{15} I only belong to YOU

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Jungkook's POV

What did he said?? He didn't lie to me!!! How can he say that ?? I have seen with my own freaking eyes. Guess he's just using me. He doesn't love me anymore.

But why??? Was I not enough? B- but I loved him with my whole heart...

Maybe you are just overreacting Jungkook, an inner voice spoke and break his train of thoughts.

Suddenly the door of my room opened. I heard foot steps behind me. Why is he here now?? To break up with me?? I felt a sharp knife pierced through my heart.

" Uh kook" he spoke ...that's it , he's going to say it.

" What? Are you here to break up with me? Ok go ahead." I snapped at him.

He sat down on the bed. I quickly moved away before he could touch me.

" Look, I don't know why you said all those things downstairs. But with all honesty , I want to tell you that you are the only one who owns my heart.

I know I'm not good when it comes to the use of beautiful words but I want to say that kook, I'll never ever cheat on you. You are the reason why I'm alive. If it's not you, then there's no world for me.

I was nothing before I met you. And I'm Everything with you. No one in this world can compare these beautiful Bambi eyes, these soft and sinful lips, these precious bunny teeth, everything about you is something I can never find in anyone else.

So why would I leave you behind for someone else hmm??"
He's now holding my hands and rubbing his fingers on them and it's quite soothing.

I'm beyond shocked by his words. Yeah he's right that he's not a talkative person but today, the way he explained his feelings, his immense love for me.. I can't help but feel overwhelmed.

" Then, what would you say about what I saw back at your college? You and that girl ? " I know my heart already calmed down and now I just want an explanation from him and I'll give in to him.

" What girl? " He sounded dumbfounded

" I got free earlier today so I decided to give you a visit but when I reached there , I saw a girl running to you, calling you oppa and I lost it. You never anyone near you and she was grabbing your arms and you said nothing?!!!!!" I almost shrieked.

"You...you came to college? Oh God!! Jeon Jungkook I don't even know who she was. Lots of girls drool over me, so what ?? I never even cared about them when I have you!!!

As far as that girl related, she just caught me off guard by suddenly attacking me. If you stayed a bit more, you will have seen how I pushed back and told her that I already have a lover.

Please kook, don't ever think that I'll cheat on you or leave you behind for someone else." He finished and I felt like cat caught my tongue.

I don't know what to say. I just misunderstood him. He- he loves me so much and I...

" I- I am s- sorry Tae" I said with my head down.

Suddenly he pulled me into his lap and secured him strong arms around my waist. He used his hand to lift up my chin.

" You believe me now .hmm?"

" I always did, it's just a misunderstanding get in my head."

Tae gently pressed his lips against me. That's it , tingles run through my body. I placed my hands in his locks and respond to kiss. He keep on bitting my lower lip and swapped his wet muscle over it.

Like a programed software, my lips parted a bit to give him the access he wants. He tasted every nook and cranny of my mouth. I just loved that feeling so much that I moaned out in pleasure.

The erupting butterflies in my stomach are giving me so heavenly vibes. About after a minute or two we broke the kiss.

Taehyung was now rubbing his thumbs on my waist. I leaned forward and place my head in the crook of his shoulder and neck. I just wanted to enjoy this moment.

Everything was so peaceful but then I felt something is wrong. I slowly look up at Tae's face and it was so static that I almost felt he died in place. His grip on my waist tightened.

" H-hey Tae! What happened?" Finally he snapped out of his daze.

" Huh ....uh ..oh it's nothing, I was thinking that you look so beautiful like this in my arms."

I can't help but blush" you smooth!" I playfully hit him.

" Kook , I want your permission for something."

" What is it? Since you start asking for my permission?" There's still a hint of playfulness in my eyes.

" I..you know we both love each other. I think in these past months, we have come so far in our relationship. So I wanna ask , if you are not uncomfortable, Can we share a single room?

I really want to sleep with you every night and wake up next to you every morning. Would you give me this honor kook?"

He was looking at me with so much hope in his eyes. By now , I was also thinking about this but good thing , he said it first.

I trust him blindly despite my tantrums. I know he won't do anything without my consent so..

" I would love to stay with you Tae, so your room or mine?"

" It would be better if it's yours" he winked at me and I just laughed.

" But, we'll do it from tomorrow ok? "

" Umm though I want you to stay here tonight but ok" I pouted but give up. Because it's Kim Taehyung we're talking about. He won't back out once he made a decision.

" So Good night and we're ok now"

" Good night and yes we are fine now" I said and he pecked my lips and went back to his room.

Author's note

First of all my special thanks to all those people who are adding my book to their reading lists. I really don't deserve that.

Second, my special thanks to those people who followed me. U guys are very precious to me.

And now back to chapter.. finally things gonna heat up.soo

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One question: How many chapters you want for this book?

Other question: Do you want a complete smut or just a lil bit mention about it??

Do answer my questions, I need it for further story .

Thank u for 11K reads.

Till next update bye bye 💞💝💗💖💕💓💜💜💜💜💜💜

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