Chapter 10: Double the Happiness, Double the Power

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I counted the number of fallen people.

Altogether there were only 20 men and women.

If I returned with these people then we'd have 27 in total.

Up till now, even if we called it a town, there were only about 5 people there. Now with 27 people we can at least say that we're a village.

In order to increase the number of people we have more quickly, I went out of my way to find these slave-beasts.

While I was going around to check whether or not they were alive, I suddenly realized something.

Of the twenty people, there was one woman with pointed ears and blonde hair.

The elf-like of the eternal slave race.

She looked exactly like Risha.

By chance could this be—-


The girl groaned and opened her eyes. It looks like she's come around.

「You're awake huh?」
「Yep.......wai- a a human!?」

She sprung up and shrank back instantly.

She scuttled backwards on her hands and rear, then began shaking and staring at me in fear.

Is she scared of humans.....? Did something scary happen to her?

Be that as it may I would never do 「something scary」 to her.

It's my policy to treat these praiseworthy slaves with admiration.

「It's ok, I won't do anything.」

I chuckled with a smile, but that didn't really do much.

She was trembling as she stared at me.

Every time I took a step forward she frantically retreated another step.

Uh, what should I do in this situation?

As I was thinking to myself.


From behind me I heard a voice. It was Risha's voice.

I turned around and saw Risha rushing over wearing her dress and choker.

「What's wrong?」
「Master was late in returning so I got worried and ended up coming.」
「You've done well to find me out he——oh I get it. The arrow pointing to the slave-beast claws is still there.」

That should be pointing out this direction even till now. Once the apes turned back into humans, the ground was covered in a number of claws.

Risha could reliably chase after me if that's the case.

「Oh right, have you brought any panacea with you Risha?」
「Yes, I still have some that Master gave me.」
「For now, I need you to give me some back, I've completely used up what I took with me.」
「Alrigh—–what!? You used it all?」

As she was taking out the panaceas Risha it dawned on her and she got startled.

「Master, you should have taken a lot of it with you right? Why did you have to use all of it?」
「There was a really strong monster that I had to fight, so I used it on that...」
「EEHHHH!? Are you alright!?」
「As you can see」

I did a guts (flexing) pose.

「Thank goodness......」

Risha sighed in relief. Her face looked relieved from the bottom of her heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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