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"Babymoonpup and Lost_Cen thinks that Shade should be Shade. Lost_Cen also thinks that the devil should just be called Devil, and wolf boy should be called Scruff or Thunderbark and I should just be Michael because this is my universe." Michael said


For FTO Michael- Who is your Boyfriend? ;3

Shade blush a dark shade of red, "R.. Ritchie" he said shyly

*Gives a box of sugar cookies to 100BD Michael*

A box falls down in front of Michael, he opens it and gasp, he starts to eat the cookies. "Thank you!!!

*Hugs Puppy Michael*

A Blue transparent person appears in front of Scruff, and hugs him and disappears.


My child! Thunderbark! Here is a doggy bed and some treats!
*Gives Thunderbark a doggy bed and treats*
"Thanks!" Thunderbark starts to eat the treats "Their the best!"

And what's your opinions on each other Dream Team group?

Devil, just looked confused "What's that, I don't have a team the only people I really hang out with is my imp!"

"Well my team is good when im not blowing stuff up!" Michael says extremely fast as he was jumping up and down from a sugar high

"Well I guess my team fine" Shade said

"My team is good, when they're not picking on me for my height" said Scruff


For all: Soo any special people, you care for?????

"My boyfriend that's it" Shade says

"Well I guess my son Devon" Devil said

"Ritchie" said Scruff

"........." Michael didn't say anything as he slowly stops jumping

Here is some dolls that can turn into a people you care most about!
*give each Michael a doll*

Devil touches one of the dolls turned into his Imp. He blush a little.

Scruff touch the doll it turned into Ritchie

"Oh my gosh"

Now Shade touches the doll it became his boyfriend Ritchie

Michael completely stopped jumping as he looked at the doll, he reached forward and he touch his doll. It was half girl and boy but their whole body was gray with lifeless black eyes and had Black like tears running down their face. Even when the doll looked gray and lifeless he already knew who they was. Michael started to cry a little but hid it, and the doll some the other wouldn't see.


For everyone: What's your favorite type of cookie?

Devil was the first to respond "Walnuts"

"It was chocolate, but it's strawberry!" Yelled Scruff hyped up

"Mmm it would be dark chocolate" Shade said

" sugar cookies" Michael said just barely over a whisper


Who are your guys crushes or who are you guys dating? Also here's some cookies!

"My Imp, David." Said Devil

Next was Scruff "My iceberg, Ritchie" He said as his tail wags behind him

"I, I, um, I don't wanna answered that." Michael said as he hide more tears

*Gives cookies*

"Thanks!" Yell Scruff, as he gets hyped up on sugar

"Thank you." Michael says sounding a little bit sad then eats a lot of cookies and then his also hyped up on sugar!

"Oh shi.." said The Devil as he ate a cookie but Shade covered his mouth

No cursing on my Christian Christmas server

"Language there is children here!" Shade yelled "but thank you all."

"Oh! Yes thank you. We now have to put these two to bed!" Devil said

Merry Christmas and
happy new year

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