Chapter 6: The Slave's Gift

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Though I hit the monster in front of me with my iron sword, there was no real feedback.

Actually it was a rather strange response.

It feels soft like I was beating the dust out of a futon hanging out to dry, but it sounded like I was hitting metal.

I kick the monster's body and jump behind it.

「Is it no good with the iron sword!?」

Though it looks sharp I get the feeling that I won't be able to cut anything.

I mutter in annoyance and observe the monster again.

If I were to describe it in a few words it would be, a huge green caterpillar covered in white hair.

It is about as large as a car and its hair is pure white and fluffy, it looks just like a caterpillar.

It was a monster called an Elka(Eruka).

Its body was faintly glowing, in other words it was a material for the item I was trying to create.

The elka slowly turned towards me, it opened its jaws wide as ferocious fangs glittered in its mouth.

——It's coming!

In the next instant it plunges towards me making it seem like its earlier lethargy seem like a joke.

It rushed madly towards me making the wind howl as it tore through the air.

Immediately I jumped to the side and dodged. The elka rammed into the boulder that was behind me and bit down on it.


It crunched the huge rock into pieces. It has terribly sharp fangs and incredibly powerful jaws.

Being bitten would be awful, a human's body would be torn apart easily.

My arm was just grazed by it a moment ago and it was still spurting blood.

This is a dangerous monster——or so I was thinking but I soon found a weak-point.

It slowly turned itself to face the direction that I'd dodged.

It was surprisingly slow. It takes about 10 seconds for it to turn around 360 degrees.

It has a fast forward rush, but it was weak at turns.

Once I understood that I raised my speed and started running circles around the elka, when I found an opening I cut it with my iron sword.

Round and round I continued to cut it.

We entered a pattern.

But there was still no response.

I kept cutting it as the metallic *gakiin* sound continued, finally it changed to a *pechi pechi* sound.

The *pechi pechi* sound felt like it was the result of continuously causing 1 point of damage.

*pechi pechi* *pechi pechi*


This continued for about an hour.


Finally, I got a proper attack in. The iron sword had a nick in the blade from hitting it too much, but it finally penetrated the elka's fur.


I put all my weight into it and pierced into the elka's body.

The outsides were tough but the insides are soft.
The iron sword was all nicked up by now, but it cut through it like butter.

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