{18} Finding ways

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Taehyung's POV

Currently I'm in front of Yoongi's apartment. He lives in an apartment building near our college campus. I don't know if his boyfriend lives here with him or not.

I knocked at his door. There's no sound for a few minutes. I knocked again but still no response. Now I'm getting furious. I almost banged his door when it finally opened.

A confused yet angry Yoongi appeared through it.

" What the hell is your problem Kim?? Why are banging on my door at 02:00am??!!!" He whisper yelled at me.

" Can you please let me in so I can tell you what I'm doing here at this time? And ..is your boyfriend here? I can't talk about this in front of him!" I yelled back at him, hoping he would understand my situation.

" Uh...Jimin is not here, he went to Busan cuz his parents called him. Yeah.. come in" he gave me a skeptical look but let me in.

We both are sitting in the living room of his apartment.

" Why is there blood on your sleeves Kim? What did you do?" He asked me out of nowhere. Did I forget to mention that he's a keen observer? Yup he is!

" Kook found out"

" Kim, do you think I'm here to play freaking riddles with you at this time of night?!! "

" You know, I just can't keep a hold on my blood lust. And I was getting weak day by day because my system is getting no blood. Ever since me and kook starting sharing a room, it's becoming more difficult for me to control myself around him.

Tonight, I was about to Mark him in his sleep but thankfully I didn't. The problem was I needed something. I went to forest to find a prey to fulfill my needs.

Out of nowhere, kook came there . He saw me sucking life out of that animal. He ran away from me. I am vampire Yoongi. My speed can't be compared. But tonight, I saw Kook running at a speed that even I couldn't catch him.

He ran to our cottage and locked himself. If I could, I can break it but I don't wanna scare him anymore. I tried to convince him to listen me but all in vein.

He said it's over. How can he end something that's destined by nature. Gods made him my mate. How can he run away from that?!!!!!" I exploded

I expect Yoongi to say something. But he was quite. He didn't utter a word. It looks like he was thinking something.

" Why are you so quite Yoongi?? My life is about to ruined here and you are just staring in space!!!!" I can't help but get frustrated on his act.

" You said Jungkook ran even faster than you. Is it true?" He asked calmly

" Uh..... Yes..b"

" You said about him having visions "

" Uh yeah something like t...."

" You said something about him hearing minds and thoughts of people people?"

" Yeah he told me that he c..."

" Something is really fishy about that mate of yours. He's not an ordinary human Kim. I don't know much but these things about him are making me suspicious of him."

" So you are trying to say that kook is something else which he's hiding from me?"

" Maybe. But I think we should talk to Namjoon about this . He may know better than us. Just rest for now. We will take care of it tomorrow." With that said he patted my shoulder and went back to his room, leaving me baffled by my own thoughts.

Next morning

So here we are, I just can't go to college like this but fuck it. Currently both me and Yoongi are going through the hallways and we're trying to find Namjoon.

" He must be in library Yoongi." I said rather impatiently

" Jeez relax Kim, we'll figure out what's wrong with that lover of yours. But you have to calm down." He replied quite annoyed.

" I can't relax!!! Ok. Can you imagine what would you do if Jimin think you are a monster and wants to run away from you??" I am really frustrated I guess.

" I know he won't Kim. Plus in your case, I've this feeling that everything will be alright after this storm. Maybe we can go and talk to Jungkook about your situation and all."

In this bickering we reached the library. At this time, the library was almost empty. Just a few students were here and they were working too.

We found Namjoon sitting on a table rather isolated from others. He was reading some book.

" Hey Namjoon" I called him

" Hey.. what's up? You guys here this early?!! " He looked up from his book.

" No Namjoon, nothing is fine. And I need your help." I almost begged him.

" Ok ok...let's get out of here and talk about your problem" he collected his books and left with us.

Now we are here in the isolated part of garden. The three of us sitting in a circle.

" So, apprently your mate found out about you being vampire and he left you." Namjoon said after hearing my whole story

" Yup, seems so. But Namjoon I have other suspicions about that boy. He's not an ordinary human. I don't know but I'm having this feel." Yoongi let out his thoughts

" Hmm, now that when I see this situation from this angle, I find it pretty puzzled. How a normal boy can have ability to read minds, run at a speed faster than us and I'm sure there are other things about him that we don't know."

" So , what will we do Namjoon? I don't wanna lose him. "

" We'll go and talk to him. That's the only way to find out his reality. "


Author's Note

Hey lovely people..
Here's ur due update..
Voice out ur thoughts on the chapter..
Do vote comment and share this book if u like it 💜..

I'm going on a short hiatus..but will be back soon..

And an early congrats to my Muslim readers...


Stay safe and happy..
Till next update bye bye 💞💝💖

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