Are you guys finally???

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Carol's pov

"Oh my god! I can't believe we just met Mr and Mrs Romanoff!" Pepper said for the nth time!

"Gosh shut up! You've said that a thousand times in the past few minutes!" I snapped.

"Oh shut it! You obviously didn't like entrepreneur thing!"

"Sura am! That is so boring! No wonder why  you looked so old..." I said keeping my voice low as I said the last part.

"What's that?!" She asked.


"I heard something!"

"Enough! Jesus Christ!" Maria yelled. Probably getting fed up at our nonsense argument. We kept quiet for a minute until Wanda spoke.

"I'm afraid that my father knows." She said quietly and my heart starts racing. What does Mr Romanoff can do? I heard about him being protective to her daughters.

"Why did you think that?" Maria replied and I just kept my mouth shut.

"I just know. He's my father after all. Let's head to our apartment, I need to tell something about what my father said. Let's just hope that Natasha's there. She needs to know and also to deliver the news."

"Sorry to interrupt, but what news?" I asked as my inquisitive side kicked in.

"They are going home."

"Don't tell me...Is it who I think it is?" Maria asked with a wave of excitement in her voice.


"Uhm sorry again, but who's coming back?" I asked again and I felt Pepper pinched me.

"Owh! That hurts!" I yelped out looking at her madly.

"Silly! You shouldn't over crossed! I apologize for Carol, Wanda." She said and gave Wanda a apologetic smile.

"Oh it's fine. Our other siblings is finally going back home after so many years." She said making mine and Pepper's jaw dropped.

What the fuck did I just heard???


"I still can't believe on what I heard..." Pepper muttered as we walk to Natasha's apartment.

"You're not alone." As I said that we heard Wanda chuckled.

"Guess you didn't see that coming eh?"

"We didn't!" Both Pepper and I exclaimed.

I mean how can we? All the news about the Romanoff's says that there's only two of them!

"Well can't blame you guys. Others didn't knew it either."

"When are they coming and where are they all this time? Can we meet them too?" I asked bombarding Wanda with a questions.

"Chill Carol, you'll have your answers once we faced Natasha. Anyways one more floor to go." Maria said laughing. What?!

"What the hell did you just said?! One more floor?!" I asked with a widen eyes.

"Yup!" She said popping the letter 'p' in it.

"But I'm exhausted! Carol is too!" Pepper complained and stopped to hold her knees.

"Why on earth didn't we use elevator again?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Uh because you agreed to take the stairs?" Wanda said with an 'unsure' look.

"Why did I agree again?" I asked.

"Because you said that you don't exercise and walking through the stairs will help?"

I mentally slapped my forehead and muttered something under my breath, "I'm currently regretting my decisions in life." Which they heard and laughed.

Natasha's pov

*knock knock*

I heard someone knocking but due to Steve's warmth I didn't budge and hugged Steve more. I am sleeping beside him with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me securely.

A few minutes later I heard the door creaking and soon a gasps. I opened my eyes flickering due to the light that's blinding me.

"OH MY GOD! MY SHIP SAILED!" Wanda and Carol screamed making Steve and I jolt.

"Freaking hell...." Steve muttered holding his chest. I looked at him with an adoration and laughed a little bit. He's so cuteee! Makes me wanna kiss him! I snapped the thought away as soon as I realized what it is. What the hell Natasha? Kiss him seriously?

"Are you guys a thing now? Don't you dare deny it!" Pepper said squealing. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Fine, we are together now. Well we are going to tell it to you guys tomorrow but you busted us sooo yeah." I said getting red.

"Well congratulations sister! Tell me the details later please?" My sister said and I just rolled my eyes and agreed.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" I asked.

"Well we did some hacking at our house, in my hacking room. And mom arrived, we almost got caught but Maria is good at lying so we survived thankfully." Wanda explained but it looks like there is something more.

"Spill the beans. What else did happened?" I asked and she anxiously sighs.

"Well we did delete the videos that came out about what happened. But you and I know dad. News travels fast to him. And also they are coming home." Well I know my father is. He probably knows.

"Wait you said they're finally coming home? As in stay in here for good?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep! When mom told me the first thing that came in my mind is.... Nothing forget it." Stupid. She knows I hate it when she cut her sentences off.

"What is it?!"

"Nothing! Just enjoy the week! We'll see them in Friday. I'm off to bed bye!"

When my sister walked off, I looked to them and seems like they are looking for answers.

"What? I'll tell you guys tomorrow." I said.

"You promise?" Steve, Carol, and Pepper said.

" I promised. Now go home your parents must be worried now." I said bidding them goodbye's.


Hi guys! I just wanna say take care! Wear mask if you guys are going out. The virus is spreading pretty quickly that's enough to suspend our class for a week.

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