Chapter 3: Charging Less

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I spent the night inside my wooden house, once I woke up all of my joints were in pain.

I fell asleep quickly last night since I was tired from collecting all the materials, but I regretted going to sleep before taking the time to make a bed.

Today I want to make a the very least a mattress or so I thought.

I left my house and walked in front of Risha's house.

I knocked but there was no reaction.


I called out but there was no reaction.

I wonder what happened.

「I'm coming in.」

There wasn't any words of refusal, so I opened up the door and went in.

Just like me, I saw Risha sleeping on the floor.

For some reason Risha seemed to be in pain.

「Oi what's wrong?」

When she notices me Risha speaks up.

It sounds like her nose is completely stuffed up.

「I'b really sowwy......I'b gebbing up mow—–」
「It's fine, it's fine. Just lie down.」

I pushed Risha's shoulder back down as she was attempting to get up.

Though I had her lie back down she started to cough.

Stuffy nose and cough——a cold huh?

「I'b sowwy......I'll help out......」
「Yeah yeah it's fine just go back to sleep.」

I let Risha rest and went outside.

「Menu Open」

I opened the menu, paid 300 magic and placed the magic circle on the ground.

I don't know if it'll be effective, but it's the cure-all magic formation.

By following the arrow, I gather 5 abunoi grass.

I wonder if we gathered too much when we were building the houses....I finally found some after walking for at least 10 minutes.

I returned, finished the cure-all, and entered Risha's house.

「Here, drink this and let's see.」

She agreed in a hoarse voice and drank the cure-all.

*Gulp gulp* she swallowed it down her throat.


The next moment Risha's voice came back.

It's clear that the medicine worked.

「Thank you very much Master.」
「Did the medicine work alright? Are there any other places that feel sick?」
「There aren't any. Thanks to Master I feel completely better.」
「Is that so? Then that's good.」

The newly energetic Risha left the house with me.

「What should we do today Master?」
「Let's see.......」

I open my menu and gaze at it thinking. I keep staring and thinking....

I can roughly see that there isn't anything like a bed or futon in the menu. There doesn't seem to be anything that can be used for bedding.

I remember what happened yesterday. There certainly wasn't any wooden house at first, but once I identified the abunoi grass to make the cure-all the restriction was lifted.

Charging magic with a smileWhere stories live. Discover now