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Chapter thirteen

Liam woke up in a strange bed, her quiff sticking up in a three-parted awful cowlick in the back and her face feeling awfully hot and stuffy. Living the life style she led, the girl kept her breathing steady even after she’d opened her eyes. If someone was waiting for her to awaken she didn’t want them to her a hitch in the erythematic sound of her breaths. She slowly cocked her head, and slitted her eyes, seeing through black, thick eyelashes. The room around her is dark, with the shudders drawn over a long rectangle window so tightly not a single lick of sunlight beamed through to illuminate her surroundings. She could, with her fuzzy outfit, barely make out a beige carpet, a pinkish bed-spread, and a soft red wallpaper. She thought vaguely that it was some type of floral pattern. In then her eyes found themselves on the twin bed beside her own, a boys ‘ head was topping the covers. She could barely tell it was a light brownish color, but the face was too blurry to recognize. Having been in more sticky situations than she can count she didn’t know exactly how to get out of this one. Scream? Run? Hide? Instead she reached out her left arm and groped around groggily, and almost died of delight when her fingers touched the cool, familiar frames of her black glasses. She practically shoved them on her face, her fingers instinctually going for the hearing aid that she was used to being clasped into the inside of her right ear. Instead she felt a sort of stickiness, and she knew she’d taken it out last night. The stickiness was gel residue, and so she was faced with almost utter silence on her right side of she focused in on the boy on the bed close to her.

It was mother fucking Louis Tomlinson of One Direction.

She felt her heart thud violently in her chest as the past couple of days events washed over her like waves. Her chest immediately, as if someone had snapped their fingers, started to get tight and she put a hand to her heart as she sat up. Her breathing became fast and sallow as she tried to even out her heart beat, trying to get back with some rhythm. The panic attack had hit her hard in fast-but she’d cast them out before and she wanted to do it again. Squeezing her hands in tight fists, her legs dangling over the side of the hotel bed, she breathed deeply. Her body shook with suppressed spasms when Louis woke up, running a hand sleepily through his hair.

He saw the girls’ condition but didn’t move to touch her, because he wasn’t exactly sure what was going on and didn’t want to step on unstable ground. Instead he watched her balled up fists and flaming face. After several, dragging minutes her breathing settled and didn’t sound so labored, and she cracked open her eyes. She opened up her eyes, a flash of brilliant green, only to be greeted by Louis’ concerned face. She felt her heart thud dangerously fast, adrenaline coursing through her veins like icy water. With a final deep heave of her chest she cracked a familiar lopsided, landslide grin. Not a big one, but enough of one to make Louis happy.

“I should.. I umm.. Should ughh.. Be um going, yeah?” In then she stopped up, flattening her crinkled party dress with her palms. Louis tried not to stare at the red markings, and instead stood up to his full height and towered almost a full 6 inches over the young pre-teen.

“And where will you be headed?” His voice thick with a recognizable Doncaster accent. His tongue felt like a brick in his mouth as he rubbed the fuzz out of his eyes. He tried to put on his best-what-the-hell expression. It failed miserably, and he ended up looking like he had to use the bathroom.

“Home?” Her voice rose up, in the end as if she were asking a question. She wrapped her arms around her waist in a poor attempt to stop the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability. Tapping his foot in a parental sort of way Louis tried to look like a parent as best as he could. If this little girl thought she was going home, she was sorely mistaken.

“Why don’t you just stay here with me for a while, and I’ll go to the station and talk to someone, okay?” His voice shook. He knew as well as she did that he was no dad. He wasn’t meant for this, rise above it all and turn the other cheek sort of thing. “Look, you can even go with me, okay?” He tried to clear his throat, and ran his hands down his face desperately, “Alright? In then we’ll see what I need to do.” Confused and beyond flustered the girl threw her hands in the air.

All Those Missing Pieces; Niam & Larry *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now