They Capture A Mermaid

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        Hey! Me here! I just wanted to say this is my first story on wattpad, so please dont hate on it. I accept creative criticism but dont have an actual schedule of when I update. I just try to get updates out as often as I can. But I still have life outside of wattpad and I might be busy.
          Credits to the artist of this image! I just dont know who they are😫

               Kaminari's P.O.V
          I was swimming as fast as I could, but it wasnt fast enough. With my wounded tail and fins I was 10 times slower, and they were gaining on me. I swam through corals, small holes and anything I thought would stop them long enough for me to run away. The sharks were catching up, but I would either escape them or put up a hell of a fight before they catch me. I heard a snap of jaws were my tail was a second ago. With a sudden burst of energy from the sickening fear in my stomach I swam faster and narrowly escaped another sickening snap . I was swimming in the open sea because it was easier for me to move that way, so when an enormous shadow crept over me I thought it was either a whale or the sharks had backup.
         My energy was gone, i couldn't move anymore. I slowly sunk deeper into the ocean, unable to go any longer. I closed my eyes and waited for death when I felt myself being hauled up into the open air. I opened my eyes to see i was surrounded by a net. I tried to breath but i couldn't, i began to gasp and clutch my chest. Just then, I noticed there was a crowd of people watching me. One yelled something at the rest but my mind was to distorted by my lack of oxygen that it just melted into the background as the drumming in my ears continued.       
        Hands grabbed at me as I felt myself being lifted, and then dunked into a tank of water. I took huge gulps of oxygen, and coughed a little bit. When my mind was finally cleared I turned to look at the people, and by their clothes and surroundings I knew who they were, they were pirates. I was doomed.
           Sero's P.O.V
      I hauled up our fishing net with my tape and found it was heavier than usual. It took 4 of us to finally bring it up and boy were we shocked to see what we caught. It was a blond haired boy with a lightning shaped black mark on the side of his hair. He had a beautiful golden-yellow tail which was showered in cuts and gashes. He began to gasp and clutch his chest when I remembered that fish cant breath air.
      I called everybody and Captain Aizawa yelled at everybody to prepare the water tank. Then we all picked him up and placed him in the tank as quickly as we could. He coughed but seemed to be breathing again. When he had finally calmed himself from his earlier near-death experience, he turned to look at us. His eyes widened as he backed away into the corner of the glass tank. Captain Aizawa told us to take care of things because he was tired and left, what a jerk! I gently put my hand on the tank and started to talk to him softly "Its alright... You are okay.... We are not going to hurt you..." Then, our hotheaded idiot, Bakugo seemed to have enough with this because he stuffed his hand into the water and attempted to grab the fishboy. The water crackled and the boy hissed loudly. Bakugo pulled out his hand, it looked burnt. Our rich but gay queen, Momo looked at it and confirmed this can only be done by lightning.
        I started whispering sweet, comforting words to him and the boy relaxed again. He started to approach my hand carefully, but after 20 seconds, put his hand against mine. The only thing separating us now was the glass. I brought my other hand into the water and touched his head softly. He seemed to trust me now because he rubbed himself against my hand and then winced. He grabbed his tail and looked at me. I asked Momo to create, because that is her quirk, some medical equipment. She gave them to me and said they were water proof as well. I thanked her and slowly put my leg in the tank. Slowly, inch by inch, I got into the tank. I knew that this boy could kill me right now but I had to try to help. I wrapped his tail and fins and got out of the tank. He then said in a soft, almost melodious voice, "Who are you?"

         Kaminari's P.O.V
   "Who are you?" I asked after the black haired boy wrapped my tail and got out of the tank. I was confused, they were pirates, they were the bad guys in all the books and stories, everybody said they were the ones who brought the mermaid race to near extinction. But they were helping me. "We are the Mauraders! And we are the most feared pirates in the 7 seas! Everybody knows us have you been living under a rock!?" Yelled the blond with spiky blond hair. "No, I have not been living under a rock, though my friends the hermit crabs live under shells" i said smiling.
     The boy was going to say something more but another boy with red hair led him away and yelled an apology. They seemed not to hear me very well because I was under water, so I concentrated hard on my tail. I felt my tail become less solid and pulled it apart. Now I had two human legs with golden-yellow fish scales and fins on the end. I climbed out of the tank but fell forward, landing on the chest of the black haired boy who wrapped my tail.
     I got up and managed to stand in place. The girl who made me the bandages spoke, "I apologize if this question seems uncivilized or rude to you but, are you a mermaid?" I started laughing, they looked confused and I said, "Its not rude at all! Actually it is very kind of you to even care what i am!" The girl smiled in relief and i continued, "I am a Mermaid." Then the old man who left came back and asked me to go with him to the captain's quarters for a much needed talk. 

            Sero's P.O.V
    Captain Aizawa took the strange boy to his quarters and we sat down in silence. "So..... We found a MERMAID!" Yelled our pink queen, Mina. "How many coins you wanna bet Captain will let him join!" Said our Mochi queen, Uraraka. Everybody began yelling about how many gold coins they were getting but I zoned out. All I could think of was how this logically made sence, it didnt.                                  
    Mermaids went extinct over 100 years ago and now we found one. I began to wonder if the boy was okay, he seemed tired, not only physically. I was deep in thought when I heard people say my name, so pretended not to hear but listened, "I bet 8 gold coins the boy will fall for Sero!" Yelled our manly man, Kirishima. "Well I bet 13 gold coins Tape face will fall for him first!" Yelled Bakugo. Their betting was cut short when the boy walked in. "The Captain says I get to stay here...." He said softly.   
          Everybody stretched out on their seats and apologized that there was no place to sit other than on me. I stared at them wide eyed and the boy mumbled about how he didnt need to sit. Our queen of the sea, Tsuyu, threw him onto my lap with her tongue. He looked at me as if he was scared I would get mad and hurt him or somthing like that. I just sat and looked away. Then our You Cant See Me queen (If you didnt catch on, all women are queens😌) Hagakure, asked the boy "Hey, can you tell us something about yourself? I wanna get to know you!" Everybody nodded their heads in agreement. So the boy began, "My name is Kaminari Denki, I'm 16.... I think? I haven't celebrated my birthday before but-" He was cut off when Uraraka yelled "YOU HAVE NEVER CELEBRATED YOUR BIRTHDAY!" Everybody silenced her, wanting to know more about the boy. "I love water animals but that's normal, And I am apperantly useful to you guys"

                       Hi! Author-chan here again! How did you like it? I will probably                                continue this, but if no one is interested I wont. I hope you enjoyed! I repeat, I accept creative/constructive criticism!
                                ~I Love Anyone Nice Enough To Read This!❤❤❤❤

My Little Mermaid~ 《KamiSero》♡Where stories live. Discover now