{3} First meeting

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Jungkook's POV

Entering here was a bad move baby boy...

A deep husky voice was heard behind me . I don't know but when I hear that voice, shivers ran down in my body.

When that person caught me off guard by pinning my arms behind me, I felt a tingling sensation ran in my body. I can't see his face, but the the first thing that catches my attention in this darkness was eyes.....

Two beautiful eyes with Purple irises?!!

How can it's possible?? I haven't heard that humans now starting to have purple eyes. And why this person's eyes are shining in the dark.

Gathering my all courage and strength, I managed to ask him

"Who are you? "

"What are you doing here?" He asked me a counter question

"Hey I asked you first , now answer me first and free my hands too" I command him.

But his grip only tighten and he said "That's not the way to talk to me baby boy, you know I can punish you for your disobedience"

Hah.. punish me??? Who the hell he thinks he is ?? My master?? If I reach my weapon , I can easily overpower him. But for I can't freed my hands from his grip.

"Look , I don't know who you are ? What are you doing in this abandoned house? I just came here out of curiosity so please leave me" I said trying to convince him

"Curiosity kills the cat..hmm well let's see what I can do of you , you want your weird box of light and wanted to ho out right?" He said with a tone of amusement.

"Weird box of light?? Oh you mean my cell phone? Have you never seen a phone? Where have you been living untill now? Under a rock?" I said mocking him.

"Answer me or you won't go out of here" he said quite sternly.

"Yes !! Yes. I want to leave this place as soon as possible. " It seems like I almost pleaded him.

"Take me with you." He said

"Huh ?" I said confusedly

"You can go out of here only if you take me with you. I also want to get out of here but I don't have any place to go . So you will take me with you" he ordered

"Ok . But I just met you and I don't even know your name or anything about you. To be honest you seems quite suspicious to me so why would I take you to my house?" I asked him narrowing my in eyes in attempt to see him.

"I'll tell you my reason when we got out of here , so your answer?" He demanded.

Well I don't think it would be bad to take an illiterate stranger to my house and see what's the actual problem with him? I don't know but despite his actions he really feels home to me.

"Uhm , ok I'll take you with me." With that said his grip loosened on my arms . I quickly rubbed them. He handed my phone back to me.

I turned on the torch and for the first time in our whole conversation I get see his face closely.

His face was so godly . Man!!! That powerful forehead, mesmerizing purple eyes, a perfectly sculptured nose, full beautiful pink lips , a sharp jaw line, overall his face was Perfection!!!!

Suddenly he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes and stopped my activity.

" Shall we go? " He asked

"Yes" that was all I could say
With that said I started to move towards the main door. From the creaking of the floor I assume that he'd coming behind me.

When we got out of the house , I see him again. His dressing was quite werid. Plus he ain't wearing any shoes . How is he supposed to walk in woods with bare feet?

" Hey.. umm where are your shoes? You are not supposed to walk bare footed in Forest" I told him.

"First , I don't have any shoes. Second, I'm not bothered at all so continue walking." He said rather arrogently.

"You know that's rude..well leave it. You didn't tell me your name. What's your name? I'm Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook, the forest officer of this area " I introduced myself

" I'm Taehyung" he said


Taehyung's POV

Jungkook.. hmm cute name for a cute person. Well he just called me rude, I mean what can I do? It's like how I am!!

I still don't know what I am going to do . But first I need to gain my full strength. Yeah being reborn again wasn't painful but getting energy is also necessary for my survival. This can only be done by fulfilling my blood lust.

I was in my own thoughts when we suddenly stopped. We I looked up, we were standing near a weird shape vehicle.

I looked at Jungkook cluelessly. But he just motioned me to hop in it . I did. Then he put some sort of key in that vehicle and it starts grumbling.

"Woah!!! What's this thing?" I asked him quite astonished.

"What? Haven't you seen a Jeep before God!! Where have you came from? Well it's a Jeep , we use more specifically in moving in the area of forest. Geez you are so naive Tae" he said with a teasing smile.



Did he just called me with a NICKNAME!!!!!

"Umm hey.. why did you call me Tae , I told you my name is Taehyung" I asked him not sure why the hell I said that

"Huh..oh well I know your name is Taehyung but I think Tae is way shorter and easy. I mean if I call you Taehyung I will feel like I am talking to an old man so I'll call you Tae..what ?? Are you uncomfortable with it?" He explained

" No I'm not uncomfortable" I could only say that cause I was so overwhelmed. Can he feel our bond too?

I was in my own thoughts when the vehicle or should I say Jeep came to a stop. I was pulled out of my thoughts. When I looked up , in front of was a cottage, a small but comfortable looking one . I looked at him questioning ly..

"This is my house. If you want you can live here, let's go inside and eat then you will tell me more about you ok.." he said while moving towards the gate of the house.

Tell him about me??

What will I tell him about myself??

It's going to be more stressful than I thought...

Author's Note

Hey my lovely Taekookers👋👋👋👋

Hope u guys are doing well..
May you enjoy this chapter 💜

Don't worry I'll taking this story at a fast pace cuz I wanna end it before the end of my vacation. Let's hope I'll be able to do it.

Do tell me how was the chapter.
Do vote and comment 💗💖

If u think Tae is acting so bottom then my lovlies you have to wait to see the beast in him😏😉

Moreover I'm a Top Tae lover ...so if you are uncomfortable wd dat ..then please leave this story instead of saying shit to me..

Till next update

Bye bye 💞💝💗💜💗💖💕💞❣️💚💛

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