Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11


We pull up to the rented out high school gymnasium with a flourish. I throw myself out of the car, and open it with a sweep of my hand. I gesture towards the double, tin, sickly orange colored doors and wrapping an arm around Niall’s waist I lead him toward them. The closer you get, the more visible the person standing besides the entry becomes. It’s Louis; I see the confirmation register on my Irish friends’ face, as he looks at the brunette boy posted by the closed doors. Louis steps forward and in a loud voice, his superman voice says;

“Welcome to One Directions very own, Senior Prom!” In then the 20 year old, throws open the door and ducks inside. It’s completely dark, from our vantage point and I can feel Niall shaking. I smile because he’s just as nervous about this as I am. With small, hesitant steps I lead the two of us towards the gaping hole of blackness that is the opened doors. The second my foot touches down inside the threshold the lights come blazing on, a brilliant fluorescent with random pools of other neon colors. Right now we stand, in the middle of a giant pool of bright orange that clashes with my blue tux horribly.

Niall is smiling this crooked Irish smile, he looks so excited and he even jumps a little bit. His blond hair looks fiery in the light and I keep a firm grip on him as I continue on our straight path down the center of the gym. In then someone appears in front of me, little Safaa who’s holding a wooden weaved basket. She throws the blue and brown rose-petals on the ground, throwing them grandly over her head and I watch as they flutter towards the ground, dreamily. Niall and I walk steadily on the petals, and I flash a wicked white smile at him as I step on another blue petal. I open my mouth to speak, but then deciding against it continue to follow the little Pakistani girl in front of me. The petals are the color of Niall’s and I’s eyes. All the lights shut off once again, and for a few nerve wracking seconds they remain off, in then, when they blink back on Safaa is gone. Little white spotlights illuminate the trail of roses, but the path ends at a dark, dead-end in which only I know resides inside.

Smiling, I urge the boy along keeping us both in the stream of creamy light. In then, finally we are at the end of the trail and I drop my arm, weaving my fingers in with Niall’s instead. With our toes tickling the overhanging darkness, another set of flood lights come on. This time, in a subtle yellowish green that cats elongated shadows.

The light is the color of Niall’s hair.

Illuminated is a stage, a platform made of yellow wooden planks in which a certain, sassy 12 year old girl with a now red hearing aid stands upon it. Her hair in a quiff and her hazel eyes concealed with thick glasses, Girl Liam stands in front of a microphone. She has this red dress on, a black, lacey pull over pulled on over it. She has tears in her eyes, I notice with a pang. In then she does her signature smirk, the lopsided thing that no matter how hard I tried to do I could never execute like her. With this zing of carelessness, and live while we’re young about it.

   I see a curious look on Niall’s face, in then he sees Zayn walking in steady strides across the stage. Zayn is decked in a white tux, which clashes sexily with his skin tone and I wink at him. He gives me a nod so small, I only found it because I was looking for it. In then, in a strong, deep voice he says, “Prom King and King results.” In then he hands an eggshell white letter to Girl Liam, who hastily takes the letter in one swift motion and smirks at him too.

Leaning forward on her toes, which I now notice are barefoot she says in a voice as silky as honey, “Our first One Direction Senior Prom King is,” She clears her throat dramatically. I almost start tapping my foot out of anticipation, and try desperately to hide the massive grin I feel spreading across my face. “Niall James Horan!”  Applause erupts from the darkness shrouding the stage and our rows of pedals from either side. Niall cannot see who is clapping for him.

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