Jealousy strike

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Natasha's pov

Wait wait what! I didn't know that they'll be here! Oh wait how stupid of me, of course they will be here. It's their only son's birthday.

Oh god I wasn't prepared to meet them for Christ's sake! Is this what Steve felt when he met my family? Most especially my parents?

"This is my girl mom." Steve said proudly.

"Oh Natasha?" How did she know my name? "Daughter of Helena and Ivan." Of course she knew my parents.

"Hi Mrs Rogers." I said shyly.

"Oh drop the Mrs Natasha you can call me mom, I've heard a lot about you." She said smiling. Oh she's nice! Wait call her mom????

"Really mom?" That is so weird to say but it felt great at the same time. I saw Steve smiling in the side of my eyes. He's loving it.

"Yeah really. My son can't stop talking about you."

"Mom! You're not supposed to tell that!" Steve said, probably feeling embarrassed right now. Aww my poor baby.

"Oh yeah? What is he saying?" I asked looking at Steve teasingly.

"Like 'Mom I can't wait for you to see her!' 'Mom she's beautiful!' And other crazy stuffs!" Her mom revealed. I felt really special about that.

"So in love to me huh?" I whispered to Steve and his cheeks turned in a crimson.

"Why don't you welcome your other guests Steve? We'll be right here." Her mom said. Steve was about to refuse but I gave his hand  little squeezed.

"It's okay." I mouthed. He sighed and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "I'll be back." He whispered and walked away after that.

"It's really nice to meet you Natasha. Steve is so in love with you, I can't even explain his happiness."

"I'm happy to be with him."

"You know? He printed some of your pictures together and put it to a frame. It's in his room." I didn't know about that...


"Yeah. Every frame has a date carved in its back."

"Oh wow... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Don't tell him I told you, he's crazy just like his father." She said and we laughed together.

"Did I heard you involving me?" The man said. This must be his father.

"Oh hi Natasha dear, I'm glad that we finally meet!" He said and gave me a hug. I didn't respond immediately 'cause I'm in shocked. "You should've come earlier, we didn't have much time to talk." He said and frowned. Now I know where Steve got the attitude...

"So sorry Mr Rogers, we got stuck on the traffic. We can talk more next time perhaps?"

"Gladly. Drop the Mr call me dad, welcome to the family Natasha." He said and pat my head. 

"Anyways we got to go. Enjoy the party Natasha." Her mom said and I just smiled.

I looked around to find Steve is and when I finally spotted him, I didn't like what I saw.

Who is that blondie girl that he's hugging? That's definitely not Sharon. The girl had a long blonde hair. They seemed pretty close not that I mind. It's probably one of his guest.

Hold up! They hugged again?! Again? And they're laughing? Why are they laughing? What's so funny? I was about to approach them when Steve frowned and the girl cupped his cheeks. Oh wow. I think they haven't noticed me.

I hate it! I can't see the girl's full face! Steve hugged the girl again and pulled away. The blondie kissed MY boyfriend's cheeks! Okay great that's it! I walked towards them but the waiter and I accidentally bumped to each other.

"I'm sorry mam." He apologized.

"It's okay." I said giving him a slight smile. I excused myself but the girl is gone. Where did she go?

"Hey baby, you alright?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"

"Okaay?" He said with a doubting face but didn't said anything.

Steve's pov

"Your girl's acting weird." Sam whispered. He's right Natasha's acting a bit weird.

"I noticed that too. What's wrong with red?" Tony added.

I shrugged, "I don't know, she's okay earlier."

"Hey Natie? Are you alright?" Carol asked. Finally! Someone asked!

"Yeah." She said plainly and took a sip of her wine which is not good because it's already her third glass. She can't be drunk.

"Definitely not Tasha. Who frowns in the party?" Her sister Yelena said.

"Me." She answered then rolled her eyes.

"Baby what's wrong? Come on tell me."

"I-" She was about to say it but someone interrupted us.

"Getting the attention of the birthday boy. I prepared a little show for you since I forgot to buy you a gift so here it is."

"Who is that?" Natasha asked.

"Chelsea." Carol, Pepper, Sam, Bucky, Tony, and Thor said.

Chelsea started singing but then the tune changed and it got pretty wild and let's just say she did a little dance on my lap. People start shouting, praising her for what she did. I glanced at my girlfriend and I saw her grip on the wine glass tightened and her jaw clenching.

"Excuse me. I need to go in the rest room." Natasha said. Oh no...

I was about to follow her but the girls insisted to do it themselves.

Ten minutes passed and they still haven't come back.

"Okay where on earth are they?" Bucky said out of nowhere. Bucky and Wanda seemed to be pretty close earlier. I bet there's something go on. They are laughing the whole evening!

"What happened is pretty wild Rogers. Did you saw my sister's grip on that poor glass?" Clint said chuckling.

"Carol's been like that before Steve." Thor said eating his precious pop tarts. Where did he got that?

"Really? What's wrong with her then?" I asked.

"She's jealous bro." Pfft Natasha? Jealous?

"Nah my girlfriend is not jealous."

"You'll see Steve, you'll see."

"Okay I'll go check on them."

"No need. They're here, look." Sam said pointing at the girls but Natasha's not there. I was about to ask where she is but someone cleared its throat in the mic and there I saw Natasha.

What the hell is she doing there? And oh... wow.

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