Flaming Core

283 3 0

Abilities: The user has a deep flame burning inside their body which they can transfer their energy into it which allows them to send fiery blasts at opponents. When angered the temperature and lethality of the blast increase tremendously. When in bright sunlight or hot areas the strength of the quirk increases.

Drawbacks: when in cold areas the quirk will still work but will be very weak. The user will as well be in a more cheerful mood. The hotter the temperature to angrier the user is. If it is raining the user will be incredibly tired. The Flaming Core inside the user is what keeps them alive if it is put out or canceled by another quirk or object the user will become extremely weak rapidly and will die within 10 minutes unless something relights the core, they are in extremely hot areas or if they are rushed to a hospital in time.

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