37. V-TACH

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I couldn't even begin to explain how nervous I was as I started driving to the meet site. According to the FBI, they were able to see a black van leaving an abandoned warehouse not too far from the parking garage. He couldn't tell exactly who was in it, but there was good reason to believe that Lydia was in that van.

We went over the plan countless times. Agent Caffrey asked me to repeat it back to them over and over again. We had one chance to get this right. And if it did go right, then everyone would walk out alive and those responsible would be in jail. I kept telling myself that over and over again. Because, I had to believe it. I tried several times to ignore the bad feeling that I had in my gut. And against my own better judgment, I wrote a letter to Lydia and put it in my pocket.

I knew I was probably jinxing myself by writing it, but I couldn't stop thinking, what if? What if something happens and I don't make it out of here? I don't want my last words to her to be over a kidnapper's phone when she was terrified.

"Sean, can you hear me?" Agent Caffrey said through the earpiece.

"Yeah, I can hear you."

"Stick to the plan and everything will go smoothly. I know this is going to be hard, but do not engage him. Don't anger him."

"I got it."

"Good. Until we have visual confirmation that Lydia is in that van, we are going to assume that she is. We will take every precaution to retrieve her safely. Just go along with the exchange as planned, and do whatever he says. We'll handle the rest."

Five minutes later I was turning into the parking garage. My eyes immediately went to that black van that was parked in the far corner. I couldn't tell if she was in there or not. The windows were blacked out. I saw James standing in the center of the parking garage with his arms crossed over his chest. I wanted to run the fucker over.

I stopped the car a few feet in front of him, and as soon as I open the door, he yelled, "Slowly! Let me see your hands."

He really thinks I would be stupid enough to bring a weapon here and risk Lydia's life. "I don't have anything on me."

He pulled a phone from his pocket. "Let's get this done then."

I walked over to him, subtly glancing over to the van multiple times.

"Good job, Sean. Keep it cool."

"Did you come alone?" James asked suspiciously.

I kept my expression as blank as I could. Any hint of lying would mean someone was going to end up dead; and I wasn't going to let it be Lydia. "Of course, I did."

James' eyes darted around the parking garage. "Something's not right."

My heartbeat went into overdrive. My mind started racing, trying to figure out what I should do.

I heard the chatter of the agents over my ear piece.

"Everyone prepare to move in."
"Approaching from the south."
"Copy, that. In position."

"What do you mean?" I asked with the calmest voice I could make. "I'm here. Alone. Let's wire the fucking money already. "

James studied me for a few minutes before he took a few steps back. He reached behind his back at the same time I heard a car door open followed by, "James!"

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