Too much display

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Natasha's pov

"Okay, I'm still not recovered from last night. What just happened again?" Maria asked Carol. They've been talking about it since I arrived.

"Don't ask me I have no idea too." She replied laughing.

I gave them a death glare, "Stop it you guys."

"You really stunned us all Nat, have you seen Chelsea's reaction? It was priceless!" Pepper said laughing so loudly.

How I wish to have seen that.

"Who's that Chelsea anyways?" I asked curiously. I haven't seen Chelsea here.

"Chelsea is basically like Sharon but she's not that desperate." Carol answered.


"She likes Steve as much as Sharon does too but as you have witnessed, she is more wild and flirty." Pepper added.

"Not to mention, she's a bit slut."

My eyes immediately land on Maria and looked at her sternly, "Maria!"

"What? It's true! Who's in the right mind to do a lap dance on someone's boyfriend? In a slutty clothes huh?" She defended in her bitchy tone.

"Still, anyone could have hea-" Someone interrupted me for what I was saying with a kiss.

"Hi baby."

"Is that our new way to greet each other now?" I teased.

"Maybe?" He said grinning.

"Well? I'm not complaining." I chuckled giving him a pecked on the lips again.

Tony cleared his throat, "Ehem! May I remind you love birds that we are in SCHOOL so you might wanna stop being mushy mushy over there. We're taken too, but there's single out here. So we should respect that, right barnes?"

Bucky made a face then rolled his eyes.

"Yow buck, you're aware that you are older than my sister Wanda right?" I teased. He can't possibly like my sister right? Or can he?

"Huh?" He said, acting like he doesn't have any idea on what I am talking about.

"There's nothing wrong in there little red if he does right? Steve is older than you too." Thor said. Hmm? He has a point.

"But you can't seriously date a fifteen years old! And besides dad wouldn't allow it. Wanda is our baby in the family." I reasoned. Call me what ever you want but I won't allow it too. Yelena and Wanda are still young to date!

I saw how Bucky got sad. He really does have a thing to my sister? If Wanda's already 17 and act like it? Dad may allow it. I might allow it but for now? They can't.

"You know what guys? Let's just drop it. Why don't we just group study? Exam is next week already." Pepper recommends.

"Yeah as much as I hate to day this but she's right." Maria agreed. I didn't say a word and just show them a smile.


"What's with the professors today?! Why are they so grumpy?!" I whined as I pout in front of Steve.

"You've been saying that for the sixth time Nat, let it go." He said chuckling.

"No! They just gave us a ton of things to do!" I complained. I know it might sounds very childish but hey! Who likes to do a lot of academic things huh? Name one and I'll slap Sharon and Chelsea! Kidding only hehe.

"Come here." He said opening his arms, "No talking, just hugging." He said side hugging me. I rested my head in his chest while we wait for some food that he ordered.

"By the way, where's your sisters babe?" He asked playing with my fingers.

"Oh they're at the main house. They decided to go home and get some essentials. Maybe they will just stay the night there." I replied, cuddling to him more.

We stayed like that for a while with him kissing my hair, playing with my fingers. We didn't talk and just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

Just as he's about to call the restaurant about our order I remembered that I haven't given him my gift. I stood up, running in my room to get his gift. When I came back he looked at me confused.

"Stay there. I wanna give your gift." I said sitting back on his side. I gave him the bag and he took the box inside of it.

"What's this?" He asked smiling.

"Open." I replied beaming back at him.

"Thank you." He said and kissed my cheeks. He opened the box then looked right back at me.

"What?" I asked grinning at him.

"Is this?"


"...but how did you know I wanted this?" He asked having a shocked but happy face.

"Well I saw you looking at it the time we went to the mall when we're not still together and when I saw it I was like 'Steve wanted this.' So I bought it." I truthfully said.

"I was planning to buy this for us but you got it first. Thank you so much!" He said and hugged me tightly. I pushed him after a minute because I can't breathe!

"Let me put it on you." I said getting the silver watch and put it on him. He got the other one and did the same with me.

"There's a reason why I bought it though, it's because time is a special gift, and we should always use it wisely. We cannot bring back time not even these watches. I wanted the both of us to use it productively and not waste it." I said looking straightly at him.  He gave me a warm smile and we leaned in slowly. We were about to kiss when the doorbell rang. We pulled away immediately and blushed.

Steve looked on the camera to see who it is. It's the delivery guy. He opened the door and get our order, he paid the guy and gave him a death glare. The delivery guy left immediately.

"Poor guy." I said laughing.


Hey sorry, I forgot to update yesterday lol 😂

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