one. (sky people)

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ONE |  "...and chaos strikes again"


   NOVA has never been one to need company all the time

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   NOVA has never been one to need company all the time. She likes her alone time — she often finds comfort in being by herself because she's had to learn to get used to it over the years. So it's not unusual to find her deep into the forest collecting wood for the fire, or for her to be writing her thoughts down in her diary alone in her tent.

And, on a crisp October morning, that's exactly what she's doing. Her diary is her most prized possession, and barely anyone even knows she has one, let alone that she's been writing in it most days since she found it in an abandoned and rustic car three years ago. She's different from the rest of them, one-of-a-kind. Nobody can relate to her experiences growing up because they had never been outcast like she was, so her diary is a way of getting her thoughts out of her mind without having to explain to anyone what she means by them.

   Her peaceful writing time, however, soon gets disrupted by the sudden erupting sound coming from above her. At first, Nova doesn't think anything of it, but the sound continues and starts to get louder and louder, almost like a bomb hurtling through the Earth's atmosphere. Her eyebrows knit together as she tosses her diary and pen on her makeshift bed, lifting the flap of her tent to investigate the strange occurrence.

   Before she has the chance to look up, Nova notices a crowd gathering in the centre of the village. People from all over Trikru's village are becoming more and more curious, with every one of them having the same expression as Nova — extreme confusion. Nobody is saying a word, just looking up at the sky.

Her eyes are too transfixed on the events unfolding in the sky that Nova doesn't realise someone has run up to her and joined her side.

"Dula op yu get in chit ste going gon?" (Do you know what is going on?) Her closest friend, Astoria, questions, a hopeful look paints her face as she asks Nova out of desperation. Nova just simply shakes her head and swallows. It's only clicked with her now that, as the object is coming closer to the ground, it's a dropship from the Ark, larger than the one that her and her father came down in and probably one that can hold around a hundred people. But she doesn't mention it to anyone, fearing that some people in the village might turn on her again.

   With her mind clouded with so many theories of what is happening, Nova scrunches up her face and smacks her hand to her forehead. The people who have only recently been open to trusting her will start to question her about this, when she happens to be just as clueless as they are. Nothing has come down from the Ark since Nova has been on the ground, but she's learnt many times that some people she shares her home with are still skeptical about her ten years on. However, regardless of what other's think, she's done nothing but prove herself down here, so she knows she's worthy of being on the ground — and that's all that really matters to Nova.

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