{36} Chaos on Royals

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Taehyung's POV

We woke up by the sound of footsteps around us. I quickly got up and shaked Kook. He cutely yawned and rubbed his eyes as he woke up.

" Is it time?" He asked and got out of the bed.

" Yes. I guess TaeMin and his mate are up. I can also hear the excited voices of the local people about the festival." I explained him as we both got ready.

" Hmm, but this all will vanish anytime soon. I'm feeling too much fear , Tae. Would we really be able to escape from here?" He looks really scared. My baby prince. I held him from his shoulders.

" Look Doll, no matter what will happen today, we will stay safe and will escape from here. I don't care about anyone here, I really don't! Because it's all the past. We are just some people looking at the events happened 100 years ago.

We are stuck here by mistake and we will go back to where we belong without any harm. You will always stay with me. Forever!" I don't know why I felt so emotional but I really want to tell him how much important he is for me.

" (Deep breath) I'll stay by your side, Always." He hugged me tightly.

We both got ready and went out of the room, meeting with the sight of TaeMin and his mate. They both were wearing some flashy clothes, of course they are old fashioned if you ask me but it's the fashion of this time period so I have no say in it.

" Hey! Are you guys ready?" TaeMin beamed and we just nodded.

" Forgive him, but do you guys want to have something for breakfast?" Minho chuckled at his pouting mate and asked us.

Jungkook's POV

" No, thank you. We are already grateful for what you did for us." This time I spoke.

With that said, we all went out of the house. The aura of the city was totally different. There were banners and lots of stuff decorating the streets.

People were happily chatting and moving in streets. There was this happy looks everywhere that my heart aches even to think that this all is going to vanish.

I nudged Tae.

"You know apart from humans attack today, what's the funny part of this whole ordeal?" I asked him and he gave me a confused look.

" And what is that?"

" That I'm going to see my own self presented in front of these people. Technically, I'm the ruler of them and they don't even know." We both laughed a bit at this.

" Well, Sugar oh sorry, Your Majesty, you are right though." His teasing smile and honorfic made me laugh more.

We keep on walking through the streets, till we reach the a very big clearing. A large crowd of people, including vampires and humans were filling in the place.

As we both become a part of the crowd, we moved forward. What I saw, is a majestic castle.

The castle was made up of pure white marble, decorated with Ruby and other expensive jewels. I literally felt my jaw dropped at the sight. If a castle looks like this from outside, I can only imagine how much beautiful and expensive it would look from inside.

"You really belong to Royal family." I heard surprised voice of Tae. I just laughed it off.

" I guess, I do. Hey Tae! Let's move forward and try to reach in the front of the crowd, hmm?" I wanted to go in front of the crowd. I don't know but I'm feeling this sense of belongingness that I don't know from where it's coming from.

"As you say Angel." He held my hand and move forward in crowd. After pushing past a lot of people and after almost an hour we finally reached in front of the happily screaming crowd.

In front of the crowd, there was a boundary made by royal guards. Those old fashioned Royal guards you have seen in movies. Holding their armour and standing in alert position and holding the outrageous crowd in the boundaries made to stop them to go in the Royal grounds.

I held Tae's hand tightly, out of fear.

" Relax baby. I promise I won't let anything happen to you or us." He held me in a comforting hold, it helped to calm my nerves.

Suddenly a loud trumpet sound was heard. Loud horns were blowing, creating a melody that makes everyone halt in what they are doing and look at the castle as the Royals are about to come out.

The huge balcony door,that looks like in the first floor of palace, opened. An array of guards and royal helpers marched forward and standing in two lines besides the stage made in the balcony.

"All hail to His Majesty King Jeon!" A guard's loud a voice boomed in the crowd.

The crowd roared in different kinds of praising chants. People were so happy to be able to see their beloved King and the newborn crown prince.

A very good looking man stepped out on the podium made in the balcony. Surprisingly, his features are much similar to mine. I was in awe ..Is this..

" Looks like he's your father, Honey." Tae said as he was looking at the King Jeon.

"I'm guessing that too." I replied back as I was staring at the King.

" Good afternoon my lovely people. I know that you got the wind of this good news.!" The King's voice was booming with authority yet dripping with happiness. The people answered his question with a loud "Yes".

"It's a pleasure to have my people here with me to celebrate this most beautiful moment of my life. The love of my life and My Queen, gave birth to our child.

I can't be more happy. I pray that this child would bring lots of happiness and prosperity to our kingdom. I, Junho Jeon, declare, my son, Jungkook Jeon as the next heir of Royal throne. I hope you all will accept my decision. Thank you for coming here and sharing this happiness with me." I was shocked beyond imagination. So, any doubts, I had about my past were cleared now.

Then a very beautiful woman stepped ahead with a little bundle in her hands. She was so beautiful, glowing even. The tug in my heart telling me that she's my mother. Eunha Jeon.

She faced the crowd and showed the baby in that bundle of clothing to the public. Not to brag, but I was really cute. The people were cheering for the little prince and I was looking all this with a bit teary eyes.

Suddenly the cheers of happiness turned into the screams of shock and then pain. Shots of old weapons could be heard. A rain of fatal arrows start falling and killing the people instantly.

I saw everything happened in slow motion. The King and Queen were immediately snatched back into the palace.

People were running here and there. Trying to save themselves from the death. There was blood and screams. Then, a huge fire broke.

Within moments, looks like the whole area was caught up in fire.
Tae grabbed my wrist and ran, that damn vampire speed. I don't understand, many people here are vampires too, why couldn't they are able to use their speed and run away?

My mind was blocked. I don't know what's happening with me. I just know that Tae is dragging me somewhere out of this chaos.


Author's Note

1 chapter and epilogue left😢
I'm gonna miss this book and ur lovely comments 😢

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