Final chapter (sorry guys)

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I'm very sorry.... Expect angst...... I was listening to NF and I had to continue on the bumpy rode I wrote on the last chapter..... There might be swearing too.....

3rd P.O.V
After they were sure the group was gone, Kaminari got off of Bakugo. "Thank you... " Said Bakugo. "I didn't think you would play along so well...." Kaminari laughed, "Bro, that is in the past...." He then panicked and said "What do we do for the party?" He didn't mean to push it that far, he just wanted Kirishima to go away and feel bad. He definitely didn't want to make it seem like Bakugo was his lover. Bakugo seemed uncomfortable and finally said, "I don't know what to do...." Kaminari looked at his broken expression and he was sure he heard his heart crack. "I'll pretend to be your boyfriend." He said and Bakugo grinned and hugged him. "But we have to seem like we're in a relationship, right Suki?" Kaminari said playfully, and Bakugo rolled his eyes, "Alright Kami." "Ooh~ God*? I like it" Said Kaminari. They then prepared themselves for the party.

*I believe Kami means god in Japanese, correct me if I'm wrong.

Still 3rd person P.O.V
They put on some suits and walked out of Bakugo's room. Then Sero pulled Kaminari away for a moment, but because Bakugo was his "boyfriend" He followed. "Kaminari..... I..." Sero started to say but Kaminari shushed him and looked around, he then smiled at Sero, "I like you too you idiot." Sero barely had time to register what Kaminari said when he quickly added "But I'm pretending to be Bakugo's boyfriend for now...." Sero hugged him and whispered, "I'll wait.." Bakugo smiled and patted Kaminari's back, indicating that they should go. They then walked into the party room hand in hand and everyone stopped and stared at the two as they walked toward the table with the drinks. Kaminari served Bakugo a drink and handed it to him with a wink, Bakugo smiled and kissed his cheek. They drank and laughed until Kaminari noticed Kirishima staring at Bakugo. He pulled the angry blond boy in for a kiss, which he happily excepted. They started making out as Kirishima walked over to them. "Can I talk to you...? Please" He asked them quietly. Kaminari looked up at him and back at Bakugo, he nodded and the three left the room. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you! I love you and I wanted to tell you! I just didn't know how to kiss and-" Kirishima started to say but Bakugo cut him off with a kiss. "I love you too," He said when he broke the kiss. Kirishima looked startled and then smirked, "You got me very worried" He said "Bad boy. Bad boys need to be punished~" Bakugo blushed as Kirishima carried him away. Kaminari walked back to the room and snuggled into Sero's chest. Everyone was so confused! Until Kaminari explained everything to them.

The Mauraders Continued on to be the greatest pirates in history. Beig part of heroic battles, having the most touching deaths, and the cutest couples!

Heyy! The book is done...... But I am making another one! It will be a boyxboy request book! With all the fandoms that are listed in my bio! You can request! I'll try my best to update often. Anyways, how was my first book? I hope you liked it, and if you have ideas, I'm always open. 💜❤

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