Teacher Say What?

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"Kevin, would you stop that? You are eating like a pig." I said to Kevin as we sat eating our lunch in the cafeteria.

It was a week since the boys had took me to the gym and I found out Carson's extracurricular activity. Since then all I could think about was how dangerous it is and that he could get seriously injured. At least now I know why he has always come to school with cuts and bruises.

"No, I'm not." Kevin defended, his mouth stuffed with food.

"Eww," I wrinkled up my face. "Stop talking with the food in your mouth."

Kevin swallowed the food that was in his mouth and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Yeah, that's real mature." I replied sarcastically. He continued to do it, so I stuck out mine at him as well. Now both of us were having a game and it was hilarious. The both of us were acting like children.

"I see none of you are mature now." Jasmine said, shaking her head at us. She and Lucas were sitting in front of Kevin and I. Kevin and I couldn't contain our laughter anymore, so we both burst out laughing at our silly faces. Jasmine and Lucas shook their head at us.

After Kevin and I contained our laughter, we continued to eat. After a while, I heard Jasmine made a small gasping sound and I looked up at her, my eyebrows raised. She was looking ahead of her with a sad and confused expression on her face.

"Jaz, are you okay?" I asked, trying to get her attention.

Without looking at me, she tilted her head in the direction that she was looking in. Turning around slightly, I saw that she was looking at Tyler. He was standing near the cafeteria line with his arm slung intimately around a girl. His head was bend as he whispered in the girl's ear. The girl giggled.

I turned back around and looked at Jasmine with a confused expression. "What is that about? I thought he was into you." I asked.

"I thought so too." Jasmine said. "But it looks like he's into every other girl as well." She finally tore her eyes from the two people and looked down on the table. "I thought that he liked me. I mean he was always sweet to me and walked me to my classes..." She trailed off.

"Come on, Jasmine. You can't let that get you down." Lucas said.

"Yeah," I agreed. "It's his loss for throwing someone like you away."

"You guys are right. I should just go over there and give him a piece of my mind." Jasmine stated with determination.

"As much as I would like to give him an earful for playing with your feelings, I can't, because that would be creating a scene." I explained, sharing my thoughts about going over there and rip him a new one for using my best friend. "Also, if he didn't see how special you are, he doesn't deserve you in the first place. So, please let it go. He is not worth it." I replied, hoping this will make her feel better.

"But he..." Jasmine began.

"Jasmine let it go." I cut her off. I didn't want her to give Tyler the satisfaction that she cared.

Jasmine hesitated, so Kevin leaned over the table and began to sing. "Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore."

That worked as Jasmine laughed. "Seriously Kevin? Frozen? I didn't know you watch that."

"Um...what? I don't watch it." Kevin denied, getting embarrassed.

"Sure you don't." Jasmine giggled. I looked at Kevin and smiled at his discomfort. Jasmine was really enjoying torturing Kevin. I was just glad that Jasmine was distracted from Tyler.

Kevin threw his hands up in the air in surrender. "Okay, I've watched it once, but that's because my little sister forced me to watch it with her." He defended himself.

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