Fetching Wanda

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Wanda's pov

"Good morning ladies and gentleman please fasten your seat belts and avoid standing, we're about to land." I heard the system says.

"I repeat, please fasten your seat belts and avoid to stand, we're about to land. Thank you." We're not stupid, well at least I'm not.

After a few minutes we finally land and I immediately got out of the plane and obviously the guards followed me because that's what they do, I just hate them for following like a dog, even when I'm just going to pee! Argh!

I called my sister to tell her that the plane lands already, hoping that she is here to fetch me. After five rings she finally picked up.

"Hey baby girl it's Maria." Oh it's Mari!

"Hi Mari! Are you guys here already?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, your sister is in the comfort room you know call of nature. Anyways since you rode your plane, I mean your parents plane it's private. We'll wait for you in the back, we just found out that there's paparazzi in public exit and I know how much you dislike it."


"Hey is that my sister?" I heard my sister asked and Maria said ''yes".

"Gimme that. Hey there Scar wear a mask just in case they spotted you okay? They are here, love yaa bye." She said and hang up. Rude.

"Hey we'll exit in the back." I said informing my bodyguards and they just nod.

Anyways! My name is Scarlet Romanoff 15 years old. I have a big sister her name is Natasha, there's only two of us. I don't let anyone call me in my name if we're not close or something so I just let them call me Wanda and not Scarlet.

"Ma'am I think that is your sister." One of my bodyguards pointed. I look at the direction he pointed at and he's right that's my sister!

"Hey sistaaa!" I yelled and ran to her direction.

"Hey there little sis." She said smiling and embraced me. This is why I love my sister.

"I missed you." I whispered hugging her tightly.

"I missed you too." She said and pulled out in our hug.

"Oh I bring Maria." She added and I looked at Maria who's taking a photos of us.

"Hey Mari! I missed you!" I said engulfing her in a hug.

"Well I missed you too kid." She said happily. Suddenly my stomach churned. They both looked at me then laughed.

"Come on little sister, let's take you home. Mom and dad is waiting for you." She said as we walk. I stopped and frowned.

"Hey what's wrong?" Natasha asked worriedly.

"I thought I'm going to live with you?"

"About that... You need to tell our parents first. I haven't told them yet, I figured that it's you who should ask for their permission okay?"

"What if they don't allow it?"

''We'll see. Now smile there little bean." She said cheering me up. I just hope for our parents to agree, I'll still live in her if they don't allow anyways.

Steve's pov

I'm bored. There's nothing to do in this big house. Out of a blue an Idea come up into my mind. I get my phone from the bed side table and called on someone.

"Pick up... Pick up..." I mumbled pacing out.

"Hello Steve, what's up?" Yes! Finally!

"Hey Tony, I was just wondering if you're up to something right now?" I asked hoping he is and that I could tag along.

"Uhm actually I am, I am really bored and maybe you could join me?"

"Definitely!" I said in enthusiasm.

"Awesome! Actually I'm just going to arcade."

"An arcade? Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup! You're too old and too boring for that Stevie I know." He said with a laced of mocking in his voice.

"Don't call me Stevie! Gosh how I hate that because of Sharon..." I heard him laughed on the other line and cleared his throat.

"Fine I won't Stevie. Anyways let's just meet in the mall? I also haven't eaten anything since morning and I'm freaking hungry! So you better move it fast Stevieee." He laughed and hang up. He's such a teased. I changed my clothes and went to my car and drive off.

Natasha's pov

"Hey Nat? Can we just stop at the mall? I'm supeeeer hungry! I didn't eat anything at the plane, you know how plane food is... I don't like them and neither do you." I laughed on how  my sister reasoned out just for me to stop in mall.

"Anything for you dearest sister." I said and giggled. After five minutes I parked and step outside so does Maria and Wanda.

"Freeeedooom!" I was shocked when Wanda suddenly shout. I looked at her weirdly.

"What?" She asked. "It's the first day since the end of school that I have no bodyguards around me! I felt so freee!" I just shook my head and chuckled at my sister's childish behavior. I held her hand and entered the mall.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked.

"Hmm? I can't think. You have any idea Mari?" She asked Maria who is busy on her phone.

"What?" She respond not looking up and as I can see she's blushing. What the hell?

"I heard you has a boyfriend?" Wanda asked, smirking at me. Oohhh I get it. She wants to teased Maria.

"Yeah I have." She replied still not looking at us and smiling like a creep. God is this what in love people do? Smiled on their phone? Disgusting.

"God! Stop sexting with your boyfriend Maria ugh!" Wanda burst out laughing at what I just said and Maria blushes heavily.

"Argh! I hate you! I swear I'll tease the heck of out you when you gotten yourself a boyfriend!" She said rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah whateves girl, Wanda asked you and you didn't bothered to look."

"What is it young lady?'' She said in querulous way. Wanda still laughing at what I said few moments ago, can't move on eh?

"Are you gonna ask or just laugh there?" Wanda cleared her throat still can't stop herself, goodness this kid!

"I-i--- pfft HAHAHAHA--- okay calm down self--- HAHAHAHA" I mentally slapped my forehead. We just let her laugh there and when 3 minutes past she finally done laughing. Is it really that funny?

"I a-asked if where d-do you think should we e-eat?" Maria thinks but before she could even answer Wanda interrupted her.

"Nevermind. A pizza will do sister, I'm just gonna lead the way seeing Maria makes me wanna laughed till I die today. That's a good one sister!" She said and laughed while she leads the way.

I do have a crazy sister everyone!


Happy Christmaaaaas everyone!

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