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When one with severe anxiety, schizophrenia, claustrophobia, or split personality disorder has a panic attack it is less freaking out and more losing control of rational thought. It is 75 percent of your brain knowing that you are fine, and safe and satisfied but the other 25 perfect saying you’re getting strangled. So what the boys didn’t know was that Niall had suffered a minor panic attack, and the fact that they’d all crowded him was not helping. He fainted because that 25 % illogical part of his mind was so overwhelming his body shut down. Which was for the best since anymore escalated panic would’ve done him no good, so his mind retreated into unconsciousness. His fainting was all for the best. But Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis definitely didn’t know this.

Liam was adjusting the smaller boys body, making it so that his own legs were criss-crossed and Niall’s head was in the indention they provided. That was the extent of what the boy kneww how to do, and the fact of not being able to do anything was killer. No one spoke as the Limo slowly crawled through the crowd, until Zayn finally said;

“Should we be going to the hospital?” In his husky accent. People always wondered how he concealed his tawny voice while singing. He was looking at Liam, who was looking down at Niall’s pale face. His lips were parted slightly, his forehead smooth, his hair matted and sticking to his face with sweat. For once Liam was absolutely at a loss for words. What could he say? That he didn’t know? That Niall could be really hurt and he didn’t know what to do?

“I-I don’t know lads,” Liam whispered, running his thin fingers through Niall’s hair. In then he pushed two fingers in to the side of his neck and was delighted to discover the pace was normal, and the Irish boys breathing was slower too, like he’d gone into hyper sleep. “I think he’s okay though. His breathing sounds okay? Does it not? Zayn feel his pulse.” The brunette demanded and the British-Pakistani boy crawled over on his knees, shuffling slowly as if afraid of what he might find. He couldn’t help but think that things like this didn’t happen in Bradford. In then he scolded himself, hearing his mother say, ‘Be Grateful Zaynie!’ in his mind. She had been right then too, he knew, people were starving to death and they were hopping around on stage. Zayn had always compared his problems to the moon, and when he did, everything he had to deal with felt pathetically small in comparison. It was a good tactic, his grandfather had told him. He felt the boys pulse, and he almost keeled over when he felt the slow, ba-dump, ba-dump. He didn’t know why he didn’t trust Liam’s opinion about his mate, but he just… Didn’t. He had wanted to make sure for himself, the only person he could trust… Himself.

No one knew what to do for the long drive back to the hotel. There didn’t seem to be anything to say, and no one wanted to be judged for cracking a joke. Except when Niall started to make the pre-waking up noises, consisting of incoherent grumblings and moans, everybody was ready to joke at the young boys’ expense. Finally, after what felt like ages of heart breaking suspense, his eyes fluttered open and he said, as if cued to;

“I’m hungry.” They’d never laughed so hard in their lives, and with a great act of bravery, LouBear placed his defensive weapon in the Irishman’s lap. Niall was dumb-struck, the carrot thing had all been a joke, and Louis didn’t like them that much, but the fact that he’d sacrifice his inside joke for him was tear inspiring. Niall rubbed his eyes to force them back like a child.

“Was it because of that girl you were so upset?” Liam asked, still running his finger through the younger boy’s hair, smiling slightly. And that’s when the dam burst. Everyone knew Niall was definitely the most sensitive, and they were tentative to talk to fans or interviewers about certain subjects. This was one of those special subjects. Zayn threw a half-hearted glare at Liam before looking back to Niall. He had laid down on his side, bringing his knees up to his chest, his forehead resting on his knee caps in defeat. He was sobbing loud and clear. Harry was the first to hear the flashes of cameras and his heart began to race, the limo windows were tinted but not enough that the fans couldn’t see Niall crying his eyes out.

All Those Missing Pieces; Niam & Larry *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now