{35} Vision of Death

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Jungkook's POV

I slowly blinked my eyes open. Everything was blurry around me but still there is a buzzing in my surroundings. After a few attempts, I finally become aware of my surroundings.

It's a room, like lounge or something. It gives an old or you can say vintage vibe by the way it is decorated. Oh and I finally spotted Tae in the room, standing close to the window.

And suddenly I remember everything. Why I am here and what happened before I fainted? Yes! Year 1896?! I mean really?? How can a mere stone throw us into a century back??

This shocking revelation cause me to faint at the spot. This scary thought of not being able to go back made me whimper out of fear. This broke Tae's train of thought and he immediately rush towards me.

"Baby? How are you feeling now?" His panicked voice sort of calm me.

" I am fine Tae. I guess I was a bit overwhelmed by all this situation ." I assured him and looks like he calmed a bit.

" But seriously Tae. What the hell this could be?! How we teleported in a century back out of nowhere?!!" I almost screamed because I was close to loose my shit.

" I also don't have have a complete idea about it but as much as TaeMin told me---"

"Who's TaeMin?" I narrowed my eyes at him. Like we are not here for more than 24 hours and he already find a guy??

"Calm down you possessive doll! He's the first one and may I add a vampire whom we met before you fainted. It's his house we are staying at." He laughed in his deep velvety voice and literally send shivers down to my spine.

"Uh,oh..right." I blushed from embarrassment.

"So as I was saying, we are currently in 1896. I'm assuming this the year you were born. TaeMin said the crown prince of this kingdom born a few days ago and tomorrow the royalty is going to show the prince aka you to the public.

Afterwards, there would be a huge celebration." He roamed his fingers in my hair giving me a soothing vibe.

" So, uh..you mean that stone somehow wanted to show me my past. And do you think it could be related to my uh..so called power?" I don't what I want to ask from him but one thing for sure..I want to run away from here.

"Well, I'm not sure about this but I know there is something. Moreover I have to tell you something more. Tomorrow when the baby prince will be shown to the public, it's the same day when the humans wrecked havoc on us and demolished vampire race. " Ok..now that's horrible!!!

" Y-you mean we are going to die tomorrow?" I can clearly feel my body getting stiff at this thought. I don't want to die now, not when I just discovered Tae's love for me.

" No baby. It doesn't mean that . Tomorrow at the festival, we'll find a way back home." As I was listening to him, I feel like my surroundings are getting blurry.. Everything around me is spinning, a hazy silence is exploding in my ears. Just then I saw....

A forest. Lots of trees surroundings two figures. Both of them standing back to back. But those figures are surrounded by 10 or so more people. Those people were saying something. Suddenly, they shot! They shot one of the two figures with their weird looking guns. Someone fell on the ground and and a loud angry roar was all that was heard.

And my surroundings started getting clear. I can faintly hear that Tae was calling me. After a few attempts, I managed to look at him without blurry vision.

"Hun! What's happening? Are you alright?!" I can hear Tae screaming in panic.

" I(pants) I-was having a- a vision. Something i-is going to happen but I don't know where and when?" By the warmth of his presence, I was now less shivering. But deep down I was scared. Scared that I might loose Tae. Because that would be the worst ever thing.

" I won't ask you about it. Let's just hope it won't go bad against us. Yeah?" He rubbed soothing circles on my back.

Suddenly the door opened and someone came in.

" I'm home, love!" A man's gruff yet cheery voice boomed in the house.

" Welcome honey!" We both heard an equal happy voice of TaeMin. So I'm guessing it's his mate.

The footsteps we're heard and both of us seated separately with a waiting gesture. The living room door opened and two male figures approached us.

" Taehyung, Jungkook! This is my mate Choi Minho . And Minho they are Taehyung and Jungkook. They both are foreigners and lost their way. Oh and Jungkook also fainted on the road so I helped them. " TaeMin looks so happy in the presence of his mate and telling him about us with those shinny sparkling eyes.

" You did a good thing beautiful." Minho pecked his forehead and turned to us.

" It's nice to meet you both. I hope my mate wouldn't be so excited to make you both uncomfortable." Minho looks like a good man.

" No no. Your mate is very caring. He helped us both. We can't be more grateful." Tae politely answered.

" I guess both of you should rest as you are coming to festival with us tomorrow. Or do you want to eat something?" TaeMin asked us.

" No we are fine. Thanks for the offer. And we would love to visit festival tomorrow." I guess Tae is the only one speaking from our side.

After that TaeMin showed us a guest room to spend the night. While snuggling to Tae I can't help but think what is going to happen tomorrow.


Author's Note

Hi loves
Hope u all are safe and happy.

So how was this chapter?
Did u guys notice the hints👀

Anyways, do lots of comments to show me how was this chapter.

I've finished writing this book. Finally 🤧 and I'm working on my YoonMin book these days.

So, hopefully u will see the epilogue in September too.

Till next update bye bye 💞💝💗💖💕💓💜💜💜💜

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