Expressing Feelings

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"Where's Kevin?" I asked Jasmine as I sat down with her in French class. Kevin had French with us, but I haven't seen him since morning.

"He's not here. Today is the band club's trip, remember?" She asked.

"Oh yeah." I said, nodding my head. I had forgotten that Kevin and the rest of his band club mates were going on a trip today.

"So how's it going at Carson's house?" Jasmine asked as she took out her books and pen for class.

I sighed. "It was going great, but yesterday Mr. Knight told me that I can't stay there any longer." I related.

She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why not?" She asked.

"He's afraid that my stepfather will file a report and the police would come down on him, tarnishing his reputation." I explained.

"Oh wow. I'm really sorry." She said, looking at me regretfully. She then turned towards me fully and looked at me seriously. "So, aren't you going to report him to the police? They can do something about it. I'm sure they will." 

"I've thought about it, but what if they don't believe me? I don't want to stir the pot to get my stepfather angry. He warned me not to tell anybody." I replied.

"Isn't the bruises and scars proof enough?" Jasmine asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"They'll probably think that I caused them on myself because I don't want to go home. Jaz, you don't know my stepfather. He's evil and malicious as well as a good liar. He'd come up with a story to make me look like the bad person. A rebellious girl." I explained as I thought about it. Everyone would believe him, because he was well known to be a nice and a good natured guy. Everyone respects him. Well, that's what the people who knew him thought. They were so wrong.

I've thought about going to the police thousands of times, but stopped myself in the end. My stepfather would make it look like I ran away from home because of minor parental issues, hurt myself and go to the police. They would have no substantial evidence to go on. I also know that after the police visits him with questions and he convinces them with his sweet lies, he would definitely hunt me down and kill me, because I told them. He would say that it was suicide and that I've always been having problems. He was good like that. I didn't want to take that risk.

"Oh, I didn't think about that." She looked at me, her eyes filled with worry. "But Kayla, you have to at least try telling the police. Who knows? Maybe they'll believe you. You just can't go back there. He'll hurt you again or worst. He needs to be stopped."

"I know Jasmine, but I'm scared. I'm really scared. I know it's a possibility for them to believe me, but what if they don't? I'll be in deep trouble then." I shared my fear and concern with Jasmine.

Jasmine sighed. "I know. I'm scared too." She looked down at her book on the desk and fiddled with her pen. She then looked at me again. "Don't worry girl, I'll think of something."

I smiled. "Thanks." We both turned back around in our seat, waiting for the teacher.

After a while, Jasmine looked around at me with excitement in her eyes. "Hey, guess what?" She asked. I looked at her, so she could continue. "Eli asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday."

I perked up with excitement, glad for something else to take my mind off my situation. "He did?" I asked. She nodded her head, her facing lighting up with her bright smile. "Jasmine, that's great. I'm so happy for you."

"Yes, I was so happy when he asked me. I like him, Kayla. I really like him." She said. I could see that she did like him and that made me very happy. She has been down for these couple of days, so I was glad that my best friend finally found someone who makes her happy. "Anyway, he asked me on a date tomorrow and I need you to go shopping with me to pick out a nice outfit."

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