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Warning: Abusive content!

At the end of the day, I was putting my books in my locker, when Jasmine walked up to me.

"Hey, ready to go?" She asked.

"I have detention, remember?" I reminded her as I closed my locker.

"Oh yeah. That sucks." She replied, pulling a sad face.

"You have no idea." I sighed.

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow." She said as she walked away.

"Tomorrow." I said, waving goodbye. I then walked in the direction of the detention room. I still couldn't believe that I got detention. I really hope this one small mark on my permanent record won't affect my chances of getting into medical school.

I reached the door that has 'Detention Room' written on it and pulled it open. I noted that only one person was in the room. A boy, who was busy tapping away on his phone. I entered and went to the desk to give my detention slip to the detention supervisor. I then turned around to walk to my seat and almost run into someone who had just entered the room behind me.

"Watch it!" The person growled out and I looked around to see Carson Knight.

Carson was the school's bad boy. He and his group of friends were always in some trouble. Let's just say he did not care for rules. I was not surprised to see him here. I looked around to see if his friends were also here, but it was only him. Normally, it was the four of them who got into trouble. After all, they were always creating havoc together.

Right now his hands were bandaged up and he had cuts and bruises on his face. He was probably in another fight. No surprise there.

"You should also look where you are going." I snapped.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. "What did you just say to me?"

"You heard me." I said simply.

He scrutinized me for a few seconds, before he smirked. "You sure do have a lot of confidence, little nerd." He said.

I scoffed. "I'm not a nerd."

He lifted his eyebrows. "Whatever you say, nerd."

"Douche bag." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Enough!" The teacher at the desk in front of us snapped. "Please take a seat. Both of you." He said, pointing his finger in front of him. He looked weary and his eyes were bloodshot.

I gave Carson one last glare, before I walked away and took a seat at the back, near the window. Carson sat on the other side of the classroom. I looked at the front and saw that the teacher had his head on the desk. He was probably sleeping, so I took out my earphones, plugged it into my phone and began to listen to some music. Maybe if I didn't pay attention to the time, it would run off quickly.

Ten minutes later, I was still listening to music with my head on the desk. Suddenly, I felt something bounced off my shoulders. I looked around to see a crumpled up paper on the floor.

I looked over to where the boy who I had seen when I just entered the room was. He sat in his seat sleeping. His head was falling back and his mouth was wide open. I then looked around at Carson. He waved at me and tried to look innocent. An evil smirk was playing on his lips.

I narrowed my eyes at him, before I took up the paper and threw it back at him. It hit his arm and bounced to the floor. I smiled in victory. He shook his head and pointed to the boy, as if to say it was him who had thrown the paper. I rolled my eyes. As if he was able to throw a paper ball at me. The poor boy was busy drowning in his own drool.

For the rest of the detention period, Carson did not say anything or bothered me again. I was really glad for that. He had his feet propped up on the desk, texting on his phone. The hour flew by fast and finally detention was up. I shot up from my seat quickly and left the room.

Finally, I could go home. Not that I'm looking forward to it.


After twenty minutes of walking, I was finally at my house. I looked at the house that I lived in for six years; ever since my mother married that monster.

This place was definitely not home anymore.

I looked at the dying flowers that were planted near the lawn. They hadn't been watered or tended to since my mom passed. She loved flowers and was the only one who took care of them. Now, they were shivered up and dark looking.

I didn't know if Allan was home. The garage door was closed, so I didn't know if his car was there or not. I took a deep breath and walked up to the front door. I opened it with my keys and pushed it open slowly. It made a creaking noise and I groaned. I hope the noise didn't wake him up. That is, if he was sleeping.

I sighed in relief when I saw that the living room was vacant. I closed the door quietly and walked briskly towards the stairs. I don't want to take any chances if he was home. However, as soon as I reached the foot of the stairs, I heard a sound behind me. I turned around to see Allan standing at the entrance to the kitchen.

"Where are you coming from?" He demanded.

"School." I answered. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"School ended an hour and a half ago. Where have you been?!" He shouted, moving closer to me. I took a step back.

I didn't answer. I was trying to calculate in my head how fast I could run up the stairs. Maybe if I took them two at a time, I could make it, I thought to myself. As soon as that idea came to my mind, I brushed it off. Who was I kidding? With my clumsy self, I probably wouldn't make it up the first two steps.

Before I could think about anything else, Allan reached where I was and stood in front of me. His big and muscular frame looming dangerously over me. He raised his hand and I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. Seconds later, I felt the all too familiar sting to my cheek. I looked down at the floor and clenched my jaw, trying to ignore the pain.

He grab my hair roughly, forcing me to look at him. I whimpered in pain, because of how tight he grabbed my hair. He then slammed me against the wall on the right. I hit my head hard, before I fell to the floor, hitting my head again. My head began to throb with pain and my vision became spotty. I tried to regain consciousness.

I began to scramble to my feet, when he kicked me to the floor again. He then began to continuously kick me. In my stomach, hip, leg and my back. I closed my eyes tightly to prevent the tears from falling. Finally, he stopped kicking me.

"Now go to your room!" He gruffly said as he walked away, heading back to the kitchen.

I got up off the floor weakly and quickly limped to my room. My body was in a lot of pain, but I ignored it. I couldn't risk him changing his mind and coming back for me. As soon as I reached my room, I went inside and closed the door behind me with the lock. I run to my bed and finally let the tears flow.

I hugged my pillow close and cried. I didn't know how much more of this I could take.

I didn't know how long I cried for, but the next thing I know, I fell asleep, hearing the sounds of my own hiccups.

A/N: Thank you all for reading!

Seriously, you guys are my motivation. All the comments on my stories, message board and private message, I really appreciate all of them ❤.

This is not easy. Because I'm using my phone, I can't cut and paste. I have to be writing the chapters in a book first and then rewriting it to my phone. However, I'm not going to stop, because I'm doing it for you, my lovely readers ❤

This chapter is dedicated to lynne1o95 Thanks for all your comments and for reading my book a second time! I really, really, really appreciate it! 😘😘

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