{22} Forgiven

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Jungkook's POV

I blinked my eyes, once , twice , thrice.... But nothing happened. I was looking at Namjoon like he had grown three heads. And finally I spoke..

" So this is it.."

" Yes , it is." He replied while looking in my eyes.

" To sum it up , you wanna say that I'm a vampire too. And not some simple vampire but I'm a royal one. My real parents were the last King and Queen of vampire dynasty.

And they were killed by humans but somehow they were able to save me from all that commotion and that's why I'm alive today. Right?" I breathed out.

" Yup. That's all we know about you." Namjoon said..

And I started laughing hysterically.

" Do..do you guys really thought I'm a fool or dumb ?? Like who would believe that bullshit story? C'mon Namjoon, I ...I thought you are an intelligent person but turns out..." I couldn't complete my sentence because of laughing.

" Would you please shut up." That short , pale guy ..I guess Yoongi is his name, spoke suddenly and my laughter died.

" Hey Yoongi.. you don't need to scold Koo like that. I know it's difficult for anyone to believe a thing like that but he will understand by the time." This time Tae spoke and wrapped his arm around my waist.

" Tae do you also believe about what they say." I hope he doesn't.

" Bun, that's what you are. Sooner or later you have to accept your reality. You know Namjoon can give you books on our history and you will find out everything and why you are a special one too..

I know it will take time but I know you can do it." His style is very calming but his words..I'm confused.

" I have many questions" I spoke quitely.

" All of them will be answered if you believe us." Namjoon spoke.

I glanced at the three men or should I say Vampires in front of me. One is my love , without him I will always be incomplete. Two of them , I don't know them but they seem credible.

Me! A vampire?! It's quite crazy to even think about it. I barely accepted the fact that Tae is a vampire. It's only because I've seen him in that blood sucking stage.

But me?? I have never felt an urge to drink blood or something like that. And they say my parents were Royals. It's all is too confusing.

I looked upon Tae with hopeless eyes .

" What should I do Tae? I'm confused."

" Trust me and accept yourself. That's all for now." He pecked my forehead.

" I think that's all for today. We can meet again and I'll surely lend you my book collection so that you will find your answers. But trust me Jungkook, we are not bad. You are also one of us. As much as it sounds unrealistic but it's true." Namjoon said and stood up to leave.

Him and Yoongi both made their way to front door. When he was about to open the door, I stopped him.

" W-when can I ..I uh...see your collection?" I asked hesitantly.

" Whenever you feel you are ready. Ask Taehyung and he will bring you to me." For the first time he gave me his dimpled smile and left.

Me and Taehyung went back into the house.

" Sugar, please calm down" he spoke and break the silence.

" I'm calm Tae."

" You know you can't hide your emotions from me"

" I'm not hiding anything. It's just.... It's so weird to think that I'm a vampire. Like I never thought of sucking someone's blood."

" Who told you that it's necessary to suck someone's blood to be a vampire?"

" Uh.. I...I have like read about it and .... Those websites and.."

" Angel! Whatever those things told you is not completely true. The humans of today don't even have an idea about our existence. All they write is just their assumption."

" Ok.... But you..you are a vampire too and you..uh..suck blood and...will someday I suck blood too?"

" I don't know Sugar! Maybe you will, maybe you will not. But let's leave this thing on time. Ok.

Now ...just tell me I'm completely forgiven. I can't stand your anger and mistrust on me" Tae's words were full of emotions. Though I'm no longer angry on him.

He just did what his instincts told him. And thankfully he didn't attack a human so ... But animals are precious too.

Oh God!!!! I'm going nuts...

" I'll only forgive you when you tell me everything you know about vampires . Ok" I give him that bunny doe eyes that I know he can't resist.

" Sure Angel.. whatever you say."

" So how vampires work? I mean I have heard that they are immortal!"

" Nothing in this world is immortal, Koo !! We also die but we have this ability to get Rebirth. It's not like actual birth process. It's quite different.

" Oh!!! So by that method, what would be your age?"

" I'm not that old one. So if I calculate it ...my age would be somewhere around 300 to 400 years. But it's just a rough calculation."

" Are you kidding me?!!!!! Tell me it's a joke !!!! "

"Why would I ? It's true sugar."I was shocked beyond imagination. Like how much old he is... I'm 24 about to turn 25 and my boyfriend is 400 hundred years old!!!!! But wait if I'm a vampire than what's my age???

" Hey Tae! Do you have any idea of my age? "

" I don't know our history like Namjoon knows but as much as I knew about last King and Queen , they were assassinated like 200 hundred years ago. So my guess about your age is 150 to 200 years." He described calmly.

The fuck!!!! Is he saying?!!! I'm a 200 years old vampire and I didn't know that!!

" Tae you are kidding me right?? Please tell all you said about me is a joke!! How can this be possible?? When my parents found me , I was an infant. And it was only 24 years ago. So how?!!!" He just sighed at my outbrust.

" And that's why I said we need Namjoon. I'm a vampire, yes! But I'm not that educated or informed one. I know the basics but further details ...No. Only a person from Castle can tell you what you want because you also belong to their."

I suddenly stood up and grabbed Tae's hand and pulled him..

" Let's go and meet Namjoon. I want my answers NOW!!"



I can't believe guys, the love u showed to me, impossible.
I thought I have no one, but even my silent readers, commented.

How can I thank u guys?😭😭
U guys are so precious 💜💜

Anyways, how abt a little bit (cough) mature scene in next chapter 😏, any thoughts?

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Till next update bye bye 💞💝💗💖💕💓💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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