Chapter 16

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The second we landed in Vegas Zayn, Liam, and Niall got into a Taxi and told us they’d find us a suitable hotel. While Louis, Leam and I trudged off in another set of Taxi’s toward the Children’s Hospital, where Leam has a meeting with Dr. Vosta, who will administer her first round of chemo-therapy. I can tell by how jittery Leam is that she’s frightened, Louis has a hand on one of her knees and the one he’s not touching is bouncing around crazily. Her hair looks really thin, and she begged Zayn to do it for her. She said she hated seeing her hair come out on her hands, and stifling tears Zayn had gelled it up in a sort of fo-hawk. With not enough hair to really supplement the look. I’ve got my arm settled on her shoulders, my hands toying with the longish hair at the back of Louis’ neck. With mid-morning light streaming in through the cab’s window Leams’ face is illuminated by the suns yellow light. Her face looks sallow in the light and she keeps pushing Lou aside so she can look out the window. She keeps yelling and beaming at everything in sight and I feel a swell of appreciation. I had taken for granted all of these little things that Leam wouldn’t be able to experience for very much longer. I felt really stupid and ungrateful when put next to the little girl, jumping and squealing in her seat. I can see Louis feeling the same way as I, and he even brings out Stypahorlikson. Leam makes little motions out the window and exclaims periodically about the sights and I watch her talk to the little German shepherd like he understands.  I look at the side of Lou’s face, and he has these pretty blue eyes trained on Leam’s face. He’s smiling, like he’s delighted. There’s a layer of stubble on his face, like he hasn’t shaved in a while. With nappy plane hair he looks attractive in a gruff sort of way.

Yup, attractive.

Seeing me looking at him out of the corner of his eyes he turns to look at me, sticking his tongue out and going cross-eyed.

“The doctor said it’s painless, but he says the after-effects will suck,” Louis says offhandedly, like a dad might and I look at him with an unimaginable warmth. “But we don’t have another flight for two weeks, so you’ll be bummed for three days or so,” He makes a grand gesture with his arms, one of his hands settling on top of my head, “And we’ll enjoy the sights together!” He trills, trying to hype up the excitement. His fingers dig themselves into my curls, and he twirls one playfully around his finger. I try to fight the blush creeping up to my cheeks. I reach up and swat away his hands, and end up holding it.


Leam gives me this look behind narrowed eyes and says, “No wonder people think Larry is real.” In then she throws me a haughty wink.

“Well it’s not!” I protest loudly, feeling the heat rise to my cheek. I vaguely catch a look of hurt, flickering quickly across Louis face. Leam turns away from me just as Louis swings open the door of the stopped taxi and climbs out. She crawls to the edge of the seat in then turns back to look at me.

“You bite the inside of your cheek when you lie.” She says stoutly, pinching my cheeks in between two of her fingers and yelling, loud enough for Lou outside to hear, “Your babies would have fantastic bone structure!” In then she throws herself out of the car and gets steadied by my hand on her forearm. I may have held her arm a little tighter than necessary as we follow like loyal soldiers behind Lou. She looks at me weird in then sticks out her foot.

I’m already falling by the time I see the coy.

I hit the ground so hard my chin is jarred, and I run my tongue along my teeth to check for chips. Louis looks at me with worried eyes, rushing to my aid and kneeling down beside me. “Haz! You alright?” He asks, and I see Leam smirking above his head. Then she makes little hip thrust motions with her tongue sticking out in concentration. I cock my head to the side, trying to imitate Leam’s puppy dog face. All I manage to do is make an idiot out of myself as Louis helps me to my feet, snickering. This time I’m steadied by Louis, and Leam sits in one of those electric wheelchairs. She obnoxiously announces every time she’s going to turn.

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