Last call (small updated)

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Hello this is a new story of mine and I wanna say thank you to those who took there own time out of there day to read my story even if it is really bad so let's get on with the story.

Cayde POV
I was lying on the ground nearly dead , breathing heavily trying to get away but that little prick picked up my gun so I stopped. So I decided to say something.
Cayde: He he, This is embarrassing. (Breathes in heavily) Do you have a gun I could borrow?
Tai : No but I do have a bullet with your name on it. Any last words?
I then get the feeling to say something cheeky about his wife. Finally I get to rejoin her in the after life.
Cayde: He, How is Summer ?
That little bastard. He, He INSULTED MY WIFE OoOoOoOH (internally smiles, mentally laughs like an evil son of Bull In The Church Hill, (if you know what I cursed please comment in the comments below) mentally said Oh I'm so going to enjoy this)
(Breaths in)
Tai: This is going to hurt. A lot.
No one POV
Then everything went black
Ruby: Uh who turned off the lights author were are you
A/n: Ruby since this is your first offense for breaking the fourth wall I'm giving you a fine of 200 lien. Now get back into your story before I give you a warning.
Ruby: (Pays fine, Has a sad look on her face) I was going to use that to upgrade creasant rose and yangs ember celiaca for her birthday.
Flash back
Ruby POV
Hm some turned the lights back on time to kick some but with my boyfriend Cayde or also known around beacon as Y/n. The guys call him a chick magnet but all the girls that he knows call him future husband. He only has a harem of me, my team ,and Nora, and Pyrrha. (A/n here if you guys want  Y/n to comeback to the story except as an exo then I will.) he was reloading his prised Handcannon the ace of spades but I couldn't here anything he was saying cause I was off in dreamland.

Y/n(Cayde) POV
I was talking to ruby but noticed that she was staring at me so I nudged her and asked Petra Venge to do her thing with her knife and she agrees.
(Y/n): Hey Ruby check this out. Petra do your thing.
Petra then levitates the knife of her hand and then spins it around and grabs it while in the air with her thumb on the hilt of her dagger. My dagger was similar it had a sheath that acted like an extension of the dagger, and when the two pieces of the ace of spades were brought together they could for the handcannon part of my weapon. I named my semblance the travelers light I could access 3 solar ability's , 3 ark ability's , and 3 void ability's. But I have only unlocked one of each.  I wispered to ruby.
Y/N: That will never not freak me out.
We proceeded in to the prison. 'The' prison that 'He' is in. I hope I get to beat his ass for all the things he's done to Yang, Ruby, Summer, And most of all me.

Time skip brought to you by A/N

Ruby POV
I managed to get to Y/n but somethings wrong he's bleeding badly, And then I seem 'him'. My so called dad standing at the exit with Y/n's weapon. I aimed my weapon at him but realized  Y/n needed me the most. I ran to him had my knees on the flow. I put my arms under him and point his head towards me.
Y/n: Hey Ruby. (coughs up blood) How ya doing? (Coughs up more blood)
Ruby: (starts to cry) Don't speak. Save your energy. Well make it back to beacon.
Y/n: We both know that won't be happening. Look Ruby tell the girls that I love them with all my heart ,and that I would've died to protect them. (Coughs up more blood) Tell Ozpin and Glynda that being one of there greatest students was the best bet that I ever....... lost.
Y/n closes his eyes now lifeless as ruby starts crying loudly as Petra Venge enters the room and says,
PV: Oh no
As Ruby continues to cry her life out.

Time skip to Y/n's/Cayde's funeral

Glynda: He had the worst jokes, and even worse timing. I wanted to laugh. I really did,  We should have been there to help him. Ruby this is not your fault. This.... This is on the head of  Tai Yangxio long. But if he thinks what he's done is the end then he is surely mistaken, Cause it's only the Beginning. We are going to fight him. (Turns to Ozpin) Do you hear me.  All of us .Every student, every atlas soldier, every huntsman. We will take Salem's Castle by Storm. And then we will mount the head of that son of a bitch on his precious queen's throne. For our student, his girlfriends...for Y/n.
Ozpin: No.
RWBY, Nora and Pyrrha: WHAT!
Glynda: What did you say?
Ozpin: We are not an army especially the size of atlas. We are also not conquers. (*mentally* leave that to Ironwood. )We are the protectors of the students, citizens, and the maidens. We are this worlds Guardians. We need to keep our eyes here. On Vale and it's citizens. Salem gained an ally when Tai killed our strongest student. So if Salem wants Tai then let her have him.
Glynda: This is Y/n were talking about. Our friend. For us to do nothing
Glynda pauses for a moment
Ozpin: Say it.
Glynda: Cowardice.
Ozpin walks to the other side of  Y/n's corpse
Ozpin: I refuse to bury anymore students or my friends.
Ruby: You won't have to. (Looks at her team and team JNPR)
Ruby: Tai Yang xio long is ours.
And with that both teams exit ozpins office mournful for the loss of there best friend and boyfriend. Jaune tries to comfort Pyrrha and she hugs him Nora does the same thing Ren. Team Rwby is doing the same to each other.  Then girls start crying. The girls stop crying when the elevator hits the bottom and the teams go to there respective dorms to get ready for the hunt of Ruby and Yangs biological father.

End of part 1

A/n: hey guys me here and so this is the longest story I've done and I'm sorry if this chapter is pretty bad it is my second story. But in the next chapter I will start at a point in Y/n's life we're he is still alive.

A/n: Uh it's not me to decide it's the readers. With that being said I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and check out my other story the fall of remnant. Hoped you enjoyed.

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