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  Shocked, and with a warm feeling of numbness spreading over me like a blanket, I let my eyes remain fixated on the point where Leam had leapt.  I watched Liam backhand Zayn, whose mouth opened up into a surprised O as he set his hand on the back of his head, messaging the red welt forming with his fingers. He didn’t dare say anything as Liam rounded on Niall, opening his mouth as if to yell.

In then breaking into tears.

Harry was standing beside me, touching my face with his hands, his eyes wide and sincere, the size of dinner plates as he gauged my reaction. I didn’t know what to do, and I had the overwhelming desire to leap over the edge and follow Leam. To throw up my hood and lit up a cigarette, just drop everything and go. My hands were shaking visibly when I raised them to my cheeks, clasping Hazza’s fingers with my own, closing my eyes and breathing in deeply through my nose; I battled the overwhelming feeling of anxiety that made my chest tight and my head throb. When I opened them again I realized just how close Harry’s face was to mine, his bright emerald eyes hovering only inches away from mine. The tip of his nose was even brushing mine, and a wave of heat crashed over me. My ears and cheeks flamed as I tried to get those dang emotions in check.

“Would it be terribly rude if I kissed you?” Harry asked, bringing his other hand up to my face, keeping me close with his long fingers. I tried to look into his green eyes, which he had closed, and I watched the way his curls fanned his face. I even twirled one around my index finger, Liam crying in the background, Zayn trying to comfort himself, and Niall standing about getting lectured.

“Haven’t you always been a rule-breaker, HazzaBear?” I whispered, feeling the confidence in the soles of my shoes to the tip of my head. When he smiled I laughed a little, tugging at the chestnut ringlets at the base of his neck, my fingers trailing their way down his spine.

“I guess more so now than before.” Harry said, and he covered the distance between us with a quick dip of his head, and I smiled through the whole thing, unsure, overwhelmed, and with a twelve year old wandering aimless through Las Vegas.

But gosh dang it I smiled.


The last thing I saw was two bright lights, streaking towards me, swinging about carelessly.

The last thing I heard was my own screams, and the screams of other bystanders. My hearing aids going whack from the intensity of the noise around me, when a sharp pain erupted in my chest.

I sucked in a breath, the explosion of pain flowering through me, swallowing my limbs in a hot fire. Right before..





   “She’s a Jane Doe.” The nurse said, clicking her tongue in disapproval as she slid around her desk in her blue, rolling chair. She straightened a set of papers, laying them in a thick, neat stack on her desk. “She’s pretty mangled, but the angles were weird. Like someone pushed her or something,” The nurse said, sticking a pencil in the back of her sleek, blond pony tail, popping her gum loudly. She pushed out, propping her feet up on her white desk. She cleared her throat, taking a swig out of her Voss water and looking over at her friend, who had two, shiny, simple braids trailing down either side of her face.

“No contact information?” The brown haired nurse said, sticking down with a huff in her chair and booting up her computer for charting. “How’d you know to call the adopted father?” The girl said, squinting her hazel eyes at the bright, reflecting computer screen as her red nails clicked loudly on the keypad. The blond nurse smiled at her nails, picking at them as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

“There was something, in her pocket. I got it and put it in the bag with her clothes. I feel so bad for that dad, he sounded so young over the phone. There was like nine of them screaming on the other side of the phone. I didn’t tell them though- decided I shouldn’t.” The woman said, brushing a stray lock of hair that had fallen from her pony-tail out of her eyes. She wiggled her toes inside of her shoes, suddenly saddened.

“Shouldn’t what?” The other nurse with the name tag, ‘SANDY,’ demanded. Raising her penciled on eyebrows high she looked at her colleague, wondering why her voice had cracked and pitched at the end of her sentence. Her friend was usually the worst gossip.

“Tell them over the phone!” The blond nurse said, shuffling through her papers to find her name tag and when she found it she stuck it indignantly to her chest. BRAZILE, it read, with a small pink smiley face beside it. Brazile braced her hands on her knees, standing up and listening to her joints pop in protest.

“Tell them what, B?” Sandy demanded, spinning in her chair, slamming her fists down on her thighs. Her brownish eyes tinged with an awful curiosity. She even cocked her head to the side to receive the news better.

“That she died.” Brazile said softly, rubbing furiously at her eyes, knowing it’s dumb to cry in the children’s ward. Lots of hopeful kids came in, only to be dismissed in a casket. It was horrible.

“Did the adopted pa say anything?” Sandy asked gently, laying her cheeks in her hands and biting her bottom lip, chewing.

“He said his name was Louis, and that her name was Leam.” Brazile’s voice wavered, and she threw herself in her best friends arms, her body racked with horrendous sobs. Sandy smoothed her hair, whispering little nothings in her ear. What was there to say?

All Those Missing Pieces; Niam & Larry *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now