Chapter 7: I Became the Mayor

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By hunting the elkas I obtained more white caterpillar hair.

Even though I'm only using it to make normal clothing, the possibility that it is actually a high class material is likely.

At any rate, the more I have the better when the time comes for me to make more, so I went out to find and defeat more.

By the way the elkas were easily defeated using my new sword – Eternal Slave.

With the iron sword I was rewarded with pechi pechi sounds when I hit it, but now I can split it in two with a single swing.

As I thought, it's an incredible weapon.

Also I found a little trick I could use.

When I created the magic circle for the normal clothes, it would act like a radar that would show where the elkas were. Anyways this felt like just a little something extra.

At any rate, I returned to the land where we planned to create a town with the bundles of hair.


I was astonished by the spectacle before my eyes.

The houses were destroyed.

They were collapsing and black smoke was coming out of them.

「What happened!」

Joseph heard me and ran over.

「Ah Akito-san. Monsters attacked.」
「Yes, an extremely strong monster.....we put up a fight, but this was the result....」

Joseph said with a face that looked as though he'd been chewing on lemons.

As I looked around some more, I saw that there were people injured in addition to the damage.

It truly had the feeling of "after an attack".

「I'm sorry, you even went to the trouble of making them for us...」
「It's fine. Leave it alone, just help me make medicine.」

The moment I opened my DORECA menu—-

Type: Normal Card
Magic Power Level: 20,873
Number of Items Created: 18
Number of Slaves: 1
I was surprised.

For some reason my Magic Power Level had become a really half-assed number.

There should have been 20,200 left. Then there should have been an additional 20,000 that came from the completion of the Eternal Slave weapon.

Nevertheless, it was decreasing...

What is this?


Joseph asked as he saw my confusion.

「No, it's nothing.」

For now, let's set this aside. I made 10 magic circles for cure-all.

I made some to use right now, and some to stock for later.

I left it to Joseph, then stood in front of the destroyed houses.

I opened the menu again. In the crafting list there was something called 「Restoration」.

It wasn't there yesterday, but it was there now.

I wonder if it appears when something you made is destroyed?

I cast 「Restoration」 on all of the houses.

It took 1,250 for each. It was half the cost of making them.

It only needed half the materials as well, when we took the materials out of the storehouse and put them in, the houses were restored.

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