An Angry Friendship

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        Kaminari's P.O.V
   I woke up to the usual, Bakugo yelling at someone and everybody else laughing, in the other room, but i still heard it. I got out of bed and put on my new clothes, Captain Aizawa got me pirate gear. I had a light blue shirt-thing underneath a dark blue jacket with gold lining. I had dark blue pants and some brown boots with MORE gold lining, like how? I had a gold choker and a necklace on, as well as beautiful belt with a diamond shaped jewel, it might actually be a diamond! I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't recognize my reflection. I looked.... great. I walked around the room a few times, and when I had gotten the hang of walking to some extent, I walked out of my room.           
   I went to the common area and saw that most of the crew was awake. I walked in slowly and everybody turned to look at me. There was an awkward silence until all of the girls jumped on me. "OMG!", "You look amazing!" They yelled and began pinching my cheeks and embarrassing me. I looked down and blushed, "Th-thanks..." I mutter causing the girls to yell more. I was suddenly pulled back into a strong body, "Leave him alone! Cant you see he is uncomfortable?!" Yelled the unmistakable voice of Bakugo. The girls muttered and left. "Thank you Bakugo!" I said turning to him and bowing. "Tch, no need to bow, it was nothing. Come, I made us breakfast." I walked after him to the table and the greatest smell hit me like a tsunami. "Wow! What did you make! It smells great!" I exclaimed as Bakugo and I sat down, "Its just some kelp dish, since you said you were veg." He said between mouthful of food. I smiled and started to eat. "He remembered...." I thought to myself.
     After we finished our breakfast Captain Aizawa called us for a meeting. "You all know about our rivals, The Changelings, they have challenged us to a duel" He explained, drawing gasps from the crew. Next to me, Bakugo was infuriated. "How dare those bastards!! I beat all of them last time! Those fu-" He started to say when I cut him off by putting a hand on his shoulder, "Calm down Baku, take this as another chance to beat them. To show them that even if they trained hard for this you're still better." I said and patted him on the back. He calmed down and stared at Captain Aizawa, wait in for him to continue. "So we will send three of you to battle them." He said and then sighed. "Write the name of who you think should go and hand you paper to me," He said and then glared at bakugo. "And you cant put your own name." Bakugo swore and muttered some incoherent things while grabbing his paper. I took my paper and sighed, the choice was obvious for me, I scribbled Bakugo's name onto the paper and gave it to the Captain.
   "The votes are in." He said and then picked up a paper, "Kaminari!" He said writing one tally mark under my name. I looked around to see who wrote it but was drawn back to the Captain when he chose another paper, "Bakugo!" He said and tallied Baku's name too. The picking continued, Bakugo and I were definitely going but the third person was a tie between Tokoyami and Sero. Captain Aizawa picked up the last name, "Sero!" He said at last. Tokoyami muttered somthing about how it was daylight and he was considered useless as Sero walked over to us. "Congrats man!" I said and patted him on the back. "Thanks Kami!" He said. Wow, he gave me a nickname.

            Sero's P.O.V
   Kaminari patted me on the back when I walked over to him and Bakugo. I still couldn't understand why the Exploding Pomeranian even had to come! I smiled at them both and stood beside Kami while the Captain explained how we would be getting to the Changlings. "They have chosen an island as your battleground." He said, "You better win, because they bet our ship on it." What the hell Aizawa! Everyone now looked at us three as if we were the last gold coin left. Kaminari and Bakugo exchanged a glance and then smiled. "So, just the island or the sea around it too?" They asked together. Why couldn't I be that synchronized with Kami. Captain Aizawa smiled, "They said nothing about the sea..." He said at last. The two boys looked at eachother and smirked. "When are we leaving?" I asked the Captain. He looked at us and said, "Now."

                       Hey, Author-chan here! I'm struggling with some things irl and in the story. You guys probably guessed that I'm writing this story on the spot, I dont have any plans and just let it flow. So if you know any pirate crew names for; the villains, general studies, support class, and business class please tell me because I suck at naming things! >□<! I am also having some issues with writer's block, but only on Sero's P.O.V! Everywhere else is fine! Except for some personal, mostly emotional, issues in my life at the moment. I'm not going to stop writing but I might not update in a little while, (not that i update that often anyways-). Thank you for those who are reading this story and stayed with me till now. I will write more often as soon as the emotional struggle dies down. (Or I may write more now because nothing calms me down more than writing-).

Love you all,♡♡♡ Author-chan~

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