Tecnical difficulties! (will we still have a party?)

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        Slight swear warning!

        Denki's P.O.V
    After returning to the ship I went straight to my room and collapsed onto my bed, at 7 o'clock. Bad idea. I woke up the next morning at 5:30 am, "Shit," I thought "What now?". As I thought I heard banging from the room next door.
       Curious, I walked over to the door and knocked softly. The banging inside stopped and the door creaked open, it was Bakugo. He looked like he was about to yell but then he saw me, and wordlessly let me in. He sat on his bed and I realised he had been crying, I sat on the bed next to him and embraced him. He stiffened for a second and then broke down. He cried in my arms for what seemed like an eternity until his crying soon turned into soft sniffles.
       "What's wrong Bakugo?" I asked him softly. He looked up at me and sighed, "I l-like someone....." He said softly. "And I saw him kissing a girl....." I frowned, who the fuck would do this to Bakugo?! I rubbed circles on his back and asked him, "Who was this? Who were these two people?!" I tried to hide the anger in my voice but obviously failed. He looked up at me and whispered, "Kirishima, I l-like him...... And I saw him kissing M-Mina...." He started tearing up again and I was fuming.
      I got up, got snacks, got some good movies, and pulled the blanket up onto Bakugo. "Wait here, I'll come back and we can have a lazy day." I said as he smiled.
      I walked out of his room and to Mina's room. I knocked on the door loudly, waking up some people who came out to see was happening. She opened the door and I looked behind her, Kirishima was on her bed. He blushed and started to stutter, "It's not what it looks like Kaminari!". I stared at him and Mina before slapping Mina across the face. She recoiled and held her cheek, Kirishima got up and started to ask what happened to me. I slapped him too, then, in my most disgusted tone I said, "You hurt him, so I fucking hurt you!" I then pushed Mina onto Kirishima and walked past the crowd of surprised people that surrounded the scene.
       I knew some were following me, but I didn't care. I walked back to Bakugo's room and opened the door, he was there, waiting for me. I smiled and left the door opened slightly for the people to see. I smiled at Bakugo and hugged him, I turned on Terminator and snuggled with him. To everyone's surprised, he cuddled into me and we watched the movie together.

     3rd person P.O.V (I like this pov)
           Outside of Bakugo's room stood the Deku squad and some others. "What happened?" Squeakrd out Uraraka. They all looked at each other and then Todoroki stood up, "Kirishima and Mina did something that angered Bakugo, then Denki got mad at them for hurting Bakugo and hurt them.". He said and sighed.                                     Kirishima walked to the group and they all looked at him for answers. "I don't know why Bakugo was mad, but I..... Did make out with Mina in the hallway......" He said quietly.
        Deku's face lit up and he explained the situation, "Kacchan saw you and Mina kissing and must've gotten sad and angry because he liked you Kiri-chan!" Everyone saw Kirishima's expression turn from confusion, to surprise, to absolute dread. He fell to his knees, "But..... I like Bakugo!" He said angrily. Everyone stared at him, "Then why we're you making out with Mina?" Asked Todoroki. "I wanted to tell him at the party and I don't know how to kiss, so Mina offered to teach me....." He said softly. Everyone stared at each other and cringed at the horrible misunderstanding. Just then Kaminari walked out of the room with an angry expression, "Stop crowding around here, get lost!" He yelled and then notices Kirishima. He looked like he was about to lose it and charge at him, when Bakugo came from behind him and wrapped his arms around Kaminari's waist, "Babe," He said glaring at Kirishima. "Let's go back inside, don't waste your time on these extras."
           Kaminari smirked and turned around to hug Bakugo back, "Yeah babe, but show these extras who you belong to~" He said as Bakugo tilted his head up and kissed him. Kirishima's heart shattered as the two kissed and Kaminari closed the door with his leg. Then Uraraka kicked open the door and saw Kaminari in between Bakugo's legs as they leaned on the bed. She gulped and then stated loudly, "The party is today, and you both have to come, you are the main guests." They stared at her and then Bakugou said "Yeah whatever." And continued to kiss Kaminari as she left the room.

Heyy! Two updates in one day? In the span of less then 12 hours? Wow! I really love you! Sorry for the cliffhanger, and no Sero pov. I don't like his pov, so it's always short. Next part is the party! Will Kiri win Bakugo's heart? And what will happen when Sero sees Bakugo and Kaminari? See when I update! Hopefully tomorrow! Cause typing on a phone is reeeaaally hard!

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