Living with the Marauders

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      Kaminari's P.O.V
   I woke up to someone yelling my name, "Kaminari! Jesus Kaminari! You are such a heavy sleeper!" Mina yelled. "I'm up..." I mumbled and crawled out of bed, "Now please leave so I can change." She sighed and left my room after telling me there was a meeting in the lounge. I have been living with the Marauders for about a week now and am alive and well.
     There seems to have been some misunderstandings on both sides of the story, because pirates thought mermaids were fearsome creatures that need to be killed and mermaids thought pirates were horrible demons you should avoid. I put on one of the shirts they lent me and found it was huge. I sighed and put on some pants. I was in my human form but I haven't used it in many years so I suppose I'm not very good at walking, scratch that, I'm horrible at walking. I practically crawled to my bedside table to get my bandana. I put it on my neck for now and stumbled out of the room. (In many images pirates wore bandanas on their heads to keep sweat and hair from falling into their eyes so if he isn't doing work it is logical to put it somewhere else, and the other images they wear them around their neck so-)
     I made it to the kitchen and saw Sato was making breakfast alone, "Need any help?" I asked him and, with the support of the wall, got to the kitchen. He muttered something's about how Mineta could not help so he had the shift alone, and then turned to me "Please serve these to the conference at the lounge, I already finished making everything." I walked with the plates in my hands and my concentration at its peak, and I finally got to the lounge. I sighed and set the plates on the table. Sato thanked me for helping and I simply told him it was no big deal. I heard a cough at the other end of the table and turned to see Captain Aizawa looking strait at me, "Let's start this so it ends faster." He muttered. We began to discuss my work schedule and what the chores needed to be done on the ship were. I listened and made notes in my mind to try and do some chores to repay their kindness and of course, to do my job was necessary.

              Sero's P.O.V
    Kaminari walked out of the lounge and up to me, "You're on fishing duty, right?" He asked. "I am" I replied looking down at the shorty. "Well, my new job is helping with fishing duty." He said proudly, "Also, the sun is pretty high in the sky, are we late?" He asked. I looked up and sure enough we seemed to be a little late. I grabbed his hand and started running for the fishing post.
     We got there and Kaminari told us his plan, "You guys have to be prepared to haul up the net when I say now, a minute later and you wont catch anything." And with that, he jumped. We prepared the net and looked over the railing of the ship, there he was swimming around and making some kind of underwater sound. I sighed, we all knew it wasnt going to work, but when he gave us the signal we pulled up the net. It was heavy. We needed more people to haul it up, but when it was up we got the biggest surprise of the day, it was full of fish. 
      Kaminari jumped onto the ship and shook his hair. His legs were back and his clothes were drenched, "If I've caught enough fish, can I go change?" He asked us and rubbed the back of his neck. We all told him he could leave and when he did we all fell silent and stared at the net, it was enough fish for everyone to eat and it would last at least three days. We snapped out of our daze when Kaminari returned. He began taking the fish to the storage room and we helped as well.
       Once we were done I took of my bandana and hung it on the railing to dry. Evryone did the same, whether on the railing or not, and went to the main room to chill out. We all sat down in the main room, eating Sato's treats, talking, or sleeping, it was quite a peaceful afternoon. Wait no, Mina ruined it with the mention of do or tell. (I have read and role played soooooo many plots with truth or dare and I dont want it here! Also "Do or Tell" sounds older in my ears... for some reason....) 
       She wanted to play with all of the Mauraders and Kaminari to "officially welcome" him or something. Bakugo and I said no, but no one cared. And before we knew it, we were playing too. Mina started by asking Kaminari how it felt to be part of the Mauraders, he said he was a little overwhelmed with kindness because of the tales about evil pirates that were shook into his head ever since he could remember. We continued the game quite peacefully and just when I actually didn't mind playing, Mineta ruined it.
      He dared Kaminari to sit on me, thankfully Captain Aizawa was here so he couldn't do more. Kaminari stumbled over to me after the girls pushed him and gently sat on me. He was very light and he was pretty much sitting in the hole in my lages cause I was cross legged. I looked at Kaminari and saw a light red tinted his face,. Was he blushing because of me? That made me feel little butterflies in my stomache but they died when I realized he was probably red from rage, or he was blushing cause everyone was looking at him.

     Kaminari's P.O.V
   I sat in between Sero's crossed legs and looked down, this was so embarrassing! I was sitting with Sero, who is one of the hotte- Nicest boys in the crew. And while the game continued I began admiring his face, I saw him look at me and averted my eyes. I had to get a hold of myself, I had to. I started paying attention to the game and was not regretting it, the crew made Bakugi chose a person he has to be nice to and if he's mean, he has to give them a billion gold! What a bet!
     He looked around the room and his eyes landed on me, "I'll be nice to the fish- um, I mean Kaminari" He said to the crew. They then said he couldn't change person and that they hadn't finished, he had to be nice to them forever, well that would explain the amount of gold. It then dawned on me that I would either have Bakugo being nice to me, meaning he might protect me in battle or help me around the ship, or I would be filthy rich, like ten copper are worth one silver, and 100 silver make up one gold. A pirate ship is like a hundred gold, I could buy a hundred-thousand of those! We ended the game and I couldn't stop smiling.
       As I was walking clumsily to my room Bakugo walked up to me and asked if I was ok, an irk mark visible on his head. I told him I wasnt used to walking and just as I started saying I was fine he picked me up and carried me to my room. He opened the door and lay me down onto the bed, and asks if I need anything. I laugh and tell him I'm okay, he leaves and mutters a "Thanks for not abusing this..."

               Little does Kaminari know, a certain someone was getting jelly~

     Hi, I have updated again! And its thanks to kaminariikun being my first reader and showing me someone is waiting for my updates, which motivated me to continue!

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