Prologue: Summons

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As I returned to my senses I was above the clouds.

Only the area around me was made of white fluffy clouds, the surroundings were filled with dark lighting filled thunder clouds.

It was a cloud with nothing else on it...a vacant lot.

On this cloud there was one other man besides myself.

「What is this place!」

The man who had woken up later than me suddenly cried out.

He looked around, then when he saw me, he started to walk over while shouting.

「Oi you, where is this! What are you planning to do with me?」

「I don't know, before I noticed it I was here too.」

「Huuuhhh?」 (TN: Aggressive skeptical huh in Japanese used here lol)

The man looked me up and down as if he were inspecting me.

After a little while, he sneered in contempt.

「Well that's probably so. I don't think someone who looks so stupid could do something like this.」

He harshly said.

I took a long hard look at this guy.

His face was well proportioned; you could even say he was an ikemen (handsome guy). But once I saw how he ranted and raved at the first person he found and his contemptuous look and facial expression, I honestly felt that it was a shame—-I had that kind of impression.

『I see you have both awoken』

Suddenly I heard a woman's voice.

The voice came out of thin air, so the man and I searched around for the owner of the voice.

But no one was there. There was only me and this guy above the clouds.

『Akito and Seiya.』

Akito is my name, so I suppose that guy's name is Seiya.

「Who are you!」

『I am Ilia, the Goddess of this world』 (TN: Fun fact the name Ilia means God is Lord)

「Goddess you say? Quit joking and show yourself!」

Seiya howled, he has kept yelling at the invisible self-styled Goddess since a while ago.

「.....What does this goddess even want with us?」

Seiya gave me a glare, then ignored me.

Instead of just screaming, I'd like to know what the situation is.

『You have been summoned. For the purpose of restoring this world to life, you have been summoned to this world.』

『The one who summoned you to this world was none other than me, because I wish for this world to be restored.』

「Summoned? Restoration?」

『Please take a look』

The moment after Ilia spoke, a portion of the cloud below us turned transparent and we could see what was below our feet.

The ground is far away, and it is terribly high up.

Standing on top of something as see through as glass in a tower observation platform made my balls shrivel up.

The scenery that was visible from there was....a broad wasteland.

The very earth itself was ruined.

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