Losing Himself

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Today was Wednesday and I was at the cafe. Miranda had called me right after school and asked if I could come by the cafe for two hours. I didn't mind because I could do with the extra money.

It was now five thirty and time for me to leave. Carson had asked me to come to his house at six thirty so he can continue helping me with maths. I clocked out and left the cafe. I decided to go to the nearby mall to explore until it was time to go to Carson's house.

I walked through the entire mall and after half an hour of checking out every store, I was ready to leave. I left the mall quickly and walk to Carson's house.

Twenty minutes later, I was ringing the doorbell. Once again, the maid, Ms. Nordia answered the door.

"Oh hello." She said, when she saw me. "If you're here to see Carson, I'm afraid he is not here."

"Where is he?" I asked, as I checked the time. It was almost six thirty. He knew I was coming at six thirty.

Ms. Nordia shook her head. "I don't know." Just then, I saw Mrs. Knight came up behind Ms. Nordia.

"Who's at the door, Nordia?" Her eyes then shifted to me. She smile. "Oh hi, Kayla."

"Hello, Mrs. Knight. Do you know where Carson is? We were supposed to work on maths this evening."

"I don't know, dear." Mrs. Knight shrugged. "He was here after school, but he left half an hour ago."

"Okay, thank you." I waved goodbye to Mrs. Knight and left.

When I was out in the driveway of Carson's house, I stopped and began to think. I was worried about Carson. I know he wouldn't have gone anywhere, when he knew I was coming to his house. Where could he be? Did he forget that he was supposed to tutor me today?

I took out my phone and tried his number. No answer. It rang out and went straight to voicemail. I tried for a second time, getting the same results.

I began to walk in the direction of my house, when a thought came to me. Maybe he was at the gym where he trains. I turned in the direction of town, where the gym was located.

I found the place with ease, because I remembered that it was two buildings down from the cafe where I work. I went into the building and walked down the stairs. While walking, I saw that the place was vacant. No one was down here. I turned around and left the building again.

It was almost seven o'clock, so I decided to head home. I was walking by an old abandoned junk yard, when I heard a clanging noise. I looked up and saw Carson's car parked there. Glad that I found him, I went towards the junk yard.

When I entered, I spotted Carson immediately. He was on the other side of his car, throwing empty bottles against some old metals. What in the world was he doing?

"Carson!" I called, walking up to him. "Carson what are you doing?"

Carson turned by the sound of my voice. "Kitttenn." He stretched the letters out. He stumbled as he walked towards me. "What are you doing here?"

"Are you drunk?" I asked, watching every move he makes.

"Nope," he said, then grinned. "Of course not. If I was drunk, would I do this?" He picked up another empty glass bottle and throw it at the old metal. It made a loud noise through the quiet surrounding.

"Carson, stop that. Are you crazy? You could get in serious trouble if a patrol car should pass by here. You're not supposed to be here." I shouted at him.

"I'm not? Of course I am, because I'm a...Scorpio." He pointed at his chest. "Do you know why cars drive instead of fly?" He asked, his words slurred. He scrunched up his eyebrows as if it was a world changing question. "I think it's because they are a fish."

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