Chapter 5: The Happiest Thing

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—Magic has been charged by 5000—

I suddenly heard the voice as I was gathering materials.

No one was around me, I was all alone.

I was surprised since the pattern up till now consisted of my magic being charged by Risha smiling or feeling happy.

「Menu Open」

I looked at the DORECA.

Type: Normal Card
Magic Power Level: 5900
Number of Items Created: 11
Number of Slaves: 1

Yep it did increase, the almost dried up magic power had increased.

I wonder if something happened?

I was curious so I returned to the houses.

I found Risha just as she was coming out of the storehouse.


Risha trotted over to me.

「I'm home Risha. Did something good happen?」
「Eh? H-how did you know?」

Needless to was because I got a large magic charge, but even without that it was obvious by the cheerful way she trotted over and the look on her face.

She seemed unusually delighted, she had an aura around her as if she'd start skipping happily at any moment.

「Actually I picked this up!」

Risha said and showed me an iron sword.

It was an iron sword that looked just like the one I had, except much older.

「You picked that up?」
「I see...」

Someone made it, then they either lost it or discarded it and she picked it up...

「It matches with Master!」

Risha said while grinning with joy.

Was she that happy to match with me?

This cute thing.


Her smiling face changed. Risha looked behind me with a curious expression.

「I wonder......what's that?」

I turned around and saw the cloud of dust that Risha was looking at.
It was moving and heading this way.

I strained my eyes and saw that it was caused by several monkeys with ferocious looking faces and extremely long sharp claws.

「It's a monster! Wh-what should we do Master!?」

Risha panicked.

「Calm down, I'm here.」
「I'll do something about this. Risha stand back.」
「Ok——–no, I'll fight too. Please let me fight.」

She grasped her iron sword firmly.

「Alright, but if it gets dangerous fall back.」

—Magic has been charged by 2,000—

It seems like my magic power has increased again, but I don't have any room to pay attention to that.

It looks like there are four monsters. Since we were outnumbered, I braced myself for a fight.

——but, this was a total let-down...

They were weak, so weak that it was surprising.

They were about the size of a person and they were swinging their sharp looking claws around.

Charging magic with a smileWhere stories live. Discover now