others face yelling shit at the top of our lungs with Daunte fucking recording it. Next thing I kniw blows were going and Kai gets me in my fucking face. Bad move. I get thrown into a rage and start blacking out. I become faintly aware of the large crowd and the teachers trying to get past to get to us. Right before I completely black out I see out of the corner of my eye someone running up through the crown yelling something. Kai takes that opportunity to lay one on my eye and before I can hit him in the gut Danielle screams at the top of her lungs and steps in between us causing us to both stumble back a bit.

"S-stop." One look at her and I already know, she's a complete mess right now. Shes trembling all over and her clothes fron earlier are rinkled and dull looking. Her makeup is half gone and her eyes are dark. "Just please stop. J dont do this, Kai leave. Just go." She looked between us but we both stood still.

"Danielle get away from us. Go back home your a mess, an for no reason honestly. I'll come by later and talk to you after I get don fucking up this black trash." Kai looked over her at me and glared with full on hatred. She shook her head more desperately this time and tugged on my hand. I pulled away as if her touch hurt and she winced as she spoke.

"J please... please don't do this. I dont want to lose you because of this. Your my friend. I don't want to see you hurt, or Kai." She looked over breifly at him and continued. "I love you J..." she looked down as the crowd made noises and shit. I picked iut a few people from the crown and sighed grabbing her wrist and starting to lead her away. Kai grabbed her ither wrist.

"What the hell Dani." She just looked at him then pulled away allowing me to lead her away from him. Once we got away I looked at her and I realized I so badly wanted ti kiss her. I leaned down slightly, as I did so she leaned her head up to get a better look at me. Maybe she wanted me to kiss her too, hell I don't know. I leaned down more as she closed her eyes and I...kissed her cheek. I pulled away and ger eyes flew open as she turned beat red. I forced a smile and put my hands in my back pockets.

"Im gonna get out of here, I'll see you around. You need to think through Kai" as soon as I said that I started walking off but remembered what she said. "Oh and D?" She looked at me a moment before speaking hoarsly.

"Y-yeah...?" I smiled at her and nodded.

"I love you too beautiful."

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