{21} The Last Prince

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Taehyung's POV

It felt like the whole sky shattered on my head. I mean all of vampires know that the Vampire kingdom was once ruled my Kings and Queens. But as time passes, we vampires have to keep ourselves hidden from humans.

The sole reason is to survive. With the passage of time, humans become more and more powerful because of the weapons they made.

There was a time when there was a peaceful allience between humans and vampires. Even many humans had romantic relationships and marriages with vampires.

But soon this peace faded and humans become power hungry. They want to rule solely. So they started putting up ridiculous rumours about us.

They literally vanished our emperorship. The last King and Queen were very nice. They tried everything in their power to stop this war and save both races.

But guess luck wasn't by their side. Not only humans killed them but also murdered each and every person in the palace. The helpers , the guards even the kids.

It was very catastrophic. Though I, myself wasn't present there but from what I heard , it was horrible. In that commotion, Namjoon's family was also killed but thankfully he wasn't there because of his studies.

The race or the cast who ruled us , Vampires since the beginning was only one and they were The Jeons. But from what I heard, there whole race was killed by humans. Not a single Jeon was left alive.

So how can kook be that Jeon??
My train of thoughts was interrupted by Namjoon's voice.

" Exactly, The Jeons"

" Like , Namjoon are you talking about those Jeons? Are you serious?" Yoongi spoke out of nowhere.

" Yes Yoongi, those Jeons, I'm exactly talking about them." Namjoon answerd.

" Excuse me!! Could you guys please tell ME!! about what are you talking about?? Do you guys know anything about my real family.?" Jungkook spoke quite irritated.

" I guess we know about your family Jungkook" Namjoon replied to him.

" Please enlighten me. Because I can't understand a single word you are talking about." He looked curious.

" You wanted to know why Taehyung did that ? It's because it's in his instincts. After last night, do you tried to search what he could be?" Namjoon is making ground to tell him reality.

" Huh? I mean..uh..yes..but how could you know that." Koo was a bit flustered.

" What did you find?" Namjoon questions

" Uh something like being Dracula or Vampires.. cuz the blood suckers in human form are vampires. And shit like that. But this creature is only found in movies and stories. I believe it has nothing to do with reality.

Internet has some articles on how some people actually have seen vampires. But I think they were just attention seekers. When a thing like that never existed so how can they see it?

Other than it , I couldn't find anything." It hurt how Koo completely denied mine and even his own existence.

" And if I say whatever you read is all true then?" Namjoon asked.

" Then I don't believe you. C'mon . How can it be possible? " Koo was still being sarcastic about it.

" The way you saw Taehyung last night makes it possible by itself. I don't I have to give you a proof" Namjoon's so straight forward, I guess..

" Huh?!! A-are you serious? H-he ii is a v- vampire?!!" Koo was bewildered beyond our imagination. It was showing in his stuttering.

" I guess you are an intelligent man Jungkook." After Namjoon's statement, it looks like Koo was almost out of his mind. He was trembling slowly.

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