Chapter 17

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As I sat by the glittering stream, feet folded, glaring at the orange flames of the rising sun, I couldn't help myself from letting my mind wander back to that day. Oh yes, that day, in the grass, with Chaska. It was so wrong, but how it felt so right. After that day, we did it again, and again, and again. Oh my, I've lost count. It's been so long, two months maybe, I don't know. I seem to have lost count of how long I've been here.

At first, I was a bit worried about what the chief would say if he found out, since we aren't married, not yet anyway. To be honest, I feel as though they already know. How couldn't they? I and that hunk of a man are practically living together for heaven's sake.

"Are you alright?"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned around to see Chaska staring at me only a few feet away.

Scrunching both of my brows, "What, do I look like something's wrong?" I asked sincerely.

Chaska shook his head, "Yes. You look drained. Have you been eating well? Is it because you miss your family? Do you not like it here? Are you regretting -"

"Hold up," I had to stop the rambling man from going further. Poor Chaska, these past few days he'd been so worried that I would get bored here and would want to go back to what he called 'my people'. I had to reassure him that I wouldn't leave no matter what. This is my home now, wherever he is that's where I would go.

Steadily getting up, I walked towards the glowing man I'm now happy to call my own, cupping his chubby cheeks with my palms, I squeezed them together, "Stop worrying. I love you, ok?"

Chaska's eyes widened, upon seeing this, realizing what I just said mine also expanded. What on earth did I just say? Did I just tell him that I love him? Do I love him? Oh god, I do.

Chuckling lowly, I was about to pull my hands away from his reddening cheeks; unfortunately, his hands came up, holding mine firmly in place.

"What did you just say?" Chaska whispered.

I couldn't help but gulp, what if it was too soon? What if he doesn't share the same feelings as me?

"Nothing -"

"Say it," Chaska demanded lowly, his beautiful honeycombed irises expanding, making a blush form on my already pink cheeks.

"I said. I. Love. You," Staring into Chaska's eyes, all my doubts quickly went away. He felt the same way; he couldn't lie to me even if he wanted to. His eyes wouldn't lie; they would betray him even if he did.

"I. love. You. Too," Chaska smiled, pulling me close and planting a peck on my lips. Unable to control myself, I pulled him back in just as he was about to pull away, deepening our kiss. To my surprise, a moan suddenly escaped his yearning lips. Seizing that as an opportunity, I slid my tongue into his awaiting mouth.

After a few minutes went by, I pulled away, Chaska's face had turned entirely red, his mouth had left agape. Maybe he was in shock.

Chuckling lightly, I lifted my finger, closing his mouth.

"You didn't expect that, did you?" I asked, earning a nod from Chaska. Chuckling again at his odd behavior, I pulled his hands, "Come on, let's go inside".

Laying on the buffalo fur, I turned to gaze at the sleeping angel beside me. It's late at night, and although everyone was already asleep, I wasn't. Lately, I've been feeling unlike myself, apart from the dizziness, fatigue, and constantly feeling like I'm about to throw up. I've also gained some weight.

I chose not to tell my soon-to-be husband for fear he might be worried about something that I'm sure wasn't even that important, but now I think it's time he should know. Come morning I'll tell him.

My eyes darted open, the lump in my throat that was making its way up forced me to quickly run outside. Once I got far enough, I couldn't help but empty all the contents that eventually left a terrible taste within my mouth.

Sighing tiredly, I held onto my aching stomach, groaning in pain.

"What happened?" a worried voice came up to me.

Turning to face Chaska, I pouted my lips while nodding my head as tears welled up in my eyes. I wasn't used to getting sick, and when I do, I couldn't help but cry. And right now was a perfect time to cry.

"I'm taking you to the healer." Before I could even object, Chaska was already lifting me up and heading for where the many huts were located across from ours, "Since when were you feeling like this? I told you to talk to me when something's wrong. You stupid girl," sucking his teeth, Chaska kept on scolding me while we made our way to the healer's hut, while I held a pout, refusing to look at him.

Hours probably drifted by while I was stuck in this smoke-smelling hut with Chaska and the old lady. Unfortunately, she doesn't speak English, so I didn't understand a word she was saying as she spoke to Chaska, who was listening intensively, yet he wasn't taking his eyes off me.

She asked multifocal questions in which Chaska translated for me; I've given her truthful answers as no good would come from lying.

I waited patiently for her to finish talking to Chaska, whose expression kept on changing within the passing seconds, he seemed a bit happier, yet concerned at the same time. I wonder what the old lady had told him? Oh well, I'll find out eventually.

"Well, what did she say?" I asked once we made our way to our hut, far away from the others who still held hatred towards me and Chaska for choosing to be with me.

Chaska stopped, that's when I noticed droplets of tears forming in his eyes. If I said I wasn't worried, I would be lying. "What is it? Am I dying?"

Chaska shook his head, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. "No," he said, smiling brightly. He grabbed hold of my face, his hands warm against my cheeks. "You're having a baby."

My eyes widened. What did he just say? How? "Are you sure?" I asked, searching his eyes for any sign of doubt.

Chaska nodded again, faster than before, his smile never fading. "Yes, I'm sure. The healer confirmed it."

I couldn't believe it. I was thrilled, to say the least, but also shocked. How on earth didn't I notice earlier?

As happy tears welled in both of our eyes, Chaska brought his lips down and connected them to mine. I was overwhelmed with joy, and I knew that he was too. Pulling away from the kiss, I heard him murmur an "I love you" before kissing me once again.

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