The Hunt and the end

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A/n: Ok guys so do to viewer decline, Like seriously last chapter only has two views, this will be the final chapter in this story. But I would like to thank those who stuck by this story from the beginning. But let's get onto the story.
Me and the dragon riders was running as fast as we could but at the rate we were going it was to slow so I decided to hop onto Star and fly to RWBY'a location. But when we got there PV was knocking on deaths door. I ran up to her.
Petra: Hey Cayde.
I look at her and see the massive whole in her stomach.
Y/n: Sundance is there anything we can do for her?
Sundance appears next to me.
Sundance: Unfortunately no.
She shakes her self like when someone shakes her head no.
Sundance: The dark aura surrounding this place is to powerful for you to bring her back.
Y/n: WHAT! There's gotta be something we can do!
Petra is liying on the ground, she coughs up blood.
Petra: Find Mara Sov. Queen of the awoken. Go to the dreaming city. And kill Uldren Sov! *coughs up blood* for me. Cause I sure as hell won't be able to do it.
She then stops moving.
Y/n: Petra.
I slap her face.
Y/n: Come on PV this isn't funny. We've been fighting worse bad guys than this and you survived. Come on get up! Petra? PETRA!
I yell out cause I lost a valuable friend.
Y/n: I will kill who ever Uldren is.
All I see is fire surrounding the place. I pick up her body and exit the prison.
Ruby POV
I saw that look in his eyes. They had a bad hunger to them. Hunger for vengeance. He is now on a warpath. And it is up for his harem to be with him. He's going to need our full support. I just hope his anger doesn't blind him.
I shift into Optimus prime so that I can get to the ship faster.
Y/n(Comms): Every one. It is done. But we have lost someone. I'm going to the ship. If you don't want to stay here then get to your ships now.
Narrator POV
They here'd Y/n's message. The dragon riders were with team JNPR.
Jaune: Well then we better get going.
They then got a call from Ruby.
Ruby(comms): Guys Y/n is now on a warpath. We are going to hunt down Uldren Sov once we find the queen of the reef. Y/n is dealt pissed off right now. But girls we need to be there for him. He just lost someone that was a good friend of his. If you don't want to go onto this mission I'm not forcing you. But Y/n will remember this. So choose wisely. He won't judge to much. But to others that know him and know us they will judge greatly. I recommend that you all help him in whatever way you can. He's going to need us these dark times for him. That is all.
They all nod and start to head towards the ship. The first stop is the dreaming city. Her home and birthplace. When we got there I exited the ship carrying her body bridal style. A ninja looking dude came up to us and asked us what happened.
Ninja dude: What happened to Petra?
Y/n: We don't know. When we got to her it was too late. There was a no revive zone there. It surrounded the entire prison. There was nothing I could do.
Tears came out of my eyes. My friend and ally had just died because I altered the timeline. It was my fault. I then started to walk back towards my ship. I'm going to avenge her even if it kills me. Cause I should be in here place. I am Cayde-6 with our without me being an exo. I'm still the badass that I am. I have made new light abilities. I'm practically a god. But that uses it for the benefit of others. But first things first I need to get to the vanguard. But the other ships were still following me. I get onto the comms.
Y/n(comms): Why are you following me?
Ruby(comms): Cause we are your friends. And right now you need help. In more ways than one.
Y/n(comms): Go home.
Jaune(comms): What?
Y/n(comms): Go home. All of you. This is no longer your fight.
Pyyrha(comms): No we are not leaving!
Y/n(comms): What?
Pyyrha(comms): in our darkest moments you were our light in the darkness. You gave us all hope. Hope for a better tomorrow. You inspired all of vale to fight. They fought, 'WE' fought. We 'ALL' fought to free ourselves and the people from Ozpin. But now you need your light in the darkness. And I know it hurts. You had just lost a good friend to you. And now you think you have to fight alone in a seemingly endless battle. WELL GUESS WHAT! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! YOU HAVE STAR, RUBY, YANG, WEISS, BLAKE, NORA, ME, JAUNE, REN,ASTRID, STORMFLY, HICCUP, TOOTHLESS, BARF AND BELCH, RUFF AND TUFF, FISHLEGS, MEATLUG, SNOTLOUT, AND HOOKFANG!
Hiccup(comms): She's right! When someone kicks the dragon nest hard enough they have to deal what's inside! The dragons always follow There alpha till the end! YOU ARE OUR ALPHA!
Tears were forming in my eyes. I didn't want to do this. I activated my weapon system and locked into there ships. I used small missiles. Just enough to damage there ship good enough to keep them away but not to kill them.
Y/n(comms): Every one go away. Or I will be forced to fire on you.
Ruby POV
Jaune(comms): Guys I think he's serious.
Ruby(comms): Oh please he-
Computer(comms): Target locked on.
Yang(comms): Well if this is how I go out it will be with a Yang!
I then see a single missile go towards Yangs ship. Luckily it has shielding but it immediately breaks.
Y/n(comms): GO HOME. AL OF YOU.
Ruby(comms): We are not leaving you.
Y/n(comms): Then you leave me no choice.
He stops his ship and we end up flying ahead of him.
Sundance: Are you sure of this? They might not forgive you.
Y/n: I'm sure of it. Get the transmatt to a different ship ready.
Sundance: Please think about what you are doing!
Y/n: I am! I am protecting them on my mission! *sighs* Get the plastic explosives ready.
Sundance: Sure thing. *sigh*
She puts on the plastic explosives. I get ghost fragments and my journal. I put them in the ship. I and star get transmatted into a different ship that is nearby.
Y/n(comms): Guys I'm having some trouble in my ship. I'm going to see if I can repair it.
Ruby(comms): Glad to see you've come to your senses. We'll be waiting for you.
I then get out the remote detonator. I flick open the switch panels and push the button. My ship explodes. And I high tail it out of there.
Ruby POV
I was watching his ship when all the sudden it explodes.
Everyone(comms): NOOOO!
Tears start to drain from my eyes. But out of the corner of my eye I see a new ship leaving. I then get angry. Who ever is in that ship killed him.
Ruby(comms): Guys we need to report this to the headmistress. You guys go. I'll stay behind.
Hiccup: Well me and toothless are stuck in here. But I'm going to help. It never helps to push someone away.
Toothless gives a sad growl.
I pat his head.
Ruby: Thanks you two.
Pyyrha(comms): Ok Ruby we'll go and report this to the head mistress. And please try to find some clues.
Ruby(comms): I will.
They go through a portal. And they leave.
Hiccup: Ok time to find some clues.
He then extends his arms to pop his knuckles. I get my space gear on and exit the ship. I go to the wreckage of his ship. I find small ghost fragments. I examin this. They are from a different ghost. Not from Sundance. I then see his journal. Good thing those things are still intact. I grab them and enter the ship.
Hiccup: So what did you find?
Ruby: Random ghost fragments that are definitely not from his ghost. L. Red can you analyze the fragments of this ghost to see who they belong to.
L.Red: Sure thing. But you also saw that ship right?
Hiccup: Wait there was a ship?
Ruby: Yes there was. And I believe they were his killer.
Hiccup: Then we need to after them!
Ruby: Yes that maybe true but we need to find out who could have done it.
Hiccup: then what do we do?
Ruby: there must be some kind of clue. I mean we were out of touch for a year during the war. He could have wrote something in here for us.
I open it up and see a page labeled for me. I decided to read it.
Y/n's journal: Hello Ruby. If you are reading this it means you killed me. It most likely was by Ozpins mind control. If that part is true then I hold no grudges towards you. You are one of the most important people in my life. I don't ever want to see you get hurt. Oh and uh this is after Megatron showed up by the way. If something happens at the prison of elders that involves my death. Then please. Don't be sad about it. Remember all the smiles we had together. All the good times. And our struggles that made us stronger for who we are. And please don't hate your mother. Deep down she is a kind woman. It was Tai that caused a pretty good half. But I still wouldn't change anything about my life right now. Cause I have the most beautiful and caring girls that a guy could ask for. And if you ever find yourself on a chair with your head in a noose please live. For me. And since you killed me I leave you my cape, my gun, and a hologram version of me. Provided by Catherine Halsey. P.S Ruby I am always watching over you from now on. I'm in a better place now. I love you all.
That was the end of his message to me. Tears were falling down my cheeks.
Ruby: it's time to head home.
Hiccup: Did you find any clues?
Ruby: No. I just read a message to me from Y/n.
I wipe away my tears
Narrator POV
They entered a portal back to remnant. Ruby felt better. But in the distance a darkness followed her. But Y/n he watched it all. He knew the world would be in safe hands. But right now he is on a hunt for Petras killer. The new ship he has is called the Milano. It was Peter quills (Star Lord) Ship. He activated hyper drive and began his new found mission. But at the end of every chapter a book comes one step closer to the end. This is the final chapter. But when one book ends a new one begins.
A Gunslingers Destiny Vol2 available March 30th.
A/n: Hello every one. I would just like to thank everyone that stuck with the book from the very beginning. I would also like to thank all of you. For inspiring me to write these stories.

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